Tag Archives: Paul Clay

Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration & Presidential Candidate Tabling – January 10, 2008

(Xposted from www.mydesert.com)

January 10, 2008 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Presidential Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).

A cool desert night saw multitudes of proud, progressive, Democrats and throngs of supportive locals, visitors, and prospective voters.  The trend is clear…red-to-purple-to-blue.

The Democratic clubs were represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democratic Club (DSD) staffing the tables thanks to George Zander, President of DSD, and Bob Silverman, Treasurer of DSD.  Remember, the montly meeting of the DSD Democratic Club occurs on Saturday, January 12, 2008, beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Desert Pride Center, 611 S. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs.  Re full disclosure, BluePalmSpringsBoyz iz a member of DSD.  Eleanor Jackson staffed the Democrats of the Desert Democratic Club table.

More below the flip…

Paul Clay, teacher and an announced candidate for the CA 45th Congressional District to replace Mary Bono Baxely Mack, absentee Congresswoman, R-CA, discussed his congressional campaign and recent progress towards the party nomination.

Proud progressive Democrats discussed the recent victory in the New Hampshire primary of Sen. Hillary Clinton.  The excitement was tangible as activists discussed the pros and cons of the Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama and former-Sen. John Edwards campaigns for President.  Activists also discussed the absence of Gary Jeandron, candidate for the Republican nomination for the CA 80th Assembly District from the dedication of the Cathedral City monument to its soldier fallen in Iraq yesterday.  Interesting.

Back to Village Fest. Tracy Turner, Vets for Peace, helped stir the discussion concerning Mary Bono Baxely Mack’s (R-CA) support for Pres. Bush’s failed Iraq occupation policies. He discussed the Vets for Peace plans for ongoing vigils and marches. More on anti-occupation efforts as information becomes available.

Gene Stillman and others staffed the John Edwards for President table (re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz iz a John Edwards for President supporter).  They distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, signed up volunteers for the Edwards for President Campaign, and solicited voters to register to vote.  They discussed Edward’s strong standing in the delegate counts thus far (see CNN.com for totals including the Super Delegates).  Other Democratic Party activists staffed tables for the Hillary Clinton campaign (Wayne and Frank, Greg Rodriguez and his sons) and the Barack Obama campaign (Ed Grubman, Charlotte Murphy, M.D., and others).  Zander noted that at one time, 41 people surrounded the DSD, DoD, Edwards, Clinton, Obama, and Kucinich tables while only two women sat lonely and despairing at the Republican booth.  So very sad, and telling, indeed.

We registered eighteen voters last night, including one change of party affiliation from the darkside to the Democratic party and two changes from the Libertarian party to the Democratic party and Decline to State.  Moderate and progressive Independents and Republicans continue to express their distaste for the callous disregard for the U.S. Constitution of the Bush cabal, the failing occupation effort in Afghanistan and in Iraq, the war profiteering of the Bush cronies in business and industry, the regressive social policies of the Bush/Cheney administration, the faltering economy, and the drain on the Federal treasury as the Bush/Cheney miscreants funnel funds to their cronies in big business, especially to the oil and gas, insurance, defense, and pharmaceutical industies. Now Independents and Republicans are voting with their feet by moving quickly to the Democratic Party!

Zander, Silverman, Turner, Murphy, and yours truly attended the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s on Arenas in Palm Springs! Ever celebrating the Coachella Valley and Palm Springs turning deeper shades of purple and blue!  But, still, beware the dying beast.

(CA-45) Mary Bono, Sometimes-CA: Missed Votes

Mary Bono, sometime Congresswoman for the CA-45 Congressional District has been renowned for her absentee voting system.  No, I do not mean that she has developed a better method for Vote By Mail for Nationwide distribution.  Rather, Bono has identified a way to marginally represent her Riverside County District by masking her many missed procedural and bill votes.  Seems that Bono did not get the memo from Nancy Pelosi, D-CA regarding increasing the hours of the Congressional work week.  Also, it seems that Bono is much more interested in registering herself on Connie Mack, R-FL, than registering her opinion on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

To summarize, Bono obviously takes the same amount of vacation time that the rest of the Congress takes during Congressional recesses.  In addition, Bono obviously feels it necessary to take additional time.  Bono took addional vacation time during the Congressional work week of March 5-9, 2007, and again during the work week of June 6-9, 2006.  I fathom that Bono needs more than average amount of downtime from her strenuous voting schedule.

Being her employer, I do not recall that Bono ever provided me with a medical excuse or explanation as to why she takes so much time off.  As a former supervisor at one of the biggest retail concerns in the country, if someone kept Bono’s work schedule, I would have to give the requisite reprimands and then suspension and then termination.  At present, I am a sole practitioner.  I do not take this much time off, and I work for myself!!!  Jesus!!!

Bono missed 43 votes in 2007, 38 in 2006, and 19 in 2005.  Seems that as the Republican spirits declined during 2005 – 2006, so did Bono’s.  Or maybe she just became busier trying to justify herself to her constituents?  Also, please note how often during the corrupt Republican regime in the House, Bono missed days on Tuesdays (the first day of their work week) and Thursdays (the last day of their three-day work work)!!!  In my profession, the issue of substance abuse is considered when employees consistently miss the first day of the work week.  In politics, as with Fred Thompson, the alternative hypothesis is laziness.

Paul Clay, Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives CA-45 has indicated that he will raise voters’ expectations rather than lower them, will vote rather than miss votes on the floor, and will adequately represent the interests of all peoples of the Coachella Valley rather than the monied few.

The following is a list from The Washington Post of Missed Votes by Mary Bono/Congress Votes Database/

Date / Vote / Bono Position / GOP opinion / DEM opinion

10/30/07 (Tuesday) Vote 1013: H RES 773: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 3867) to Update and Expand the Procurement Programs of the Small Business Administration, and for Other Purposes. Not Voting No Yes

10/24/07 (Wednesday) Vote 997: H RES 764: Providing for Consideration of H.R. 505, Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act of 2007. Not Voting No Yes

9/10/07 (Monday) Vote 866: H RES 643: 9/11 Commemoration Not Voting Yes Yes

9/10/07 (Monday) Vote 865: H RES 257: Supporting the Goals and Ideals of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Not Voting Yes Yes

8/4/07 (Saturday) Vote 824: On Motion to Adjourn Not Voting Yes No

8/2/07 (Thursday) Vote 816: H R 3161: Making Appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Programs for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for Other Purposes. Not Voting None Yes

8/2/07 (Thursday) Vote 815: H R 3161: Making Appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Programs for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for Other Purposes. Not Voting Present Yes

7/31/07 (Tuesday) Vote 776: H R 3161 Not Voting Yes No

7/31/07 (Tuesday) Vote 775: Call in Committee Not Voting Present Present

7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 686: H R 3043: Making Appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for Other Purposes Not Voting No Yes

7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 685: H R 3043: Making Appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies for Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2008, and for Other Purposes Not Voting Yes No

Other missed votes:

7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 684: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 683: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 682: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 681: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 680: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 679: H R 3043 Not Voting No No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 678: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 677: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes Yes
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 676: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 675: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 674: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 673: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No
7/19/07 (Thursday) Vote 672: H R 3043 Not Voting Yes No

3/9/07 (Friday) Vote 135: H R 720: Water Quality Financing Act of 2007 Not Voting No Yes
3/9/07 (Friday) Vote 134: H R 720: Water Quality Financing Act of 2007 Not Voting Yes Yes
3/9/07 (Friday) Vote 133: H R 720 Not Voting Yes No
3/9/07 (Friday) Vote 132: H RES 229: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 720) to Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Authorize Appropriations for State Water Pollution Control Revolving Funds, and for Other Purposes Not Voting No Yes
3/8/07 (Thursday) Vote 131: H RES 202: Providing for the Expenses of Certain Committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Tenth Congress. Not Voting No Yes
3/8/07 (Thursday) Vote 130: H R 700: To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Extend the Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Projects. Not Voting Yes Yes
3/8/07 (Thursday) Vote 129: H R 700: To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Extend the Pilot Program for Alternative Water Source Projects. Not Voting Yes Yes
3/8/07 (Thursday) Vote 128: H R 700 Not Voting Yes No
3/8/07 (Thursday) Vote 127: H RES 219: Providing for Consideration of the Resolution (H. Res. 202) Providing for the Expenses of Certain Committees of the House of Representatives in the One Hundred Tenth Congress Not Voting No Yes
3/7/07 (Wednesday) Vote 126: H R 710: Charlie W. Norwood Living Organ Donation Act Not Voting Yes Yes
3/7/07 (Wednesday) Vote 125: H R 569: Water Quality Investment Act Not Voting Yes Yes
3/7/07 (Wednesday) Vote 124: H R 569: Water Quality Investment Act Not Voting Yes Yes
3/7/07 (Wednesday) Vote 123: H R 569 Not Voting Yes No
3/6/07 (Tuesday) Vote 122: H RES 149: Supporting the Goals of International Women’S Day Not Voting Yes Yes
3/6/07 (Tuesday) Vote 121: H RES 98: Honoring the Life and Achievements of the Late Dr. John Garang De Mabior Not Voting Yes Yes
3/5/07 (Monday) Vote 120: H R 497: The Brigadier General Francis Marion Memorial Act Not Voting Yes Yes
3/5/07 (Monday) Vote 119: H R 995: To Amend Public Law 106-348 to Extend the Authorization for Establishing a Memorial in the District of Columbia to Honor Veterans Who Served in the Armed Forces Not Voting Yes Yes

2/6/07 (Tuesday) Vote 77: H R 386: Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District Conveyance Act Not Voting Yes Yes
2/6/07 (Tuesday) Vote 76: H R 161: Bainbridge Island Japanese American Monument Act Not Voting Yes Yes

11/15/06 (Wednesday) Vote 523: H RES 1078: Congratulating the St. Louis Cardinals on Winning the 2006 World Series Not Voting Yes Yes
11/15/06 (Wednesday) Vote 522: H R 5585: Financial Netting Improvements Act Not Voting Yes Yes

6/28/06 (Wednesday) Vote 331: On Motion to Adjourn Not Voting No No
6/22/06 (Thursday) Vote 318: H RES 323: Supporting the Efforts to Increase Childhood Cancer Awareness, Treatment, and Research Not Voting Yes Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 250: H R 5522: Making Appropriations for Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2007, and for Other Purposes Not Voting Yes Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 249: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 248: H R 5522 Not Voting No No
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 247: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 246: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 245: H R 5522 Not Voting No No
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 244: H R 5522 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 243: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/9/06 (Friday) Vote 242: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 241: H R 5252: Communications, Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 240: H R 5252: Communications, Opportunity, Promotion, and Enhancement Act of 2006 Not Voting No Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 239: H R 5252 Not Voting No Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 238: H R 5252 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 237: H RES 850: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5252) to Promote the Deployment of Broadband Networks and Services Not Voting Yes No
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 236: H R 5522 Not Voting No Yes
6/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 235: H RES 850: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5252) to Promote the Deployment of Broadband Networks and Services Not Voting Yes No
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 234: S 2803: Mine Improvement and New Emergency Respose Act Not Voting Yes Yes
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 233: H R 5449: To Amend Title 49, United States Code, to Modify Bargaining Requirements for Proposed Changes to the Personnel Management System of the Federal Aviation Administration Not Voting No Yes
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 232: H R 5254: Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act Not Voting Yes No
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 231: H R 5254: Refinery Permit Process Schedule Act Not Voting No Yes
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 230: S 193: Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act Not Voting Yes Yes
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 229: H R 5521: Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 228: H RES 842: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5254) to Set Schedules for the Consideration of Permits for Refineries Not Voting Yes No
6/7/06 (Wednesday) Vote 227: H RES 842: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5254) to Set Schedules for the Consideration of Permits for Refineries Not Voting Yes No
6/6/06 (Tuesday) Vote 226: H R 5441: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/6/06 (Tuesday) Vote 225: H R 5441: Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2007 Not Voting Yes No
6/6/06 (Tuesday) Vote 224: H R 5441 Not Voting Yes No
6/6/06 (Tuesday) Vote 223: H R 5441 Not Voting Yes No

5/24/06 (Wednesday) Vote 200: H R 5427 Not Voting No Yes

4/26/06 (Wednesday) Vote 103: H RES 774: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 5020) to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2007 for Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Activities of the United States Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for Other Purposes Not Voting Yes No

3/2/06 (Friday) Vote 18: H RES 702: Providing for the Consideration of H.R. 4167, National Uniformity for Food Act Not Voting Yes No

2/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 7: H R 4297: Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act Not Voting No Yes
2/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 6: H RES 657: Honoring the Contributions of Catholic Schools Not Voting Yes Yes
2/8/06 (Thursday) Vote 5: H RES 670: Congratulating the National Football League Champion Pittsburg Steelers for Winning Super Bowl Xl and Completing One of the Greatest Postseason Runs in Professional Sports History Not Voting Yes Yes

6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 282: H R 2745: Henry J. Hyde United Nations Reform Act Not Voting Yes No
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 281: H R 2745 Not Voting No Yes
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 280: H R 2745 Not Voting No No
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 279: H R 2745 Not Voting No No
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 278: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes No
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 277: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 276: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 275: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/17/05 (Friday) Vote 274: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 273: H RES 324 Not Voting Yes No
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 272: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 271: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 270: H R 2745 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 269: H RES 315: Providing for Consideration of the Bill (H.R. 2863), Department of Defense Appropriations, Fy 2006 Not Voting Yes No
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 268: H R 2862: Science, State, Justice, and Commerce Appropriations, Fy 2006 Not Voting Yes Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 267: H R 2862 Not Voting Yes No
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 266: H R 2862 Not Voting No Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 265: H R 2862 Not Voting No Yes
6/16/05 (Thursday) Vote 264: H R 2862 Not Voting No Yes

Palm Springs Village Fest – November 8, 2007

November 8, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).

Cool desert nights and progressive, Support-the-Troops/Stop-the-Insanity Democrats.  Milling crowds of locals, visitors, and prospective voters.  Village Fest was knee-deep in conferees from the United States Conference on AIDS 2007 (USCA) as well as attendees at Leather Pride Weekend.  I was approached assertively by two military people who angrily questioned my ‘Support the Troops/End the War’ position.  The male trooper expressed his concerns about stopping terrorism in Iraq and early withdrawal of troops meaning making insignificant the loss of thousands of U.S. military lives in Iraq.  I tried to educate both about the nature of the Occupation of Iraq and its present Civil War.  In addition, I was able to point out that the assault on Iraq was initially about avenging Sadaam Hussein’s alleged assassination plot agains George H.W. Bush and about securing a vast oil supply in the Middle East.  Also, the pointless loss of U.S. soldier’s lives lies at the feet of the warmongers in the Bush Administration (e.g., Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, Gates, Pace, etc.).  We need to communicate with our troops and educate them that they are pawns in the service of a vengeful, cruel, incompetent despot.  And I do not mean S. Hussein.

The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to George Zander, President of the Club and Bob Silverman, Treasurer.  The Democrats of the Desert staffed another table thanks to Eleanor Jackson, and the Palm Springs Democrats staffed another table as well.

Progressive Democrats were rejoicing in the resounding victories in Tuesday’s elections across the Coachella Valley.  More specifically, we discussed the win of Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm Springs, Rick Hutcheson for Palm Springs City Council, Karl Baker for Desert Hot Springs City Council, Craig Ewing for Desert Water Agency, and No on C.  Democrats were also excited about the prospect of John Williams winning the second Palm Springs City Council seat following the counting of the additional Vote By Mail ballots and a possible recount of the overall votes.

Vic Gainer, of the recently defunct Vic Gainer for Palm Springs City Council campaign slunked past the tabling without a word, probably embarrassed that we had discovered that he registered as a member of the American Independent Party after none of the Democratic Clubs endorsed his candidacy.

More exciting details below the flip…

Paul Clay, declared Candidate for the CA-45 Congressional District, raised awareness about his candidacy.  Amalia Deaztlan, Campaign Director for Manuel Perez, Vice-President of the Coachella Valley Unified School District and Candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District also spent time with the Democratics discussing the recent election victories and Perez’ prospects in the 80th.

Tracy Turner, Vets for Peace, helped stoke the fires of intelligent discussion and activism.  He discussed their plans to march in the Palm Springs Veteran’s Day Parade, Sunday, November 11, 2007.  More on anti-occupation efforts as information becomes available.

We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, i.e., yours truly, Captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter.  I distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, signed up volunteers for the John Edwards for President Campaign, and solicited voters to register to vote.  We discussed Edward’s surprisingly strong standing in the Iowa caucus polls and his strength in the recent candidate debates.

Wayne and the boyz staffed the Sen. Hillary Clinton table.  Dave and his wife and Dave Huntzinger spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table.  The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers.  Bob Morris of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Nobel Prize Winner Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot.

We also registered 8 voters last night, including two changes of party affiliation from the Dark Side.  Moderate and progressive Republicans have long had enough of the incompetence, ineptitude, and callous disregard for the truth of the Bush Administration.  Now they are voting with their feet by moving quickly to the Democratic Party!

Zander and his friends, Tim, Renee, and Caesar, Silverman, Morris, Turner (Vets for Peace), Clay and yours truly attended the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s!  Then, Zander, Tim, Renee, Caesar, Turner, and yours truly slipped over to Hunter’s Video Bar to trip the progressive light fantastic, celebrating yet another day in turning the Coachella Valley blue!

CA House Races Roundup – October 2007

There’s some real data in the form of third-quarter fundraising numbers to pore over, and events in Washington and at home have served to focus on some of our Congressional candidates here in California.  Plus, believe it or not, we’re only about a year out from Election Day.  Let’s take a look at the top ten races.

As usual, I’m going to rank them in order of most possible pickup, including their number from the last roundup.  I’m also, as usual, including the “Boxer number.”  Basically, seeing how Boxer fared in her 2004 re-election against Bill Jones in a particular district is a decent indicator of how partisan it is.  If I put “57,” that means Boxer received 57% of the vote.  Anything over 50, obviously, is good. (over)

First, let’s look at the one threatened seat currently held by a Democrat.

1) CA-11.  Incumbent: Jerry McNerney.  Main challenger: Dean Andal.  Boxer number: 49.  McNerney had a big fundraising quarter big fundraising year (h/t babaloo), with over a million dollars in receipts, so he obviously won’t suffer from the same cash disadvantage he had in his race against Richard Pombo.  Nearly half of that money, $421,000, came from PACs.  This is not a low-dollar revolution.  Dean Andal has raised plenty of money too, but he’s down 2:1 in cash on hand.  McNerney of late has hammered the SCHIP issue, perhaps as a way to get back in the good graces of some Democrats wary of his votes and rhetoric on other issues.  Andal is trying to blur the lines on the issue.

A spokesman for former California Assemblyman Dean Andal (R), who is seeking Rep. Jerry McNerney’s (D) seat, made a similar remark. “He’s looking at it, like all of us reading a paper,” Richard Temple said. “Until he has all the information, I don’t think he can [definitively] say whether the president is doing the right thing,” Temple said.

The fact is that Andal is trying to reinvent himself as some kind of moderate, when it’s obvious he would be a Republican rubber-stamp.  The question is whether or not McNerney will be able to rally supporters that he represents a true contrast.

Now, to the top 10 challengers.

1) CA-04. Incumbent: John Doolittle.  Main challenger: Charlie Brown.  Last month: 1.  Boxer number: 40.  Doolittle’s money troubles have been well documented, but just today we learned that he has more money in his legal defense fund than he does cash on hand for the campaign.  That should give you an inkling as to his priorities.  Practically everyone in America has been subpoenad to testify in his corruption investigation, and those who haven’t are running against him in the Republican primary (at least 3 challengers, at last count).  Meanwhile, he’s defiant about staying in the race, perhaps because it is making his wife rich – she got another $45,000 from the campaign for “fundraising services” last quarter.  We’re all hoping Doolittle stays in this race and limps across the primary line, because Charlie Brown is poised to crush him.  At this point, Chris Cilizza of the Washington Post has this as the most likely race to flip parties in America. (Interesting side note: Doolittle primary challenger Eric Egland is stealing Brown’s statements for his own website.  More blurring strategy.)

2) CA-26. Incumbent: David Dreier. Main challengers: Russ Warner, Hoyt Hilsman.  Last month: 2.  Boxer number: 48. David Dreier got a wake-up call and started raising money in earnest this quarter for what will be a competitive race.  Russ Warner’s Q3 numbers were good (close to $130K), and he’s doing the smart thing by attacking Dreier on his SCHIP vote.  I like that Hoyt Hilsman is foregrounding the housing crisis, which is particularly acute in this district, as a part of his candidacy.  Whoever comes out of the primary will be able to deliver a strong message of change.  Dreier, meanwhile, will continue to whine about the mean Democrats and really make himself look like a strong leader.

3) CA-50. Incumbent: Brian Bilbray.  Main challenger: Nick Leibham.  Last month: 3.  Boxer number: 48.  Nick Leibham is a serious candidate for Congress in an area that was ravaged by wildfires last week, which may change the dynamic somewhat.  Leibham raised around $50K and has $132,000 CoH, trailing Bilbray by about half, which isn’t a bad spread at this point, honestly.  He actually gained ground this quarter because Bilbray had a lot of expenditures.  Bilbray being on Air Force One when it grounded firefighting aircraft in the midst of the blazes for several hours seems like it could be made into a campaign issue.  Bilbray has one arrow in the quiver, and that’s hating on illegal immigrants.  It defines him to the extent that he’s actually wistful for the imminent departure from Congress of Tom Tancredo.  I’m confident about keeping this in the number 3 position for now, although Leibham must demonstrate support above the Busby ceiling here.

4)) CA-41. Incumbent: Jerry Lewis.  Main challengers: Tim Prince, Dr. Rita Ramirez-Dean, others.  Last month: 8.  Boxer number: 43.  I’m shooting this one back up, as events on the ground have shifted.  First of all, the investigations have restarted, with one Lewis staffer trying to deny a grand jury subpoena.  Second, the Brent Wilkes trial has taken a bizarre turn, leading some to wonder if attorneys are setting up Wilkes to flip on the other Congresscritters he bribed, including Lewis.  So the legal cases are hampering him.  What’s more, new candidates have entered the race.  Tim Prince is officially in, and he’s trying to keep his profile up in the district.  I’ll have more on Dr. Ramirez-Dean later, but she’s also a candidate.  Suffice to say that we will not have the same situation where Lewis handpicked his opponent in 2006.  There will be an actual election.

5) CA-42. Incumbent: Gary Miller.  Main challenger: Ron Shepston.  Last month: 5.  Boxer number: 41.  This is yet another area where the recent wildfires may affect the dynamic of the race.  While Gary Miller was voting against health care for children and keeping a low profile from federal investigators, Ron Shepston walked out of a candidate training summit to find his home in Silverado Canyon being threatened by the Santiago fire.  He got right to work helping local firefighting efforts.  With all of the human interest stories I’ve seen around Southern California the past week, I can’t believe I didn’t see this one: a candidate for Congress pitching in and showing leadership through helping defend his home and the homes of his neighbors from fires.  It’s powerful.  Shepston needs something to click with a larger base of support (his fundraising last quarter was around $25K) and this could be it.

6) CA-45.  Incumbent: Mary Bono.  Main challenger: Paul Clay.  Last month: 10.  Boxer number: 49.  Now that there’s an actual candidate in Paul Clay, I can raise this closer to the level where it should rightfully be.  It remains to be seen whether or not Clay is viable, but certainly the Palm Springs progressive community has been active and vocal and will push to unseat Mary Bono this time around.  Bono immunized herself a bit by voting with Democrats or SCHIP, but there’s still a long record of not supporting the needs of the district.  And marrying a fellow Congressman, to me, shows that she’s really part of the DC establishment and not the area.

7) CA-44.  Incumbent: Ken Calvert.  Main challenger: Bill Hedrick.  Last month: 6.  Boxer number: 45.  Ken Calvert still has an ethical cloud hanging over his head, has a terrible voting record, supported the Dirty Tricks initiative in its initial incarnation, and Bill Hedrick is on the attack.  This is an email he sent out recently, in response to a made up controversy about flag-folding that Calvert decided to take the lead on:

Like many of you, I was amazed that Congressman Calvert’s October 25, 2007 emailed newsletter consisted of a garbled interpretation of American history, Pilgrims, and a controversy regarding the “constituent service” of selling American flags, etc., rather than the real and immediate crisis facing residents of the 44th Congressional District-wildfires and the tragic loss suffered by Californians […]

I join others in praying for an end to the fires and God’s blessing on the victims and firefighters. We need engaged
representatives who will fight full-force to make our federal government responsive here and now.

Projecting an image of a do-nothing Congressman is right in line with what will work next November, IMO.  Hedrick is doing a good job attacks, but needs to make sure he has the resources to fight in this district.

8) CA-24. Incumbent: Elton Gallegly.  Main challengers: Mary Pallant, Chip Fraser, Brett Wagner, Jill Martinez?  Last month: 4  Boxer number: 47.  I just don’t think Elton Gallegly’s retiring this time around, and while I think that if he did there could be some competition here, he far outstrips the rest of the field in money and name ID.  I’d really like to see a viable alternative here because it might help downticket races (SD-19!), but none is forthcoming as of yet.  I like Mary Pallant a lot but an $1,100 3rd quarter isn’t going to cut it.

9) CA-52. Incumbent: None.  Republican challenger: Duncan L. Hunter.  Democratic challengers: Jim Hester, Mike Lumpkin.  Last month: 7.  Boxer number: 44.  Mike Lumpkin raised some serious money, around $50,000 in a short amount of time, to challenge this open seat.  I still think that it’s going to be hard to run against someone who will be serving in Iraq or Afghanistan during the election, potentially, and in addition, Duncan Hunter the pére has raised his profile enough that low-information Republicans will go to the polls thinking that he’s the candidate, giving a fake level of incumbency to his namesake.

10) CA-03.  Incumbent: Dan Lungren.  Main challenger: Bill Durston.  Last month: 9.  Boxer number: 42.  Nothing much to report here, although Bill Durston does have a MySpace page.  Akogun’s reports on the race have been very enlightening.  Give it up for candidates doing the hard work in red counties.

Palm Springs Village Fest – October 11, 2007

October 12, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.  (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).  The atmosphere was as crystal clear as the country’s need for a change.  Locals mixed with visitors and the tables were once again crowded with eager and expectant crowd.

The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to Bob S, Treasurer, Randy, and Bill G.  The Democrats of the Desert staffed another table thanks to Eleanor who was the voter registrar extraordinaire!  In addition, representatives of the Palm Springs Democrats were there as well.

John Williams, Candidate for Palm Springs City Council, made an exciting visit to the Democratic Club tables in order to raise awareness about his plan to create jobs and expand existing businesses, to keep Palm Springs safe, to manage growth, and to support our senior citizens.  He has been endorsed for Palm Springs City Council by both the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club and the Palm Springs Demoratic Club.  John has been active in the community and currently serves as President of Small Hotels of Palm Springs, is a member of the Police Advisory Board, is a boardmember of the Mizell Senior Center, is a current member and former chair of the Historic Site Preservation Board for the City of Palm Springs, is secretary for the Warm Sands Neighborhood Organization, is treasurer of the Desert Business Association, and is a boardmember and co-chair of the fundraising committee of the Desert Women for Equality.

George Zander, President of the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, made a brief visit in order to schmooze and to raise the spirits of the crowds even further.  As usual, George was bedecked with buttons and stickers showing support for the candidacies of Steve Pougnet for Mayor of the City of Palm Springs, Williams for Palm Springs City Council, and Rick Hutcheson for Palm Springs City Council.

Paul Clay, declared Candidate for the 45th Congressional District also made a surprise visit with his wife.  Clay easily made connections with the politicians and volunteers who were surrounding the tables.

Hopefully, we will see more visits from Greg Pettis, Candidate for CA 80th Assembly District, Pougnet, Hutcheson, and Bob Mahlowitz, Candidate for Palm Springs City Council.

More exciting details below the flippity flopper…

We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, the consensus leader in most Iowa polls (represented by yours truly, captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter and Tiffany from the Coachella Valley John Edwards for President One Corps Chapter).  We distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, and solicited voters to register to vote.  Village Fest strollers were especially interested in the position papers on Education, the Transportation Workers’ Union endorsement of John Edwards for President, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and GLBT issues.  The bumper sticker reading “Support the Troops/End the War” was a big eye-catcher at the tables.

Wayne and the boys from the fab Sen. Hillary Clinton campaign had twinking lights and gave away free Hillary balloons to the young and to the young at heart.  Many visitors took the opportunity to get their picture taken with ‘Hillary.’

Ed spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table with Charlotte and the enthusiastic Doug and Ben.  The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers.

Bob M. and newcomer, Robert, of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot).

We also registered 21 voters last night!  This apparently bests the unofficial record this election cycle.  Way to go Desert Stonewall Democrats, Democrats of the Desert, and Palm Springs Democrats!  Keep making the Coachella Valley blue!

We had our weekly unofficial Drinking Liberally party (UODL)at Bongo Johnny’s (thanks to the generous two-for-one drink tickets).  Kudos as usual to bartender Douglas for the interesting libations!  Joining yours truly for a time of relaxation were Bob S. and Bill G. from the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, Tracy from the Vets for Peace, etc., Bob M. from the Draft Al Gore Campaign, Charlotte from the Obama Campaign.

We UODLers, sans Bob S. then staggered over to Hunter’s Video Bar to entertain and to be entertained by equally enthusiastic dancers and registered voters from all corners of the planet.  Thanks especially to the dancer who made us all laugh and enjoy the scenery.

See you next Thursday night?!?!?!