Tag Archives: Arnold Schwarenegger

from California Forward Co-Chair Thomas McKernan

“Nothing in the California Forward plan makes it easier to raise taxes or fees.  The plan keeps the two-thirds vote requirement to raise taxes, and prevents lawmakers from replacing a tax with a fee to dramatically increase revenue. There’s no doubt in my mind that if the California Forward plan had been in effect years ago, our state would be in far better financial shape,”  said Tom McKernan, California Forward’s Republican co-chair.


Odds and Ends 10/20/06

I’ve been putting all the Odds, and all the Ends, in the extended.  But this one, this one, gets front page treatment: The Sacramento Bee has endorsed Jerry McNerney:

If you prefer the politics of extremes; if you’re OK with selling off national parks; if backroom deal-making and tainted money suit you; if you embrace out-of-balance budgets and the concentration of wealth — Pombo’s your man. But he is no longer representing the true interests of his district, state or nation. That’s ample reason for voters to send Jerry McNerney to Congress.

The Bee becomes just the latest in a string of endorsements of McNerney and fellow Dem Charlie Brown.  Now, let’st get to the teasers of the stuff over the flip: Schwarzenegger drops another $3.5 mil, Garamendi cleared, Pooch’s frivilous lawsuit, Dick Mountjoy being…Dick Mountjoy, and more…

  • The rhetoric about the joke of a lawsuit regarding Jerry Brown’s State Bar status continues. The general response from legal scholars, including the very well-respected Erwin Chemerinsky: this lawsuit stands no chance of success.
  • Garamendi was cleared of any wrong-doing involving Executive Life (Sac Bee)
  • Schwarzenegger dumped another $3.5 mil of his own money into his campaign. Wasn’t the $100 million he’s received from special interests enough?  I guess not.
  • The GOP continues to identify itself not as a big tent, but as a party of bigotry. Leonard Pitts in the SacBee discusses the Radical Right’s purge on gays in the GOP.  Money quote: “The Republicans cannot be the party of both gay tolerance and the Christian right.” Who do you think they will choose? Respect for human rights, or respect for bigotry?
  • This is actually from yesterday: Dan Weintraub discusses both candidate’s positions on health care.
  • Apparently the LA Times Editorial Board doesn’t think purging voter rolls and massive voting machine problems, and you know, general voting rights issues, are a “compelling reason” to um, get off your ass and elect the best candidate for SoS.  Hey, this endorsement couldn’t have ANYTHING to do with the fact that McPherson is a long-time newspaper publisher, could it?
  • Dick Mountjoy loved his first racist proposition, Prop 187, that he wants another crack at the immigrants.  He’s filed another initiative with the state that would permanently bar immigrants from attaining driver’s licenses or in-state tuition.