Tag Archives: Rep. Tammy Baldwin

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) May 24 Fundraiser for Progressive Pettis for CA 80th Assembly District

XPosted 5/9/2008 2:53 PM PDT on MyDesert.com

Andy Linsky

HRC Board of Directors*

and co-hosts

Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet

Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat

Palm Springs City Councilmember Rick Hutcheson

Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund

Equality California

The Bottom Line Magazine

Palm Springs Democratic Club

Desert Stonewall Democratic Club

Invite you to meet

U.S. Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA)

and to join him in supporting

Greg Pettis

For California State Assembly (80th AD)

Saturday May 24, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Location for the Cocktail Reception at the home of Andy Linsky will be provided with a confirmed reservation

Suggested minimum contribution: $100 per person

Sponsor: $500 ~ Co-Host: $1000

Computer Generated; Labor Donated. © 2008 | Pettis for Assembly 2008 | P.O. Box 2692 Cathedral City, CA 92235-2692 | FPPC ID# 1285158

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Limits to this campaign are $3600 per person, company or PAC

Reservations: [email protected] or (760) 841-3189

For more information, or to contribute online:


Marriage Equality: Press Releases from National Stonewall, Sacramento Stonewall, Barney Frank

I received Press Releases from National Stonewall Democrats, the Sacramento Stonewall Democratic Club, and U.S. Representative Barney Frank regarding the decision by the Republican-dominated California Supreme Court overturning the ban on Marriage Equality in the State.

National Stonewall Democrats, co-founded by U.S. Representative Frank (D-MA), is the National voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Democrats.  The Desert Stonewall Democratic Club is the official local Democratic Club for LGBT Democrats, sanctioned by both the National Stonewall Democrats as well as the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee.  Zander, Vice-President Roger Tansey, Treasurer Bob Silverman, and Secretary James Reynolds are amongst the leaders of the local club.

More below the flip…

Sacramento Stonewall Press Release concerning the historic decision by the California Supreme Court is as follows:

Sacramento Stonewall joins in the celebration of today’s historic verdict.  The Supreme Court of California has decided in favor of equality.  Legal marriage is now the law of this state!  In just 30 days, gay and lesbian couples will be able to apply for marriage licenses.  

Bennett, President of Sacramento Stonewall said, “Full and equal recognition of our relationships means that we have crossed a final barrier toward full and equal citizenship, at least in California.  This day has been years in the making.  But we know we can’t celebrate for long.”

Bennett went on to describe the efforts of a small, vocal minority that has been organizing all Spring to deny us this basic human right.  According to Bennett, they spent some $2 million dollars to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot to limit marriage.

Bennett said, “Today we celebrate.  Today we savor the full and equal recognition of our relationships, our families… and all the responsibilities that come with it.  But tomorrow we organize.   Our equality did not come easily.  We will not let it go.”

The official press release from the National Stonewall Democrats focuses on the freedom for all of California’s couples to marry regardless the sex of the partner.

National Stonewall Democrats is the only national organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Democrats, incorporating more than 90 local chapters across the Nation.  National Stonewall Democrats is committed to working through the Democratic Party to advance the rights of all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity:

Legal Recognition of Marriage in CA

(Thursday, May 15, 2008)

Washington, DC – Today, the National Stonewall Democrats expressed the organization’s support for a ruling today by the California Supreme Court which recognized the freedom of all California couples to marry.

“Stonewall Democrats welcomes the ruling of the California Supreme Court to legally recognize the freedom to marry. California voters have twice supported this position through their elected officials,” said Jon Hoadley, Executive Director. “In 2005 and 2007, Democratic control ensured that marriage legislation was successfully approved and passed to the Governor’s desk. Thanks to the tireless work of Stonewall Democrats chapters and other advocates across the state, the California Democrats strongly support the freedom of all California couples to marry. We must now turn our attention to protecting this landmark victory.”

In a ruling today, the California Supreme Court recognized that all California couples, including same-sex couples, are entitled to the legal recognition of marriage.

“Throughout California, Stonewall Democrats have strategically worked to build support for pro-equality positions among Democratic candidates, party officials and elected leaders,” said Laurie McBride (Sacramento, CA), Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of National Stonewall Democrats. “This ruling reflects the values of our Party and the will of California voters as already expressed twice by the state legislature. Democrats are working to support this court ruling and to defeat any proposed anti-marriage initiative.”

The efforts of Stonewall Democrats chapters across California ensured that the California Democratic Party first voiced its support for legislation recognizing the freedom to marry in 2005, with the party permanently ratified that position in its platform earlier this year. Their work created a political climate which included more pro-equality legislators, stronger advocates and diverse partnership opportunities for the crucial work of statewide groups.

In 2005 and 2007, the California legislature successfully passed the “Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act” which would have recognized the freedom of all California couples to enter into civil marriage. Stonewall Democrats throughout California worked through their chapters to build support for the legislation among local Democratic bodies and the state party. Their efforts supported the work of partners like Equality California who successfully built a majority of support for the legislation in both the California Assembly and Senate. Although the “Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act” was twice vetoed by the Republican Governor, chapters of the Stonewall Democrats continued to build Democratic support for the freedom of all Californians to marry.

On Thursday, May 15, 2008, Frank issued his own Press Release regarding the decision of California to join his home state of Massachusetts in formally and legally allowing Marriage Equality:

News release from Barney Frank


Congressman, 4th District, Massachusetts

2252 Rayburn Building · Washington, D.C. 20515 · (202) 225-5931

Thursday, May 15, 2008


CONTACT:  Steven Adamske 202-225-7141

Joe Racalto 202-225-5931


I want to offer to my friends in California both congratulations and reassurance:  I congratulate California’s Supreme Court for recognizing that all of California’s citizens are entitled to basic civil rights; and I can assure the people of the state that the result of this decision will be to improve the quality of life of tens of thousands of Californians who will now be able legally to express their love for each other, while having no negative effect whatsoever on the overwhelming majority of Californians who will choose not to marry someone of the same sex.  

As in California, Massachusetts’ experience with same sex marriage began with a 4-3 decision of our highest court.  There was initially some controversy.  Subsequently, after reality banished the concerns that many had expressed about the impact of this decision, our State Legislature voted by more than 3-1 to ratify the decision, and today, most people find it hard to remember that there was ever any serious fear about it.