Tag Archives: blame

Dems Get Blamed

The public is looking for someone to blame for what has happened to California.  On the radio and in blogs, and in a few conversations the anger over this budget deal seems increasingly channeled at Democrats.  You see, according to conservatives, instead of making REAL cuts in waste and fraud, these liberals are instead letting murderers out of prison.

Democrats, please don’t let them get away with this.  Make the Republicans own their budget.  Refuse to vote for it until enough Republicans do!

This is a potentially explosive situation.  People are going to be very angry as these cuts hit home.  This is the kind of thing that can build a narrative that sweeps an election — like the one that brought us Schwarzenegger.

It is important that you serve the public, and old people need their oxygen tanks.  So you need to get the state functioning again.  But the blame game is just as important because it could sweep these idiots and wingnuts into complete control of the state if the anger is channeled against you.  So it is also responsible of you to be aware of the blame game.

Make the Republicans vote for this budget.  When the vote comes just wait.  Tell the press that you are waiting for the Republican votes and then you will also vote.

The Tahoe Fire Blame Game

The Local ABC Affilliate highlights a wonderful little Blame Game (the video is the “Blame Game” By the Manges) in the Tahoe Angora Fire.  You see, the local city councilmen and county supervisors are blaming each other, and the mean, mean environmentalists for not clearing fuel (ie dead plant matter) from the forests near the fire zone. You can watch the story here.

Already the finger pointing has started. A South Lake Tahoe city councilman is blaming environmentalists for slowing efforts to clean out dead trees and brush around Lake Tahoe. The fire was less than 24 hours old before multiple groups were being blamed for not doing enough to prevent it. (ABC7 6/27/07)