Tag Archives: Inland Empire

Arnold’s cronyism Leads to San Bernadino’s Bagel Lady

So, do you remember the Bagel Lady? She was the woman who was elected to the Superior Court of LA, even though she was rated as “Not Qualified” by the Commission on Judicial Nominees Evaluation (JNE).

Well, Arnold has decided that we don’t have enough unqualified judges in California, so he appointed another one in May, Elia V. Pirozzi. Mr. Pirozzi was rated as unqualified by the JNE Commission and has spent most of his professional career as a real estate agent and developer, where he practiced law only incidental to his profession.

So, why, you ask, would Arnold appoint an unqualified judge? Well, did I mention that Mr. Pirozzi also was a oft-defeated Congressional candidate, Chair of the San Bernadino Cty. GOP, and All-Around Arnold Supporter. While it is legal to appoint a non JNE approved judge, it is rare. Given his lack of legal experience, why make the exception for this guy?

One word: Political Payback. This is unacceptable and unethical. Arnold should not be using the Judiciary as some sort of favors piggy bank.

Take Your Final Chance for DFA Campaign Academy!

(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Daily Kos)

Something amazing is happening tomorrow. DFA Campaign Academy is coming to Southern California! Tomorrow, progressive activists from all over Southern California will be coming to Orange County to learn how to win next year and in future elections. And guess what? All of us activists will be learning from the experts who know a thing or two on how to win.

Oh, and here's some more good news. Even though registration for attendance is already at 160 people, DFA is still accepting sign-ups for tomorrow! That's right, even if you haven't signed up yet, you can still come to DFA Training! So what's happening at DFA Training? Follow me after the flip for more…

So what’s in store for this weekend? Well, why not look at the curriculum to find out?! Learn how to fundraise! Learn how to target voters in your neighborhood with new and imporved online tools ready for you to start using! Learn how to use communicate your message better in your local area! Take advantage of this opportunity to learn all this and more this weekend!

OK, so why exactly is this important? Why should we learn all these campaign stuff, especially if we’re not in an area where progressives can win? Actually, that’s why we need to all go to the training this weekend! For far too long, many Democrats have written off areas like Orange County and the Inland Empire as “hopelessly Republican”. But you know what? We can change this!

Ron Shepston may already be doing this as he’s getting his campaign started in the 42nd Congressional District. Now what could possibly be a better way for all of us in Southern California to help Ron out than to go to DFA Campaign Academy and learn how we can convince our neighbors in CA-42 to support Ron? Ron will need people to can take a progressive message, and communicate it in a way that catches the attention of people who may not know much about politics. Ron will need people to help him raise money. Ron will need plenty of help from us if we want to see him win next year, so let’s learn how we can make that happen this weekend!

OK, so you’re nowhere near Orange County? And you don’t live near the 42nd District? That’s fine. Please come anyways, as it’s also important that you learn how to get Democrats elected and promote the progressive agenda in your neighborhood! Perhaps if you sign up now, you can also still catch a hotel room available if you need one. It’s important that we build up Democratic infrastructure everywhere, so let’s get started this weekend! Let’s go to the training and learn what we need to know to gegin building that infrastructure we need to win!

So who’s with me on this? I’ve already signed up for the training. Have you? Well then, you can still sign up! The training’s only $70… That includes lunch for both days and all the workshops you want inside! Oh yes, and this is your chance to meet some of the finest progressive Democrats in the entire region. So what are you waiting for? Sign up to come tomorrow and join the fun! ;-)

CA-42: The Case Against Dirty Gary Miller

(Cross-posted at The Liberal OC and Trash Dirty Gary)

Gary Miller is corrupt. We know that. But why should we be working to unseat him? Why should we invest our resources in a “safe red district” and try to turn it blue next year? Why should we think we have a chance to win in the 42nd Congressional District?

The best way to answer this question is to answer two other questions. Why should we allow such a corrupt individual to stay in office? And what has Gary Miller done for his constituents that has earned him the privilege of earning our votes for reelection? Once we figure out these answers, we can answer those other questions.

You may be surprised by these answers, so follow me after the flip for more…

Well, let's start by answering the corruption question. He'll skirt the law and evade paying his taxes in order to enrich himself on the taxpayers' dime. Now how's that for someone who's supposed to be such a better patriot than those “America-hating Defeatocrats”?

Oh, and who is Gary Miller really working for in Congress? Looking at all the earmarks he's put into legislation and where he's directing these federal funds, the answer is quite clear. He's bought and paid for by the Lewis Group, a real estate development company in Upland. Whatever the Lewis Group wants, Gary Miller delivers… Even if it calls for money spent in Victorville, which is nowhere near the district! Now why would Gary Miller direct federal funds to one interchange in Victorville? Oh yes, that's right… The Lewis Group had a new development right off the 15 in Victorville!

And oh my, look how rewarding all this work has been for Dirty Gary Miller! Look how the Lewis Group has paid him back for all his service. How precious. But you know what? Gary Miller may focus on what's best for his bottom line and the Lewis Group's bottom line, but he's not taking care of what's best for the voters of his own district.

So when did Dirty Gary Miller forget why he's supposed to be in Congress? Doesn't he remember that he's supposed to serve the voters who send him to Washington to represent their interests? Now is it in their interest that Gary Miller abuse “eminent domain land sales” in order to avoid paying the taxes that provide for our national security, our transportation infrastructure, our schools, our parks, and so much more? Is it in their interest that Gary Miller ignore the local needs of the district in order to deliver the desires of out-of-district developers?

What about traffic relief on our freeways? What about helping out our schools in a way that doesn't allow the federal government to take over our schools? What about doing something about the coming climate catastrophe that may not only hurt our businesses, but threaten our very lives? What about ending this failed war in Iraq that has claimed so many of our brave soldiers' lives, and all for our troops to be caught in the midst of someone else's civil war? These are issues that the people in the 42nd District care about, yet these are the issues that Gary Miller ignores as he misuses his power to enrich himself and his developer friends.

So what can be done about this? We can tell all our family, friends, and neighbors about how Gary Miller isn't serving us. I'm doing my part on Trash Dirty Gary, a local blog dedicated to exposing Gary Miller's dirty record AND letting local voters know that we have a better option. Oh yes, and I'll also be uncovering Gary Miller's dirt AND talking about this better option over at The Liberal OC.

OK, so what is this better option that voters have in the 42nd? We can replace Gary Miller with someone who actually wants to serve us! There's an election next year, and Dirty Gary thinks he'll get an easy ride, as he's in a “Safe Republican District”. But Gary Miller has offended Republicans, Democrats, AND Independents in the district by ignoring our local needs while he enriches himself at taxpayers' expense. And if the Democrats in Washington think that Dirty Gary can't get away with his high crimes against the voters of the 42nd Congressional District, why should we?

And guess what! That's where YOU come in. Yesterday, you found out that a blogger will be challenging Dirty Gary in the 42nd. Tomorrow, you'll meet the campaign manager for this special candidate. And on Wednesday, you'll meet this very candidate. And right now, all I can tell you is that this candidate lives in the district, and this candidate actually cares about what's best for the people in this district.

So until then, I rest my case. Gary Miller is guilty of being a corrupt crook who has failed the voters of the 42nd District. And I think we can all take care of his sentence by doing what we can to help this campaign to restore honor and integrity to our Congressional Office! : )

(CA 80th) Honoring César Chávez in Coachella

Manuel Pérez, quoted in the  The Desert Sun recently:

Solis’ legislation gives the Interior Department three years to study sites “significant to the life of César E. Chávez and the farm labor movement in the western United States.” Officials will examine ways to preserve the sites and interpret them to the public.

…… “This goes beyond just honoring him because it helps in so many ways,” Perez said. “He was always very family-oriented and an advocate for leadership development, youth development. The fact that we can dedicate these spaces in our communities for families and youth is such a positive thing.”  Perez, who recalls working on the farms as a child, said his parents were migrant farmworkers who settled in Coachella.  Now Perez is a school board member for the Coachella Valley Unified School District and a candidate for state assembly,  which he said reminds him to “appreciate the sacrifices of people like Chávez who did it in order to build up our communities.”

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Also quoted, our own Joe Mota:

“It’s a beginning and a good start to honoring a man that did so much for the plight of farmworkers,” said Joe Mota of Cathedral City.  Mota worked for UFW as regional director for Southern California from 2001-06.

“He was a very spiritual man,” Mota added, “and giving him parks is an honorable way to remember him because not only did he care for people but he cared so much about nature.”

This bodes well for The Desert Sun, let’s hope. 

It’s a treat to find unsolicited positive press on your candidate in the morning paper, and perhaps it’s a trend away from the usual RW worlitzer fare.  Today they ran an editorial supporting the legislation to honor Chavez,  and weeks ago The Desert Sun lauded Eddie Garcia, the new mayor of Coachella, for his rapid success in attracting businesses and providing civic services, just as he said he would. 

César Chávez so shaped many lives in this district.  It’s no coincidence that Manuel Pérez devoted his career to his community, that Joe Mota and Eddie Garcia did the same, and that they’re supporting Pérez’s run for State Assembly.  The UFW isn’t just a political ally or a social issue for Pérez, it’s family. 

Last night Democrats of the Desert presented Kian Kaeni of People for the American Way at the Peppertree Bookstore in LA Quinta. DoD members, DWD and other club members, and Manuel and Gladys and Amalia were there.  We talked about winning in the CA 80th, which was a priority for Kian, though the regional PFAW offices are now closing.  (New election cycle, new PFAW org structure.  Kian was philosophical about it.)  Kian believes that given the intransigence of the CA 45th voting patterns so far, we need to first win the 80th to win the 45th.

We talked about the gap between registration and actual voting, especially in Imperial County where Dems should dominate on election day, but so far we don’t.  This brought up questions about the southeastern end of the 80th, and Manuel Pérez had the answers.  Manuel brought our group of  western Coachella Valley Democrats up to date on the Democratic organizations in Mecca, Brawley, Calexico, also the newly formed Eastern Coachella Valley Democratic club.  Few knew how much good news there is for Democrats lately in the local Latino community. 

This candidate knows the whole district.  He lives the labor movement, the school reform issue, the healthcare crisis, and he’s completely committed to his community.  This is what the people-powered politics looks like in the 80th.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket  Let’s put some energy into my Californians for Manuel Pérez Act Blue page, my fellow dfh brethren.  Manuel Pérez is exactly what we’re talking about.  For Pérez, the UFW is part of his life.  He doesn’t need to build alliances with labor, he can just call his parents to the podium.  They met working these fields.  It’s good that Representative Solis introduced HR 359 which will honor Chávez appropriately, and it’s good that so many of the generation to follow Chávez honors his work with their own.

Speaking of the Perez family, if you’re in the Coachella Valley, don’t miss the party:

Birthday Bash Fundraiser
Bring $35 for Manuel’s 35th

July 28, 2007
38-300 Rancho Los Coyotes, Indio
Rsvp: 760-772-3466
Come celebrate and enjoy food, drinks, & music.

Calitics Event Calendar listing (with map)

SoCal Grocery Workers Vote for Strike

I just knew this was coming. I knew it was coming. Get ready for another strike at a Vons, Ralphs, and/or Albertsons near you. (From LA Times)

Southern California grocery workers voted Sunday to give their union the right to strike if negotiations for a new contract fail. Union officials said the measure passed by an overwhelming 95%.

Contract talks between the United Food and Commercial Workers [UFCW] union and Ralphs, Vons and Albertsons over a new agreement for 65,000 workers from Bakersfield to the Mexican border broke off late last week. Sunday’s strike authorization vote was set by the union after the grocery chains failed to meet a Thursday deadline for a formal offer.

So what exactly happened? Why couldn’t an agreement be reached? What’s at stake for the grocery companies? What’s at stake for the grocery workers? And what happens next? Follow me after the flip for more…

So why couldn’t an agreement be reached? The OC Register explains:

At issue are health benefits, pensions and adding a lower payment scale for employees, who say they haven’t had a raise since 2002. A representative for the grocery companies called the vote premature and said store officials remain hopeful that they will get back to the bargaining table this week.

Oh, so the vote is “premature”? And the stores are hopeful that they will “get back to the bargaining table this week”? Well, why couldn’t they just work out a fair agreement from the bargaining table to start with? They could avoided all the risk of another strike with a fair agreement.

Take a look at this fact sheet from the UFCW. Profits for the stores have been better than ever, yet the corporate executives at Ralphs (Kroger), Vons (Safeway), and Albertsons (Supervalu) refuse to share any with the workers. The store executives always whine about Wal-Mart and Costco eating away at their market share, yet Wal-Mart and Costco COMBINED only control about 8% of the Southern California market. THAT’S ACTUALLY LESS MARKET SHARE THAN WAL-MART AND COSTCO HAD IN 2003, when the grocery companies were claiming that they need to cut workers’ wages and benefits in order to remain competitive against Wal-Mart and Costco. Yet even though all the workers worked so hard after returning from the 2003-2004 strike to rehabilitate the supermarkets, the grocery companies not only refuse to give them any thanks, but they won’t even give the workers the fair wages and benefits that they should have been given in 2003.

No wonder why workers were so ready yesterday to approve the strike. (From OC Register)

Union workers, still feeling the effects of a five-month strike ending in March 2004, said they are willing to take the risk of a walkout. Debbie Johnson, a mother of four who has worked at the Vons in Huntington Beach for 27 years, said she’s ready to rely on her husband’s paycheck for a while.

“I’m tired of playing the game that goes back and forth,” Johnson said. “There are other jobs out there. I could go anywhere and not have to do all the (work) I do now.” […]

Eddie Davalos, a dairy department supervisor at an Albertsons in La Habra, said he decided to stay at the company for 15 years because of the good benefits. Under the proposed contract, the co-payments for his three kids’ medical visits would go from $25 to $50, he said.

“I feel like it’s a slap in the face,” Davalos said.

Yep, it really is a slap in the face. These workers are struggling just to keep their heads above water. They’re just trying to put some food on their family tables after helping us bring food to our family tables. However, the grocery company CEOs are enjoying record compensation as the companies are reaping in healthy profits. So why can’t the workers just get some decent wages and benefits?

Something needs to be done.

So what can we do about this? What can we do to support the workers as they demand a fair contract? Well, we can start by signing the pledge to take your business elsewhere as the companies are forcing this strike to happen. And since we’re not shopping at the stores that aren’t respecting their workers, we might as well use the store finder to locate nearby grocery stores that are respecting their workers. We can also share these flyers with our friends, family, and neighbors, letting them know what’s at stake for the workers.

Whether or not we ourselves are part of the UFCW, these workers are our friends. They are our brothers and sisters in solidarity. Let’s show them some.

CA-44: Someone’s Keeping an Eye on Calvert

Ever notice this? I recently discovered this fantastic blog that’s covering Creepy Ken Calvert. Eye on Calvert is doing a great job covering everything from the infamous 1993 prostitute incident to all the creepy lobbyist connections to all the global warming denying. You just have to see it all to believe it all!

So why is this blog up and running? Here’s a good explanaton:

Ken is corrupt and it is our responsiblity to make sure everyone knows and force the hand of the GOP to get this man out of any position of power. I will post what we find and repost what others have contributed — all in an effort to show more and more what Kennie boy is all about.

Oh, and mistersmith is already doing a great job at this! If we really want to get rid of Creepy Ken next year, we need to get the message out on just how creepy he really is. And what better way to get the message out than to blog it, and let the message spread out through the internets. And hopefully, voters in Orange and Riverside Counties will find it, and they’ll then know what to do.

So what are you waiting for? If you’re in or near the 44th District in Southern California, and you want to learn more about one of the CREEPIEST REEPS in our area, go see Eye on Calvert. It will really open up your eyes!

Hungry for Security? How About Food Security?

Yesterday, I saw this in The Register. And as soon as I saw this, I was stopped in my tracks.

Roughly 2.5 million low-income adults in California can’t afford to adequately feed their families, resulting in health problems and household stress, according to a UCLA report released this week.

The report measures food insecurity, which can range from reduced quality or variety of diet to skipping meals because of costs. In 2005, 30 percent of low-income adults statewide reported choosing between food and other basic needs, according to data from the California Health Interview Study. Among them, 9 percent experienced a disruption in eating habits or skipped meals. The study did not include the homeless.

In Orange County, the UCLA report says an estimated 190,000 low-income adults struggle to buy food, and about 36,000 people sometimes go hungry. The numbers don’t include children.

Oh my goodness! 2.5 million people in California can’t afford to feed their families? And 190,000 of them are in “wealthy” Orange County? 145,000 of them in San Bernardino County? 740,000 of them in LA County? What’s happening to these people who can’t afford to eat? Why is this happening? And what can we do to solve this problem?

Follow me after the flip for more…

So why exactly is this happening? The UCLA report offers a harrowing answer:

“Food expenditures are the most flexible item in household budgets and are frequently squeezed when income dips or unemployment strikes.”

So these people are having to give up food as they try to scrape up the cash to pay for the mortgage or the rent, as well as the electric bill, and the heating bill, and the water bill, and all those other expenses. They’re having to forgo one of the most basic human needs in order to provide for other basic human needs. Doesn’t this seem disturbing? This shouldn’t be happening. No one should be going hungry. Not in this nation, not in this state, not in any of our communities.

After all, this creates huge societal problems. Hunger does not only cause a growling tummy. So what can happen when people can’t eat? Oh, the children just can’t get educated while the adults don’t get proper health care.

Back to The Register:

According to the research, children living in households without a sufficient food supply miss more school and experience more emotional problems. Adults are more likely to feel anxious or depressed. Additionally, families are more likely to forgo medical care and filling prescriptions, which affects their overall health.

While it may seem counterintuitive, adults living in households with a shortage of quality food were more likely to be overweight, according to the brief. As a solution, the report recommends helping households receive federally funded help, such as food stamps and child nutrition programs.

We all know the value of education. We know the value of good, preventive health care. We all know the value of good mental and emotional health. This is why we can’t all these poor folks go hungry. Their hunger only contributes to greater problems for them, and for others.

So what can be done about this? What can we do to help these people afford something to eat? Well, maybe can support something like the NOURISH Act. The report suggested that the federal government step up its aid for these poor people who can’t help themselves in providing food for the family table. Well, Rep. Joe Baca (D-San Bernardino) has come up with a solution here.

Now I may not always see eye to eye with Joe Baca, but this time he’s totally right on:

“We have a moral obligation to feed the hungry. The NOURISH Act includes many provisions to expand assistance to families and improve access for eligible underserved populations. I also propose increasing funding for food banks which provide important help when government programs are not sufficient to meet the rising demands of American families facing hunger.”

We really need to do something about this hidden crisis. The US is supposed to be the richest nation on earth, and California is supposed to be one of the richest states in this nation. And yet, some 2.5 million people struggle to afford feeding their families. This just shouldn’t be happening.

The NOURISH Act sounds like a good start toward solving this problem. Perhaps we should thank Joe Baca for this good legislation. And maybe, we should write our representatives, and urge them to support Baca’s legislation. We just can’t let any more people needlessly go hungry.

CA-04, CA-44: Defenders of Wildlife Getting Involved?

(And if you’re interested in getting rid of Creepy Ken Calvert, check out Bill Hedrick’s DFA page. He’s the first Democrat who’s announced in the 44th, and he seems to be a good progressive. I guess we’ll see if we have a challenger to take on this OFFENDER of wildlife in SoCal. : ) – promoted by atdleft)

You all might remember how Richard Pombo’s exit from the House was given a boost by a coalition of environmentalists calling themselves the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund.  They created ads and mailers bashing Pombo’s shoddy record of protecting our natural resources and were quite successful.

They’ve now turned their attentions north to CA-04 and John Doolittle.  In fact, they’re releasing a radio ad attacking Doolittle for his repeated denials of the existence of global warming.  The ads, located at Headinthesand.org, have also been customized for other Western state global warming deniers like CA-44’s Ken Calvert, Arizona’s Rick Renzi, New Mexico’s Steve Pearce, and Nevada’s Dean Heller.

Here’s Doolittle:

powered by ODEO
The mini-sites on Doolittle and Calvert have a lot of information like their enviromental legislative scorecards, news updates, and total campaign contributions from industries like oil, automotive, and electric utilities.  You can also take action by sending a constituent letter.

I love when opponents are defined early.  Clearly global warming will continue to be a major issue in 2008, and the Defenders of Wildlife are placing corrupt and vulnerable members like Calvert and Doolittle squarely in the denial camp.  The fact that they are jumping aboard suggests that they see real potential in both of these races.

(P.S. As the end of Q2 nears, you’re going to hear us asking you to donate to Charlie Brown’s campaign a lot, so why don’t you just go to the ActBlue page right now and get it off your to-do list?)

CA-41: Jerry Lewis Knows Little About Science

In case you thought that Crazy Dana Rohrabacher is the only person in Congress who refuses to recognize the reality of climate change, Chris Mooney is ready to dispel that myth at Intersection. Believe it or not, Mr. Earmarks is amazed by how little we know about science. (From Intersection)

“It’s amazing how little we know about the science of our environment and a thing called climate change. Before we automatically throw money into this subject matter we ought to know what we’re talking about. Global warming is apparently a problem, but global cooling can be as well.”

Yes, believe it or not, Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Scandal) actually said that. So why exactly did he say this? And why is anyone taking him seriously? Follow me after the flip for more…

So why did Jerry Lewis start talking about “global cooling” and throwing money into a subject matter that one doesn’t know about? Why did he start talking about an obsolete climatological theory? Why did Jerry Lewis say all that s**t?

Oh yeah, that’s right! He doesn’t want to “throw money” to the NOAA’s climate program! And why should our government actually throw money toward such junk as this?

NOAA’s Climate goal is to: “Understand and describe climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond”.

NOAA’s Climate Goal is an end-to-end endeavor focused on providing decision makers a predictive understanding of the global climate system and to “translate” this information so the public can incorporate the information and products into their decisions. These outcomes are achieved through implementation of a global observing system, focused research to understand key climate processes, improved modeling capabilities, and the development and delivery of climate information services.

Come on now! Who needs more understanding of the global climate system? Who needs more observation of the climate? Who needs predictions and projections? Who needs to understand the consequences of climate change? Who needs understanding of science?

Oh wait, didn’t someone just say this?

“It’s amazing how little we know about the science of our environment and a thing called climate change. Before we automatically throw money into this subject matter we ought to know what we’re talking about.”

Oh yeah, that’s Jerry Lewis! No, not that Jerry Lewis! Wait, do you think he’s looking into a new career in comedy once he leaves that other boring job he’s in now? ; )

Oh, wait! Jerry Lewis wouldn’t be the first Republican Congresscritter to try his hand at comedy? Remember when Think Progress reported on Dana Rohrabacher’s attempt at stand-up back in February?

[…] We don’t know what those other cycles were caused by in the past. Could be dinosaur flatulence, you know, or who knows? We do know the CO2 in the past had its time when it was greater as well. And what happened when the CO2 was greater since then and now? There have been many cycles of up and down warming. So with that said, I think that we’ve had a great discussion today.

I guess it is funny how these Republicans claim that they can’t support taking action on the real scientific problem that’s global climate change because there supposedly isn’t “enough hard science” backing up this “theory”… However when federal agencies like NOAA are doing all the important research and finding the “hard science” that’s backing up this theory, they don’t want to fund the research. It would be so hilarious if it weren’t so real and so dangerous. Climate change is a serious problem, and we’ll face some real, frightening consequences if we don’t act soon. However, these science-doubting Republicans don’t want to take any action on this real global security crisis. And no, they don’t even want to fund any research that would help us find real solutions to this real crisis.

So why again are these science-doubters allowed to say these things in Congress? Shouldn’t our representatives in Washington be working on solutions to our climate crisis? Oh wait, the House now has that select committee on global warming! Apparently, the Democratic majority on Capitol Hill is taking the climate crisis seriously. However, the Republicans would rather continue denying reality. And so long as science-doubting Republicans as Jerry Lewis continue to disregard scientific reality, they are doing a real disservice to their nation and to their communities.

Jerry Lewis obviously knows little about science, and he knows even less about how best to serve his constituents.

Netroots 101 for Democrats in the Desert (CA-45)

Updated: Original title: Netroots 101 for Democratic Women of the Desert 

By request of Sandra Stone, president of Democratic Women of the Desert, and George Zander, president of Desert Stonewall Democrats, I took my fellow Democrats down the rabbit hole with me.  Many of our best Democratic activists here in the desert are still unfamiliar with a lot about the blogosphere, and I hope to bridge the gap a bit.  Word got around after Howie Klein’s visit with Democrats of the Desert last May.  These are politically savvy, experienced Democrats who show up, fundraise, canvass, and phonebank.  Time to join forces more effectively.  I want them in here. 

I’ve pulled some notes together and collected pertinent links.  The goal is more Democrats from the CA-45th active in the blogosphere.  Follow below the flip for the working outline of Netroots 101, a friendly introduction to the blogosphere:

Crossposted to Calitics

Netroots 101 – An introduction to the liberal blogosphere

Short version:  Read TalkingPointsMemo, DailyKos and Calitics (links below), and be an online advocate for your community.  It’s really, really fun in here, and worthwhile for any citizen.

“Some of you in the DNC may see us as barbarians at the gate. Some of us see ourselves as the cavalry.  The truth is, we are fresh horses.” Miles Kurland, a grassroots DFA activist speaking directly to a large group of DNC members at the DNC Western Regional Caucus, 1/22/05

What is the Netroots Community? 
What are blogs?  Not necessarily journalism, nor literature, nor punditry.  Just free speech on the internet, homespun, in the best American DIY (Do It Yourself) tradition, with all of its potential consequences.  And pootie pics and ponies

Excellent example of campaign blogging:  Kid Oakland on why Howie Klein is a netroots hero

Daily Kos & Calitics
Click the sitemeter.  Review the blog reader survey.

Structure:  Login, Frontpage, Diaries, Comments. 
  Importance of rules, especially copyright issues, and wisdom of lurking at first. 
Daily Kos has an extensive FAQ

Types of Diaries/Posts: Recommended, rated, rescued, campaign round ups.
  Getting crossposted, evidence that someone else found merit in your posting.  Google always knows.  If Calitics front posts your diary, you will be read by the California political media. 
  Example of a comment on Daily Kos  – in this case, I’m adding Mary Bono’s latest gaffe to a posting about astronomic GOP stupidity.  Comments in front page postings are more likely to be read than your extensive diary on your candidate.  Participate in the conversation, and add your candidate’s POV where it’s pertinent to the conversation.  Include a link to the campaign webpage.

Database/Info Mgmt elements of blogs:  Links, tags, ratings, trusted user status, hidden comments.  Posting is relatively simple on most blogs, with handy buttons to add boldface, italics, links & pics

Community Features:
The Scotty Show, Sunday Talk, BlueAmerica interviews, Cheers & JeersDigby Revealed at the Take Back America Conference, June 07.  This was the first time her millions of readers got a chance to see or hear the person behind the brilliant words.

Jargon:   snark, trolls, concern trolls, flame wars, meta, DFHs, WATBs, WTF?
  wingnuts/moonbats, Sockpuppets (Lee Siegal example)  Bwahahahaha. 
For your reference, the Lexicon of Liberal Invective

Netroots ethos:  Transparency is mandatory, though real names are not.  Why.

Commenting Policy for Crooks and Liars 

The Debased Mainstream Media – now part of the Beltway elite, often worse than useless
Media Matters, working the refs, corporate takeover, stenography
The Deborah Howell re Abramoff Affair, Judy Miller, Broder, Klein, Hiatt, Tweety, Timmeh.  Cocktail weenies.  HuffPost’s Russert watch.  We want professional journalism, and we react to bad work.  Remedies applied:
*Firedoglake and the Libby Trial  Legal expertise, and giving a damn about outing a spy made the difference. 
*TPM and the US Attorneys issue – Having some regard for the role of the Justice Dept. made the difference.  Document dump teamwork.
NB:  You will be held to the same standards when you post a diary or comment.  Expect feedback on style and substance.  Do Not expect it to be uniformly flattering. 

Flip side:  The netroots give proper support and attention to writers like Paul Krugman, Frank Rich, Sy Hersh, Dana Priest, Dan Froomkin, Murray Waas,  Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, etc.  We have their backs. 

Issues with DemocratsThe DLC’s sticky fingers and why centrists are perceived as tools, not pragmatists, in the current political environment-  Buying into RW frames and media fatuousness.  Lieberman, the Fox News Democrat, Short Ride Joe.  The whole Rahm v. Dean tension.  Shrum/Consultants, feh.

Venting:  YouTube of Jim Mora, linked in blogs everywhere after the last Iraq funding vote to voice the disgust:

Beloved Democrats – Howard Dean, Russ Feingold, John Conyers, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer (except for CT primary, which just proves that no one rides for free, not even Boxer.  Ruthless scrutiny of Democrats, by Democrats.

Netroots Campaigning –  Earning More and Better Democrats
Resources:  Progressive Punch, Sunlight Foundation, WaPo Database.  Campaign bloggers tell the story of the campaign and coordinate with other Democratic activists online on behalf of their districts.  Act Blue.  Viral media.  Bird-dogging for macaca moments.  Pushing back.  Thanks to online activism, many races that no one thought were competitive added to our majority:  Webb, Tester, McNerney, Hall.  Don’t mention it, it was our pleasure.

Will the netroots get behind my guy?  Depends.  Some parameters:

Blue America (Crooks and Liars, Down With Tyranny and Firedoglake)

Howie Klein: “Blue America doesn’t ask much of our prospective endorsees. On GLBT issues, for example, we don’t ask them to promise to support a gay marriage bill; we just ask them if they will fight for gay equality, even if they have to exhibit some leadership in a tough environment.  If they can’t do that, we may still root for them to beat a much worse Republican, but we don’t raise money for them.  We expect the candidates we endorse and raise money for to support a woman’s right to choice, to support serious campaign finance reform, to favor serious proposals to end the occupation of Iraq, to support gay equality– and, like I said, to be willing to exercise leadership on difficult issues.  I mean, sure, we want candidates who are for the minimum wage and who oppose the dismantling of Social Security, but those should be the easy issues for Democrats”.

Blue Majority (Daily Kos, MyDD, and Swing State Project):

The litmus test
by kos

Wed Aug 03, 2005 at 06:33:01 AM PDT
My candidate litmus test, with edits, from James Powell’s excellent comment on Gilliard’s blog:

*Does candidate ‘distance himself’ from the party and/or its leaders, or is he proud to be a Democrat?
*Does he talk like a bureaucrat or like a regular person?
*Does she make it clear that she opposes Bush and the Republicans?
*Does she back down when the corporate press/media or Republican pundits attack him, or does she stand by her words?
*Does he sleepwalk through the campaign, or does he act like he wants to win?

Notice the complete lack of ideology. And if that bothers you, just remember who would control the committees if Democrats took charge. 


Wikipedia. Google basics.  Note:  YouTube (owned by Google) and its growing influence (Google is competing with MySpace, which Rupert Murdoch just bought.)  Pathetic RW spin offs:  QubeTV and Conservapedia.  Check the blogrolls of writers you like.  Follow the links, or you’ll miss the whole point half the time. TalkingPointsMemo is rapidly becoming a daily requirement. 


The blogosphere serves to amplify the best of journalism and commentary, and to fill in the gaps.  It’s a networking godsend to activists.  There is a RW blogosphere, but it has nowhere near our creative energy and has been repeatedly spanked with the facts.  Wingnuttia, as it is called, is just another outlet of the Norquist/Rove media machine, it features foot soldiers repeating talking points, monolithic and unified; whereas the liberal netroots challenge orthodoxy and grow from below, collaborating or not, independently. 

Sideline: Guns, Germs and Steel analogy: 
Why didn’t China conquer the Americas?  Why was it Spain? China had one emperor to ask, Europe had multiple royals.  Columbus got lucky with the third monarch.  A Chinese adventurer had no such option.  Similar dynamic here:  This is the drawback to total control, it rewards mediocre talent and punishes innovation, and it’s isolating.  Again, this is the netroots’ primary complaint of the DLC, its chief weakness and largest similarity to Rove/GOP, this top-down myopia.  This is where “the Democratic wing of the Democratic party” is still alive and kicking.  Local Democrats are demanding more say. 

What was a Dem weakness is a strength here – our cranky, insubordinate, in-house talent pool.  The grassroots are successfully re-branding the Democratic Party partly because the internet levels the playing field.  Money and access aren’t neutralized by any stretch, but they’re less omnipotent.  It’s a start. 

Highly Recommended: Crashing the Gate by Markos Moulitzas Zuniga and Jerome Armstrong, and Anatomy of Deceit by Marcy Wheeler


Lurk first, and if you have to think twice about posting that comment, don’t.  Not everything has to be expressed in print for global consumption, and there is no taking it back.  Revise & extend, yes.  Erase, no.

• Real names aren’t necessary, but absolute transparency is.  Note your conflicts and associations frankly.

• Follow the rules, cite your sources, and know your facts.  Give us a link.  We love a link.

• Don’t feed the trolls.  If an emotionally stunted creature goes after you, ignore it.  Veterans will deal with it.

No law says you ever have to post a thing.  The majority doesn’t  (I think).  I didn’t for over a year at first.  But there’s excellent reading in here, and a nourishing fellowship of liberals.  Your candidate will benefit from your browsing alone.  Some of the writers in here are breathtakingly good.  It’s a tonic.


Some Handy Hyperlinks (please note – you don’t have to read all this to keep up.  Just dKos and Calitics to start will cover quite a lot, as everyone reads everyone else and quotes their favorite bits):

These first three are unfailingly appropriate for genteel eyes and ears:

Hotline’s Blogometer  http://blogometer.na…

Dan Froomkin of the WaPo  http://www.washingto…

Scott Horton’s No Comment/Harper’s Magazine http://harpers.org/s…

Some profanity may occur (most likely in the comments) but it is usually merited:

Daily Kos  http://www.dailykos….

Firedoglake  http://www.firedogla…

Down With Tyranny  http://downwithtyran…

Crooks and Liars  http://www.crooksand…

Hullaballoo  http://www.digbysblo…

TalkingPointsMemo:  http://www.talkingpo…

Americablog:  http://americablog.b…

Atrios:  http://atrios.blogsp…

Calitics  http://www.calitics….

Hotline on Call  http://hotlineblog.n…

Local talent! Elle’s Blog http://www.desertdem…

Glenn Greenwald  http://www.salon.com…

Blog Reader Survey  http://www.blogads.c…

Daily Kos FAQ  http://www.dkosopedi…

Calitics Rules  http://www.calitics….

Crooks and Liars Commenting Policy http://www.crooksand…

ActBlue Formatting Guide  http://www.actblue.c…

Blue Majority  http://www.actblue.c…

Blue America 

Firedoglake Archive – Plame 

New York Times regarding the Firedoglake Libby Trial Liveblogging  http://www.nytimes.c…

Jane Hamsher on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Matt Stoller of MyDD on what’s wrong with Dem consultants 

Gilliard after the 2004 elections 

YouTube – Have You Had Enough of Mary Bono?  

YouTube Jim Mora, proxy of choice for liberal bloggers after the Iraq funding vote

Now go forth and find your own favorite links!

Updated at 12:20pm Wed. June 13 to add links and some features (Cheers & Jeers, ponies, Lexicon, copyright issues)

Updated for clarity and tidiness on July 6, again on July 14, 2007