Tag Archives: assimilation

Naranja News: Today’s Wild and Wonderful OC News Bulletin

Here are some wild and wonderful stories from behind The Orange Curtain that you just have to see to believe:

Irvine protesters hold out hope for peace. There may have been only 80 antiwar activists holding their candles for peace last night, but they certainly made an impact. Martin Wisckol has more in today’s Register.

Gilchrist makes peace with former foe to fight new foes. Apparently, Mr. Minuteman has now hired a former GOP candidate in the 2005 Special Election as his attorney as he battles his former allies in court to retake control of Minuteman Project, Inc. Martin Wisckol also has more on this story in today’s Register.

How have the Vietnamese-Americans assimilated… Or have they? That’s been a question that all of us behind The Orange Curtain have asked since the special election debacle began to unfold last month. Guest bloggers Ralph E. Shaffer and Walter P. Coombs have some interesting answers at The Liberal OC. And finally…

Crazy Dana caught on video! He spoke out against the imprisonment of the two Border Patrol agents on Saturday… And he did it just before going surfing. Joe Shaw has the full video at Orange Juice.