Tag Archives: voting integrity

October 17, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Look, it all depends on
who Issa means by “us”.  For example, if he means
“Republicans” then Blackwater is probably “our troops”.  If he
means the United States, not so much.


Health Care


Voting Integrity



The Rest

October 16, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Health Care


Voting Integrity

Persecution Complex


Fifteen Percent Doolittle
(It’s a Rake-off AND an Approval Rating)


The Rest

September 13, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Remind me again how much
of California’s economic growth since the end of the boom has been
based in real estate…

The CA Dem Leadership’s
Pet Project and other “Reform”

Local Motions

Watching the Governor

Everything Else

September 12, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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When I was a student, we
called this cramming — didn’t work very well then either

The Librul Academy: or
how the taxpayers of California still employ John Yoo as a law
professor at UC Berkeley

Big fish, smaller ponds

Candidates are people too

Everything else

September 11, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Things to Read Today

Health Care (AB 8)

Environment &

Reform Efforts and
“Reform” Efforts




Electoral Politics

All the Rest

September 8, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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The Thing You Should Read

Charlie Brown v. 15%
Doolittle: Various Takes

Health Care


Basic Fairness (That’s
still an American value, right?  I get so confused.)

All The Rest

September 6, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Environment (there was a
lot today for some reason)

Protecting our Health

California Policy Inbox

Everything Else

September 5, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Oh, it’s all about the
electoral “reform”

California Dem
Leadership’s Pet Project

Things that should
matter, but which freak people out so badly that they don’t like to
think about them

Health Care

15% Doolittle

Things to think about

All the Rest

August 30, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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Budgets are Moral

Health Care

Voting Integrity

Electoral “Reform”

Energy &


Fifteen Percent Doolittle


Everything Else

August 29, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. I’m afraid I’m in an all-day seminar for my day job and I’m trying to just work this in between lectures, so it’s pretty much a link dump today. Let me know what I missed.

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