Keep the Ads Running – Bill Durston (CA-03)

(Another great progressive Democrat is Dr. Bill Durston in CA-03.  Help him out, and then give to our Calitics Match.  We’re over halfway to our goal! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

There are now two Durston for Congress (CA-03) ads that are running on both cable and network TV.  They have been very effective and we need to keep them running in order to reach the nearly 400,000 voters in Bill’s district!!

If you haven’t seen them yet, click on the pics below to take a look and let us know what you think.

Leadership, Courage, and Commitment

You can make a contribution on the secure Act Blue pages (click on the pics).  Your contribution of any amount will help the voters of Congressional District 3 see that we have an excellent alternative to the carpetbagging, Bush/Cheney supporting, career politician who currently represents this district (That’s Dan Lungren for those of you lucky enough to live outside the district – we’d love to send him back to Long Beach with your help! – sorry LB folks ;o)).

Politics as Usual

We are also phonebanking and walking precincts 7 days a week from our Fair Oaks office.  We even have a virtual phone bank option for those outside our district that would like to make calls from the comfort of their homes.  Send us an email if you’d like to help us put Bill over the top!

Please join Bill Durston supporters from all over California as we send Lungren packing his bags and put a true Progressive in Congress!!


Bill Lackemacher


Field Director

Bill Durston for Congress

Ps: For those interested in Bill Durston’s opinion of the Financial Bailout, check out his Op-Ed that he wrote last week.

Bailout Bust – Another Massive McCain Failure

Today the Congress failed to pass a measure seeking to address the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.  At every step of this developing story, John McCain has show impotence and incompetence. Today, McCain has failed yet another major test.

Let’s take a moment to review how we got here.

First, John McCain came to power as a self-proclaimed “Reagan Revolutionary”. He has been devoted to “supply-side”, aka voodoo, economics throughout his career.  As a member of the Keating 5, and the closest senator to Charles Keating, John McCain set the tone for his career, failed economic policies bordering on criminal activity, the absence of regulation and a slavish devotion to the myth of free markets.

Next, he surrounded himself with the most tainted lobbyists in Washington. The clearest case is that of McCain’s own campaign manager, Charlie Black, who remains an officer of the lobbying company which has been receiving tens of thousands of dollars a month from Fannie and Freddie. Did he do any work for them?  Did he fight off regulation, or was he simply paid to deliver access to Senator McCain, potentially the next president of the United States.  

Moreover, McCain’s closest economic advisor and mentor, Senator Phil Gramm, was the ultimate leader of the charge for deregulation.  Gramm even said that the current recession is “mental” in nature and evidence that we are a “nation of whiners.”

John McCain was clearly under the influence of Phil Gramm, his likely Treasury Secretary if elected, when he failed to understand the economic issues that created this situation. When John McCain declared that “the fundamentals of the economy are strong”, he proved himself completely out of touch with working Americans.  

When John McCain finally realized his catastrophic failure to see the political disaster in this crisis, he became a radical drama queen and parachuted into the middle of the tense negotiations in Congress. McCain hadn’t voted in the Senate since April, but he decided he would make himself out as the great savior of the economy. He “suspended” (not really) his campaign and begged for a debate delay. McCain’s unhinged shenanigans shone a white hot spotlight of presidential politics in the middle of the Paulson bailout plan negotiations and destroyed them.

With his erratic power grab, McCain took full ownership of the Paulson plan. He made it his own and then failed to see it through. The Democrats delivered their votes, but McCain, who gave his support to the plan, failed to garner Republican support in the House. Instead, 133 Republicans told McCain to take a long walk off a short pier.

In sum, this is yet another massive failure for John McCain, demonstrating once again his instability and inadequacy.  McCain was unable, even in the face of pending economic disaster, to rally his party.  With this failure, McCain has gone from primary hero to Pee Wee Herman. Unworthy of trust, and unable to cash the checks his ego writes, John McCain is the one to blame more than anyone for today’s 689 point loss on the Dow.  

From ideology to ignominy, John McCain owns this disaster.

Bailout Fails in the House – California Progressives Organizing for a Better Solution

Goal ThermometerCalifornia needs more progressives in DC – contribute to the Calitics Match to make it happen!

While the traditional media is focusing on the spat between the House Republicans and Nancy Pelosi, credit also goes to progressive Democrats who refused to go along with a huge giveaway to Wall Street that lacked accountability and repayment guarantees. Some of them have given statements explaining their votes.

Hilda Solis:

Today, I voted against H.R. 3997, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA), compromise legislation to bailout financial institutions saddled with large debts. I am very concerned about the credit crisis created by the housing market meltdown and while I appreciate efforts of the Democratic leadership to work in a bipartisan fashion to improve the Bush Administration’s proposal, this legislation lacks needed taxpayer protections and assistance for Main Street families like those in the Congressional District I represent.

“I cannot in good conscience, vote for legislation that gives $700 billion to the same firms that helped cause the current financial crisis through irresponsible lending without providing meaningful help for homeowners who are in danger of foreclosure. In the 32nd Congressional District, housing foreclosures have nearly tripled in the past few months, with over 2,300 homeowners currently going through the foreclosure process. The impact of such widespread foreclosures on our local economy and community is devastating.

“Unfortunately, this legislation will not help the families who are stretching paychecks and trying to hold onto jobs without additional steps to stabilize our housing market. It lacks needed reform of bankruptcy laws to allow consumers to renegotiate the terms of their mortgage in bankruptcy courts to help keep their homes. Homeowners on Main Streets should have the same rights to renegotiate their loans, especially those for their primary residence, as Wall Street.

Pete Stark:

President Bush tells us that we face unparalleled financial doom if this $700 billion bailout is not approved today.  He and his Treasury Secretary – a former Wall Street fat cat – tell us that we have reached the point of “crisis.” That is a familiar line from this President.  It sounds like the disastrous rush to war in Iraq and the subsequent stampede to enact the Patriot Act.   As I opposed the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, I stand in opposition to his latest rush to judgment.

“We are not in a sudden crisis.  It has been building over the past 8 years of the Bush Administration. Lax oversight of the financial industry ballooned into a house of cards….

“The bill before us today is basically the same three-page Wall Street give away first put forth by President Bush.  The fig leaf adjustments are not enough to outweigh the fact that no one knows if this bill is what’s needed.  I’m not willing to make a $700 billion gamble that President Bush is right after 8 years of seeing all that he’s done wrong.

Matt Stoller has the progressive bailout plan authored by Barbara Lee and Lynn Woolsey, which I blogged about a few days ago. The key points of their plan:

  • A 0.25% tax on all stock trades and “exotic transactions” such as derivatives trading as a kind of “progressive PAYGO” to ensure that the taxpayers won’t be paying the costs of the bailout.
  • Equity shares in any companies that benefit from the bailout
  • “Major bankruptcy reform” including homeowner renegotiation of mortgages. Obama undercut progressives on this when he said bankruptcy reform didn’t need to be part of the package, perhaps a telltale sign of how unprogressive an Obama administration might be. But it’s still a necessary part of any financial solution.
  • A detailed list of new regulations to protect consumers and provide more stable, responsible regulation of the financial industry to prevent a recurrence of this crisis.

If we want to ensure that we have more and better Democrats to push progressive economic policy in the Congress next year, we need to help them win this November. Join our Calitics Match and help send Charlie Brown and Debbie Cook to Congress, and Hannah Beth Jackson, Manuel Perez and Alyson Huber to Sacramento.

UPDATE by Dave: On the flip, a list of the ayes and nays among out Congressional delegation.



Berman, Capps, Cardoza, Costa, Davis, Eshoo, Farr, Harman, Honda, Lofgren, Matsui, McNerney, George Miller, Pelosi, Richardson, Speier, Tauscher, Waters, Waxman


Baca, Becerra, Filner, Lee, Napolitano, Roybal-Allard, Linda Sanchez, Loretta Sanchez, Schiff, Sherman, Solis, Stark, Thompson, Watson, Woolsey

There’s almost no rhyme or reason to this.  The CW is that No was an easier vote in close races, but the only close race on the Dem side in California, Jerry McNerney, resulted in a yes vote.  You have progressives on both sides of this.  You have Bush Dogs on both sides (Costa and Baca, for example).



Bono Mack, Calvert, Campbell, Dreier, Herger, Lewis, Lungren, McKeon, Gary Miller, Radanovich


Bilbray, Doolittle, Gallegly, Hunter, Issa, McCarthy, Nunes, Rohrabacher, Royce

Paging Russ Warner… this is a gift for you.  Dan Lungren and Mary Bono Mack might have some trouble, too.  At the same time, depending on the short-term economic circumstances, this could rebound back on those intransigent Republicans.  So the political fallout is completely unclear to me.

CA-04: Charlie Brown Holds 2nd BBQ Town Hall (photoblog)

This last weekend, Charlie Brown held his 2nd neighborhood BBQ Town Hall in the city of Oroville. The crowd gathered in the Oroville Veterans Hall, a fitting place for a meeting that consisted largely of veterans and their families.


Introducing Charlie was the Mayor of Oroville, Steve Jernigan. Having local officials introduce your candidate is nothing new, but the interesting point about Steve Jernigan is the highly respected Republican Mayor of Oroville. Steve is a sought-after commodity in Republican politics. Everyone from Mitt Romney to John McCain to Ron Paul have sought his endorsement, but only one has been given: to Charlie Brown.


Steve told the gathered crowd about the importance of putting patriotism before partisanship, and how real work gets done by those who are willing to put the country first.

After taking the microphone from Mayor Jernigan, Charlie began to explain his 26-year history in the United States Air Force and his experience as a teacher, Roseville Police Department employee, and the chair of a $5 million credit union.


Most of the question from the crowd revolved around the economy, and one man asked Charlie how more jobs could be brought to Oroville and the rest of the district. Charlie’s answer surprised some: he could get new jobs to the district by pushing for alternative energy.

Under Charlie’s energy plan, thousands of new jobs can be created by transitioning to “green collar” jobs that produce solar, wind and biofuel energy. With a new wind farm being proposed in Lassen County, right here in the district, new jobs can be brought right here to the district. We simply need the leadership to make it happen, and Charlie is the man for the job.


Another question brought up during the town hall revolved around Charlie’s ideas on tax cuts. Charlie explained his view on taxes, promising tax relief for the middle class while pointing out that Tom McClintock’s Auburn Dam would cost tax payers $10 billion. Charlie explained exactly what taxes he would eliminate: the Alternative Minimum Tax, Widow’s Tax for Military Families, and concurrent receipt to name but a few.


More than a few veterans were in the audience, so the conversation naturally turned to military-talk. One veteran, a fellow Vietnam vet, asked Charlie about what changes he would like to see to the VA. Charlie voiced his support for mandatory VA funding, specifically regarding disabled veterans receiving their full benefits. He also again pointed to the Widow’s Tax on military survivor benefits.


The day was full of substance and spirits were high, as Charlie has proven once again that he is the only candidate in this race concerned about serving the needs of the district and having the desire to listen to the voters in California’s 4th Congressional District.


This weekend, Charlie travelled to South Lake Tahoe for the 3rd BBQ Town Hall meeting at Bijou Park. Details from that exciting day are coming soon!

CA-46, Debbie Cook Receives Truth To Power Award at Energy Conference

To give to Debbie’s campaign, donate at the calitics ActBlue page and your donation will be matched (up to $500.)  

Truth to Power is something many of us have been attempting to speak out about and those Democrats who are running this year are leading this charge.  My favorite Democratic Candidate for Congress is Debbie Cook, the recipient of the “Truth To Power” award and well deserving of such an honor.


OC Weekly

Sacramento–Democratic Nominee for Congress Debbie Cook (CA-46) was honored today with the Roscoe Bartlett “Speaking Truth To Power” Award at the ASPO-USA Conference in Sacramento.

Randy Udall, an ASPO-USA (Association for the Study of Peak Oil) board member, announced the award at the conference on Tuesday afternoon, citing Cook’s willingness to talk frankly about energy issues.

“We honored her for her courage, for speaking honestly about energy realities and for promoting an energy program that makes sense,” said Udall, who is the director

of the Community Office for Resource Efficiency (CORE), a nonprofit organization in Colorado that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Cook, the mayor of Huntington Beach, is a nationally recognized leader on energy, and also a board member of ASPO-USA. She was instrumental in bringing the conference to California for the first time. The conference ends Tuesday evening.

The award was named in honor of Republican Representative Roscoe Bartlett (MD-6), who leads the effort in Congress for an energy policy based on the challenges of peak oil.

Debbie Cook for Congress

Debbie Cook has been speaking out for decades now on behalf of our local environmental issues as an advocate and then as Mayor of Huntington Beach.  I admire the things she’s done and why she’s running for Congress.  If the local Democrats won’t support her, then the netroots needs to step up and support this amazing candidate.

Although Cook has hosted dozens of small fund-raising parties and began airing her first campaign commercial on local cable networks this week, she’s running low on cash. And while her fellow Democrats consider her to be a qualified and impressive candidate, she isn’t viewed as a serious enough challenge by Democratic fund-raisers to earn priority support in the party’s “Red to Blue” or “Emerging Races” cash-infusion programs.

But Cook isn’t worried. “We’re not really counting on getting a lot of money from anyone,” she says. “I know I’m an unlikely candidate. I’m not doing this for the retirement package, which I’m told [Rohrabacher] enjoys. I don’t have a burning desire to be in Congress. I have a burning desire to make a difference.”

Her fight to defeat Rohrabacher, she insists, is simply a measure of her frustration with his aloofness to his own constituents and his legendary antipathy to everything she stands for: preservation of local habitats, “sensible development” that protects resources and a commitment to finding “sustainable sources of energy” to replace fossil fuels. She’s infuriated by Rohrabacher’s public statement that global warming is a “hoax” and his sarcastic speculation that global warming 55 million years ago was caused by “dinosaur flatulence.”

Debbie Cook has already made a tremendous difference for the local environment by helping spearhead the effort to save the Bolsa Chica Wetlands and she’s proven that Democrats can be sensible and fiscally responsible as the two term mayor of Huntington Beach.   This is exactly who we need in Congress and even though I’m helping my husband run for State Senate, I want to help Debbie Cook as well by writing about her fight, her passion and her amazing intellect.  I’ve met her, I’ve heard her speak in person, she is the real deal here people.  Please, lets support this amazing progressive.

Debbie Cook also released a statement about this bailout plan on Monday, that’s right.  MONDAY.  Here is what she had to say about the proposed bailout.


“We must take action to keep our whole economy from collapsing. But if the plan by the Treasury which has leaked out today is genuine, then it’s unclear if the plan will work at all.

   “Add in a massive transfer of authority to the executive branch, with no congressional oversight or judicial review, and this plan should be dead on arrival.

   “Handing over taxpayer money to the government with no oversight is always a bad idea and it’s especially rotten given the current administration’s track record.”

Call your representatives today and tell them to stop this blank check.


And here is more from the tremendously thorough article at the OC Weekly.

“New airports are not the solution,” she says. “Look at the price of gas; airlines are going out of business. We need mass transportation, light rail, not toll roads. We can only solve these things when we work together: water, runoff, transportation, air quality and the port [of Long Beach]. That huge red plume from the port sits over Huntington Beach. We’re impacted by all that bad air.”

Through SCAG, Cook opposed building a commercial airport at the former El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, as well as a desalination plant slated to operate as an appendage of the aging AES Huntington Beach Generating Station. “One of the things I learned is what a boondoggle ocean desalination is,” she says. “The energy intensity is unbelievable. It can’t be sustainable as energy prices go up.”

Cook’s interest in sustainable energy took her to a 2004 conference in Denver held by the Association for the Study of Peak Oil, which argues that global oil production peaked in the 1970s and has been on a steady and inevitable decline ever since. The conference sealed her passion for lobbying for alternative sources of energy. “There is nothing more important to our society than energy,” she argues. “America will drill 50,000 wells this year alone. We drill 150 new wells every day. We are drilling like madmen, and it’s just a thimbleful of oil out there. But politicians don’t stay in office by telling the truth.”

Truth to Power, she’s speaks it for all of us, not just our district but the entire Country.  Please help Debbie Cook turn Red Orange County a little bit more Blue this November!


On the Ground for Charlie Brown in CA-04

(I love ground reports. – promoted by David Dayen)

From today's Beyond Chron.    

Last Saturday, I headed up to the Roseville/Rocklin area – Sacramento suburbs off Highway 80 on the way up to Tahoe – to volunteer for Charlie Brown’s campaign for U.S. Congress. I arrived on the heels of some fantastic news for the campaign, a poll commissioned by Daily Kos revealing a five point lead for Brown. It’s hard to understate the significance of this considering the extremely conservative nature of CA-04 (take, for example, 2004, when Bush buried Kerry by 24 points here). After a day of canvassing in the district and speaking with the people that live there, the reasons for Brown’s success so far make a lot of sense to me. The place seems full of disaffected Republicans and Independents open to Brown’s positions and not wild about his challenger, Tom McClintock. While the day wasn’t all wine and roses, I’m convinced that CA-04 represents an enormous chance for Democrats to pick up a seat in Congress, and that activists should continue to focus on this race to ensure Brown makes his way to victory.

 My first pleasant surprise of the day came upon arriving in Brown’s Roseville headquarters, where a professional, competent staff greeted me and quickly gave a rundown of the day’s events. Folks could stuff envelopes, write postcards to potential voters, work the phones, build lawn signs, or hit the pavement and knock on doors. I chose knocking on doors, and when I left at 10 o’clock, the place already seemed a hive of activity. When I returned for a break at midday, the place was even more packed, with about 35 people all hard at work on a variety of tasks.

The second surprise came when I met seven people that came up to Roseville from the Bay Area early that morning to volunteer for Brown. Members of the nascent organization Take Back Red California, these folks travel all over the state to help out with close elections, including recent trips to CA-03 to help out Bill Durston and State Assembly District 10 for Alyson Huber. The commitment and good spirits of these folks boosted my usually low faith  

in the Bay Area’s involvement in statewide issues.

Of course, all good things must come to an end, and when I looked down at the sheets of voters I’d be speaking with that day, I realized more than three-fourths of the doors I’d be knocking on would be the homes of registered Republicans. For someone used to campaigning in San Francisco and Seattle, it came as a bit of a shock, but by the time I finished, I was glad I’d gotten the houses I did.

The major lessons I learned:

Democrats are in the Bag…Mostly

Most of the Democrats I spoke with immediately said they already planned on voting for Brown, and several said they would volunteer or donate to the campaign. However, I did speak with a couple folks who remained skeptical about Brown, citing his status as a former Republican, his avowed belief in fiscal conservatism, and his support for the right to bear arms. While they weren’t necessarily considering voting for anyone else, they wanted to make sure if we sent Brown to Washington, he wouldn’t jump ship and become another centrist Democrat indistinguishable from his Republican colleagues.

A few points seemed to hit home with these folks – Brown is pro-choice, a strong believer expanding health care to more Americans, and has made alternative energy a central focus of his campaign. An even stronger point seemed to be pointing out the evils of McClintock. Despite his run for Governor a few years back, people seemed relatively unfamiliar with just how far to the right McClintock sits. A quick rundown of his positions on climate change (a myth, he says), Social Security (it’s ‘morally bankrupt,’ he says) and the minimum wage (he calls it a ‘destructive government policy’) seemed to hit home.  

I can’t see Democrats in the district voting Republican, and I certainly can’t seem them not voting with the presidency at stake. But I can see some folks leaving the U.S Congress portion of their ballot left blank if they don’t learn a bit more about their candidate.  Brown’s campaign shouldn’t take his base for granted, and ensure Democrats know what he stands for, and what’s at stake in their district.  

Many Republicans Want to Talk

The biggest shock of the day came during my conversations with registered Republicans. For the most part, they seemed happy to talk about the race with me, and wanted to learn more about Brown. The talking points the campaign provided me helped a lot – the first few statements provided an immediate foot in the door, emphasizing Brown’s 26 years in the military, his status as a former Republican, and his belief in balancing the country’s budget.

From there, things got interesting. I talked to several people who voted for Doug Ose, a more moderate Republican in the primary, and felt McClintock didn’t represent their values. Like many Republicans, they seemed fed up with the Iraq war, with our dependence on foreign oil, and with valuing corporate America over the average citizen. McClintock seemed like more of the same to them, and Brown’s support of tax cuts to the middle class and providing health care coverage for more citizens resonated with them.

The message of McClintock as a carpetbagger, slammed home by Ose during the primary and picked up by Brown, also resonated with a lot of the folks. When they learned McClintock is not from the area, nor has any real connection to it, and simply seems to be looking for a way to continue his political career after being termed out of his Southern California State Senate seat, they listened. And they listened even closer when they learned that Brown has lived in Roseville for 16 years. There seems to be a strong regional identity in the area, and Brown’s campaign should continue to take advantage of the fact that people don’t like the idea of an outsider representing their homes.

Brown’s strong record as a military veteran also hit home. One woman I talked with spent much of her time taking care of her disabled brother, a veteran wounded during a tour of duty. While she usually voted Republican, she seemed impressed with Brown’s military experience. Even more so, she seemed livid when she learned of McClintock’s record in the State Senate, which includes several vote against benefits for veterans and their families.

Despite hearing from many Republicans who said they’d support Brown, or at least would remain undecided, a variety listened to me but maintained their support for McClintock. Most of these folks seemed one-issue voters – that issue being fiscal conservatism. They maintained that Democrats always run up massive deficits, and that they can count on McClintock to not do the same. Pointing out the record-setting deficit the Bush administration ran up over the past eight years didn’t seem to resonate. If they can, it seems Brown’s campaign could gain some traction by working more to tie McClintock to Bush and his failed economic policies.

True Believers are True Believers

As much good will as I found in the suburban cul-de-sacs and parkways of Roseville and Rocklin, I also found a chunk of strong McClintock supporters, maybe 10 percent of the people I talked to. These folks had no desire to speak about issues or the campaign, and I heard several variations of “I’m for McClintock and I don’t want to talk about it (cue slamming door sound)”. While this is to be expected, Brown’s campaign should do it’s best to identify strong McClintock supporters and not waste time trying to win them over.

Moving Forward

To win, Brown’s campaign must continue to get its message out to voters. Face-to-face interaction seemed to be an excellent way of doing this, as it quickly broke down the instant barriers Republican partisans put up against Democrats. So far, the campaign seems to be doing an incredible job, with a cadre of volunteers and staff that, at least from what I’ve seen, are energetic, competent and committed.

These folks, and the people in their district, represent one of the best opportunities Democrats have to turn a former Republican stronghold into a place that will help add to a blue majority in Congress. They deserve the support of progressives everywhere, and while it’ll take a lot more work between now and Election Day, I think a victory party in CA-04 come Election Day is within our sites.  

UPDATED: Protect Marriage Campaign to Release First TV Spot

Watch the first Yes on 8 TV ad here.

Or here:

Contact: Sonja Eddings Brown, Protect Marriage, 916-446-2956

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 27 Christian Newswire — The following news advisory is submitted by

Who: – Yes on Proposition 8 Campaign

Campaign Managers Frank Schubert & Jeff Flint

What: Press Conference to reveal the first Yes on Proposition 8 television ad

Where: Offices of Schubert Flint Public Affairs

1415 L Street, Suite 1250

Sacramento, CA 95814

When: Monday, September 29, 2008

11:00 AM

Notes: Yes on Prop 8 Campaign Managers Frank Schubert and Jeff Flint will unveil the first in a series of campaign commercials designed to educate voters about the critical need to pass Proposition 8, which will restore traditional marriage to California.

Additionally, Professor Richard Peterson of the Pepperdine University School of Law, who appears in the ad, and Mr. Andrew Pugno, counsel to, will be available to answer questions.

Most importantly, I’ve still got stacks of this old flyer lying around and I was just wondering if this might not be the last chance to hand them out?

Two more upcoming events on the Prop 8 calendar:

October 1 (Wednesday) – The Fine Line Rally Satellite Broadcast (Evangelical rally for Prop 8). 7:00 PM PST.

October 8 (Wednesday) – LDS Church Satellite Broadcast regarding Proposition 8. 7:30 PM PDT.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

October 8, 2008 Satellite Broadcast re Proposition 8

On Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. PDT, there will be a satellite broadcast regarding Proposition 8 to stake centers throughout California. General Authorities and others will speak during the broadcast. We ask that the following please be invited to attend: stake presidencies; bishoprics and branch presidencies; stake, ward and branch Relief Society presidents; and all members working in grassroots support of the Proposition 8 campaign.

In addition, we ask that a special invitation to attend the broadcast be extended to young single and young married adults. With only this coming Sunday to make this announcement before the broadcast, we ask that you please ensure that this invitation is personally extended to all who are invited. We greatly appreciate your support of this most important matter.


L. Whitney Clayton

Presidency of the Seventy

I wonder if the October 8th satellite broadcast from Salt Lake City will include yet another declaration of LDS political neutrality?

At what point does the Mormon leadership’s continued insistence that Proposition 8 is a “moral”–rather than “political”–issue begin to ring so hollow with so many California voters that it will indelibly taint public perception of the LDS church long after it has helped trigger a massive rejection of Prop 8 on Nov. 4th?  

I mean, c’mon, everywhere one looks, it’s nothing but GOP operatives running the Yes on 8 effort.  

Just today, when Frank Schubert, the Yes on 8 campaign manager, invited me to pop over and check out his campaign’s first TV ad, here’s what I found:

If you go to the website and click on “First TV Ad” on their front page, it takes you to this site to view the clip:

Well, I’d never heard of before, so I thought I’d find out who runs that site:

Registrant Name: Patrick Ruffini

Registrant Email: [email protected]

So, then I popped over to to learn a little about Patrick, and this is what I found …

Patrick Ruffini is an online strategist dedicated to helping Republicans and conservatives achieve dominance in a networked era … Ruffini currently advises Republican candidates and organizations on mastering new media, with a disciplined focus on Web site, e-mail, and blog strategies … From 2005 to 2007, Ruffini served as eCampaign Director at the Republican National Committee, overseeing the Party’s online strategy for the 2006 election cycle … In the 2004 election cycle, Ruffini served as webmaster for Bush-Cheney ’04, overseeing a wide range of activities from day-to-day website operations, designing special features around high-profile events like the Conventions and Presidential debates, and managing the first-ever campaign blog for an incumbent President.

This is not political neutrality, this is farce.

Chino Blanco