‘The New Primaries’…a Disaster in the Making?

[Originally published at The Political Dogfight as part one of four this is a slightly edited version.]

I seriously question the value of the new Primary System developed by the DNC then jumped on by other opportunistic states. February 5, 2008 looms large as a result of these changes.

David Brooks recently had a column about the advice he had for Republican candidates. It was his contention that all the primaries on Feb. 5, 2008 wouldn’t be the decisive ones. He still thought the traditional first three primaries would set the media tone. And he thought the Media tone would set the race on the first Tuesday of Feb.

While I don’t agree that the first three primaries will decide the race, and I don’t agree with Brooks in general, I think he is absolutely right about a slightly different topic: Media Tone

Think of the situation today as seen in the daily papers and on the news programs! According to them there are only 3 real candidates in the race: Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and John Edwards…and John Edwards is coming in a weak third in terms of media coverage. (Or his was until the unfortunate announcement of his wife’s recurring health issues.]

This issue of Media Tone/Media Noice is the real problem.

A few candidates are sucking the Media Oxygen out of the atmosphere and leaving other truly qualified candidates without the ‘free’ media (news) that they need to become more widely known. If this is happening to John Edwards think of the others.

Think of Joe Biden or Chris Dodd. Whether they are your favorites or not, they deserve to be heard and considered. Each of them has substantive experience and each is just as substantive as Hillary Clinton, Obama and John Edwards.

  (More on this topic another time: Rhetoric vs Substance and Goverance in the Election of 2008. )

Will candidates that aren’t getting the ‘free’ media of the Clinton’s etc., have even a fighting chance in 2008? Will they be able to raise the $25-$40Million they need by the fall? If they can’t will this silence voices that should be heard?

I think that forshortening the race does the country and the party a diservice. Now we have an Invisible Primary already in progress with people being labeled winners and losers….and it’s all in the media’s programming…..it’s pure Media Noise.

Since it has no actual voting today, this Primary, since it’s all in the Media and nowhere else, I call ‘The Invisible Primary’. And that Invisible Primary is in full swing.

I despair that we will again nominate people who seem great in short primary seasons,(Gore who was annointed and Kerry who came from nowhere in the most unusual Primary in memory), and then we saw they didn’t have an Authentic voice on the campaign trail! They didn’t know how to remove the Political Mask.

I believe that the American people hunger for an Authentic Voice, not the politicians mask that so many wear and use to speak. My desired outcome would be to have a nominee with an Authentic voice that is backed by large scale experience and augmented by roadmaps to tangible goals with benchmarks built in to those roadmaps.

Rhetoric, however seductive, will not win. Fundraising shouldn’t be a qualifier either for the nominee.

  This is Part 1 of more to come on ‘The Invisible Primary’. Stay tuned for more parts and metrics on the numerics of February 5, 2008.

Last Day of the Quarter! Hop on over to Calitics ActBlue

(Let’s do it… – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

So, today is your last chance for the quarter to give some money to the Calitics ActBlue list. Remember, even if it’s just a few dollars, it helps.  And, don’t forget about Jerry’s appearances today! Howie Klein, of Blue America, says that if you donate to Jerry’s campaign through the Blue America list during the Firedoglake chat, he’ll hook you up with a “2-disc set of Chris Isaak’s Greatest Hits. Why Chris? Born and raised in Stockton.”

Join Jerry McNerney on firedoglake today (live-blogging 1-3 pm PST)

(Will you be in front of your computer this afternoon? If so, here’s your chance to talk to Rep. McNerney! And for all you NorCal people, go to Jerry’s Ice Cream Social in Dublin at 6:00 PM tonight to see Rep. McNerney IN PERSON!! : ) – promoted by atdleft)

x-posted at MyDD and Daily Kos

Hi Calitics’istas (and Kossacks and MyDD’ers) –

I would like to invite all of you to join Congressman Jerry McNerney — the netroots hero who defeated Richard Pombo — this afternoon at firedoglake’s Blue America. But first, I have some great news to tell you.

On Monday, your votes helped Jerry win Senator John Kerry’s national "March Madness" campaign competition (along with Rep. Nancy Boyda, KS-2). As a result, Senator Kerry sent over 3 million people an email yesterday asking them to support Jerry, as well as Rep. Boyda, and Senators Tom Harkin and Mark Pryor.

Last night, you did it again. We asked our grassroots and netroots supporters to "Hit a Home Run for Jerry" by raising $300,000 before the Federal Election Commission’s March 31st midnight deadline. And, late last night, you hit it out of the park– a full 24 hours before the deadline.   

More below the flip…

I talked with the Congressman last night and he told me that he wanted everyone to know how grateful he is to the netroots and grassroots. Time and time again, you have demonstrated your incredible enthusiasm and generosity for Jerry. In our phone call, Jerry was truly humbled and amazed at the depth of your commitment.

If you would like to talk with Jerry as well, you have two great opportunities on Saturday. You can meet with the Congressman either online or in-person and ask him the questions that concern you the most about the future of our country and the world.


The first opportunity is for the netroots. Jerry will be live-blogging on firedoglake’s "Blue America" from 1-3 p.m. PST (4-6 p.m. EST) on Saturday (March 31). Please come to firedoglake.com on Saturday and post your questions. The Congressman will answer them as fast as his fingers can type.

Jerry was just added to Blue America’s ActBlue page a few days ago, and of the five excellent candidates listed, he’s got a lot of ground to make up (in 2006, Blue America’s netroots activists raised over $25,000 for Jerry). By the end of Saturday, we want Jerry to be the top netroots candidate, in terms of both total donors and total dollars raised.

Whether you are able to live-blog with Jerry on firedoglake.com or not, you can still help Jerry move up the Blue America donor standings by contributing any amount right now at:



If you are in Northern California, you can also talk with the Congressman in-person at "Jerry’s Ice Cream Social" in Dublin from 6-8 p.m. on Saturday night. At this special event, Jerry will talk about his first 84 days in Congress and what you can do to help him move America in a new direction.

The Ice Cream Social will be held on the 2nd floor of our campaign headquarters at 6250 Village Parkway in Dublin. 

Please RSVP by sending an email to "RSVP AT JerryMcNerney.org" or call 925-833-0643.

Thank you again for winning the Kerry competition, breaking the $300,000 Bat, and taking the time to talk with Jerry on Saturday.

Remember, without your people power, none of this would be possible.

I’ll join you in the comments if you have any questions!

Eden w/ McNerney for Congress

P.S. if you don’t remember what this man stands for, here’s a good reminder 🙂

Get Active This Weekend in OC!

If you’re in need of some good actions to get involved in this weekend…
Well, here it is! If you’re looking for progressive action to take in Orange County, look no further than here! Today, we have Barack Obama’s “Hope. Action. Change.” community gatherings throughout OC… Again, here’s a great chance to get involved and make a difference in this Presidential Campaign! Also today, YOU have a chance to TELL ME whatever you want about what you think is the best solution to Bush’s Blunder in Iraq.

Oh yes, and we’ve got EVEN MORE happening tomorrow! Why don’t you join me after the flip to see what’s happening in your neck of the woods…


Barack Obama Community Gatherings

Basically, we’ll be talking about ways for us to get involved with the campaign. As LOCAL volunteer grassroots activists, we have a unique chance to reach out to our family, friends, and neighbors in our community. Now that we California Democrats will be picking our nominee in February, we have a great opportunity to reach out to our fellow Democrats, and let them know that THEIR VOTES MATTER.

The event is TODAY at 12:30 at the Sea Country Community Center in Laguna Niguel. For more info on today’s event, GO HERE.

And oh yes, if you can’t make it to Laguna Niguel on Saturday, then PLEASE drop by any of these other OC for Obama community gatherings:

Santa Ana at 2:00 PM

Huntington Beach at 2:00 PM

Irvine at 12:45 PM

Orange at 2:00 PM

Fullerton at 8:00 PM

Buena Park at 2:00 PM

Aliso Viejo at 12:00 PM

San Clemente at 12:30 PM

OC Democrats Talk About the Iraq War

The Laguna Woods Democratic Club wants to give Orange County Democrats a chance to tell their representatives to the state party how they feel about ending the Iraq War. On March 31, the club will be hosting Defining the New Direction: Orange County Democrats Voice Their Views on the War in Iraq. This will give Democrats from throughout Orange County a chance to talk to the delegates who will be representing them at the CDP Convention next month about how, when, and why they want to see the Iraq War end. As the delegates prepare to vote on resolutions regarding the war, this is a chance for local Democrats to tell the delegates what they think.

From OC Democrat Weekly, Orange County’s e-Newsletter for Democrats and source for progressive action:

Saturday, March 31, 2pm, Laguna Woods: Orange County Democrats are invited to attend a forum on the Iraq War presented by the Laguna Woods Democratic Club, Richard Lara (State Delegate representing the 67th Assembly District), and other California delegates. The event is Saturday, March 31, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m., in Clubhouse One, main dining room. Theme of the forum is “Defining the New Direction: Orange County Democrats Voice Their Views on the War in Iraq.” A keynote speaker, to be announced, and delegates to the April 2007 Democratic State Convention will be attending in order to listen to audience participants and respond in a town hall meeting. All Club members and residents of Laguna Woods Village are invited to attend, as are Orange County Democrats and other interested people. For more information, contact Richard Lara, 714-369-5647/[email protected], or Linda Nearing, 949-460-0640/[email protected] .

This event is TODAY at 2:00 PM at Laguna Woods Village Clubhouse #1. For more info on this event, GO HERE.


Ethical Consumption: Saving the World While You Shop

Every time we spend money, we tell the world a little about ourselves. What are we saying when we buy a shirt that was made by a 12 year old girl working in harsh conditions for virtually no money? Are we comfortable purchasing a household appliance from a retailer that cheats its employees and uses prejudicial hiring practices? Is it O.K. that buying a wrench from Multi-Mega corporation helps run our neighbor Bob’s 4th generation hardware store out of business? Join us as we learn how to say “I care deeply about this planet and everything on it” every time we buy something. Join us for this enlightening talk which gives practical helps on finding the right companies to do business with at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Costa Mesa.

The event is tomorrow at 1:30 PM in Costa Mesa.

Support Tim Steed for CYD Chair!

This is a reception in support of Tim Steed for Chair of California Young Democrats at Alicia’s home in Orange tomorrow at 3:00 PM.

OC Special Election UPDATE: Trung “Sore Loser” Nguyen Appeals

OK, I just noticed this on Total Buzz… But I’m not really surprised:

Coming as a surprise to absolutely no one, the Consigliere Schroeder (see also: Darth Vader, Darth Schroeder, or any Godfather reference) says Trung Nguyen will appeal the judge’s decision this week that made Janet Nguyen the winner of the First District supes seat.

Mike told me that Team Trung is waiting for the transcripts from the trial in Judge Michael Brenner’s court and they will then file with the state court of appeals. Perhaps the higher court will agree with the “Schroederian view” of the state recount law and maybe Team Janet shouldn’t get too comfortable up on the Fifth Floor…

Please, court of appeals judges, PLEASE THROW OUT THIS SUIT! Team Janet got the recount that Team Trung didn’t even want, and then Team Trung got to cry its way to court to complain that the recount that they didn’t even want was “done wrong”. The judge listened to both sides’ arguments, and concluded that the County Registrar conducted the recount legally, and that Janet Nguyen truly was the rightful winner. Janet is now in, and Team Trung just needs to move on.

OK, sorry about my ranting. It’s just that I live here, and I am sick and tired of these GOP Machine scumbags whine and complain about “gaming the system” when they themselves have used some VERY ILLEGAL TACTICS to “game the system”. Unlike many of their possible victims, these GOP Machine scumbags got their day in court… And the judge ruled that there was no “gaming”. Team Trung need to let it go, and allow for Central Orange County to move on.

I hope they realize that soon, and that I can stop ranting about all this crap soon.