YearlyKos 2007: California’s Raucus Caucus

(I added the picture. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

DSC_0053.JPGIt’s a great turnout at the California/Hawaii netroots caucus at YearlyKos Chicago, with about 200 bloggers gathering to get to know each other beyond our blogging screen names. We have some higher profile people here too, including Rick Jacobs of the Courage Campaign and George Lakoff from the Rockridge Institute.

Julia Rosen, Matt Ortega and David Dayen are doing a great job leading the discussion, which began with an applause-filled round of introductions around the room.

A stand-out moment came when Jose, a student from Southern California who is organizing around the DREAM Act, talked about his own story of being undocumented and trying to get an education. The crowd cheered him in support as he broke down telling his story. The DREAM Act came up today in the Latino caucus, as well, and I hope it will become an issue that the blogosphere will champion more. In California, the DREAM Act was vetoed by Gov. Schwarzenegger last year, and died this cycle in committee. There is an effort underway to bring it back, however, and I will be blogging more about that soon.

Now we are talking about how difficult California is to organize, and David and Julia and Brian are updating folks about their various efforts in California politics and expanding Calitics.

Charlie Brown, one of our favorite California candidates, in CA-04, is speaking now. He’s talking about how security has to include energy policy. “Even the military is worried about global warming, why can’t Bush and Cheney do anything?”

Steve Young speaking now, about his race in Orange County. He’s running in the reddest district in California, but still fighting the good fight with a grass-roots campaign.

I’ve got to run to another meeting, but I want to give major props to the Calitics crew for putting together such an awesome meeting!

From the Twin Cities to the City by the Bay: Republicans Gut Infrastructure Repair Funding

I doubt I was the only Californian who had some nasty feelings of déjà vu upon seeing the reports from the horrific collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minnesota. I still vividly remember Game 3 of the 1989 World Series being knocked off the air by the Loma Prieta quake, and one of the first scenes shown by the news was of the collapsed Interstate 880 in West Oakland. I also remember being rudely awoken by the 1994 Northridge quake, and seeing the footage of the collapsed portion of Interstate 10 in LA, or of the destroyed CA-14/I-5 interchange in Santa Clarita. Nearly 50 people died as a result of these events. Living in earthquake country, we are acutely aware of how susceptible our bridges are to failure.

It is rapidly becoming clear that this is a tragedy caused by the preference of tax cuts over public safety. And sadly, irresponsibly, and indefensibly, the same situation prevails here in California. Last month, Assembly Republicans demanded and received a $1.3 billion cut in transportation funding, in order to provide tax cuts to industry as a condition of approving the budget. One of the items included in that $1.3 billion cut was funding for the seismic retrofit of BART’s Transbay Tube.

In the aftermath of Northridge, California embarked upon a massive program to seismically retrofit all bridges in the freeway system. It’s hard to fathom that in just over a decade, California Republicans have gone from being a party willing to help rebuild and provide for the safety of state infrastructure to being a party that is not only willing, but demands that funds be cut to do the same thing for other elements of our transportation system.

It’s not just the Transbay Tube that needs attention. BART’s elevated tracks are just as vulnerable to seismic risk. There are thousands of non-freeway road bridges that need attention; rail bridges and other elements of our transportation system are aging. And that doesn’t even begin to include other state infrastructure, from dams to aqueducts to buildings, that have deferred maintenance piling up.

Sometimes – most times, it seems – it takes a disaster to wake up the public. The aforementioned freeway retrofit program did not begin until after the rash of quakes in the late ’80s and early ’90s. In Washington State, voters who had never seen a tax cut they didn’t like instead voted FOR a 9 cent hike in the gas tax just weeks after Hurricane Katrina revealed the need to take better care of infrastructure. Seattle voters approved a property tax hike last year to rebuild old city bridges. And of course, California voters approved several billion in bonds last year to address infrastructure needs.

Yet despite the obvious need – and proven danger – Republicans still insist on cutting funds for these in order to give their wealthy friends more tax cuts. Their recklessness on public safety, and their determination to hold up the budget to ensure it, is something Californians will have to reject at the polls.

Budget Update: One Vote Closer, One Vote Away

Last night the State Senate met again to discuss the budget. And there was drama – my Senator, Abel Maldonado, broke ranks with his fellow Republicans to denounce the budget delay. He sounded noble in this quote, via  the Chronicle:

“I think a vote for this budget is a vote for a fiscally responsible plan and No. 2, it does not raise taxes,” he said. “If I lose my election because of this, that’s a price I’m willing to pay.”

Well, Abel, you’re going to lose reelection because we on the Central Coast are sick of Roadblock Republicans. Which is what we saw last night, as Maldonado’s vote for the budget was still not enough. The other 14 Republicans refused to go along, leaving the poor, the elderly, children, and schools in the lurch.

Don Perata, saying there was nothing more he could do, adjourned the Senate but told senators to stay in town in case anything happened. If senators do go home, many will be greeted with protests by the people they are seeking to harm. One also assumes that pressure will be stepped up on Jeff Denham, who has deluded himself that his path to power lies in becoming McClintock’s best friend.

What can we do about this? Some thoughts on the other side.

Democrats need to now step up their game, and treat this like the final weeks of a political campaign – complete with rallies, a coordinated media strategy, and a unified narrative. There are some specific things they need to let the public know:

1. It is the Republicans and the Republicans alone who are blocking this budget. Arnold wants it done. All the Democrats want it done. And now even a Republican state senator wants it done. Republicans are being irresponsible and reckless is holding this up.

2. The Democratic budget IS balanced. Republicans are telling the media that their cuts are necessary to restore “balance” and if this takes hold in the media, the Dems are in serious trouble. Sacramento Dems need to be pushing back on this one in particular.

3. From that, we then emphasize what the Republicans want – unnecessary and spiteful cuts to necessary public services. Cal-WORKS was a bipartisan reform program that has been a proven success. Child health care – who in their right mind would oppose this? Aid to the elderly – why do Republicans want to cut that?

4. We also remind voters that one of the core reasons behind Republican obstruction is to gut the global warming action plans that the state passed last year. They’re using hostage tactics to gut AB 32. They want the state to be totally unable to act to save our environment and mitigate our carbon output.

5. Their delaying tactics are financially irresponsible, leaving workers unpaid, schools without money on the eve of the new year, and families without health care as a result of the Republicans’ unwillingness to do their job and pass a budget.

The 2008 campaign starts today. If Dems successfully show the public that Republicans merely block effective compromise, prefer hostage tactics to good faith negotiation, want to kill our global warming law through the back door, and want to cut families and the elderly and schools off from needed funds, then we isolate them, much as the Republican Congress had isolated itself in the months leading up to their 2006 defeat.

[UPDATE] Props to the CA Majority Report, and Matt Jones in particular, who demolishes a number of the Senate Republican talking points in this excellent post.

Checking in from Chicago

After Southwest and the appeal of alcohol conspired to keep me up far too late, I’m now fully caffeinated and starting to comprehend what’s going on around me.  Caught the early session on connecting to major donors and am now in a panel discussing the building of a donor base.  Yes I’ve got dollar signs in my eyes this fine Thursday.  Have already crossed paths with tons of your favorites here at Calitics- Julia, Jen, Brian, Bob, cmanaster have all made appearances so far.  Eden from McNerney’s camp, Matt Lockshin, kid oakland, and then all the “stars” like Bowers, Stoller, Singer, Adam Conner, etc.  Everyone still has sleep in their eyes, but this is a heckuva warmup already.

People are spread all over the HUGE convention center, so until there’s actual “analysis” getting churned out, everyone can jump in here to drop questions, comments, impressions, dirty jokes, offers to underwrite my travels. Whatever works.  I’ll have insight I swear, but it’s early.

flip for updates

10:54am: how do we make giving a lifestyle like tithing (democracy bonds?), how do we make the results tangible and concrete?

11:13am: “The Agony and Ecstasy of State-Local Blogging.” Bobby Clark, Matt Singer, Wendy Norris, Julielyn Gibbons and Justin Cole speaking.  Brian, Julia and a roomful of others are out for it. Anybody have thoughts on the agony and ecstasy of state and local blogging? maybe?

Tauscher Cleans Up The “Gonzales Can’t Be Impeached” Remark

Ellen Tauscher has now not only acknowledged that an Attorney General can be impeached, but she signed on to the impeachment resolution:

I apologize for inaccuracies contained in any earlier correspondence. I want to set the record straight on my actions. I am a co-sponsor of two bills to remove Gonzales from office. On May 22, I co-sponsored H. Res. 417, which declares that the House of Representatives and the American people have lost confidence in Attorney General Gonzales. It calls on the President to nominate a new candidate capable of serving as the head of the Department of Justice. Additionally, I am a co-sponsor of H. Res. 589, introduced yesterday by Rep. Jay Inslee of Washington, which directs the House Judiciary Committee to initiate an impeachment investigation of the Attorney General. The resolution requests a formal investigation of the facts surrounding the Attorney General’s actions in order to allow Congress to determine whether articles of impeachment are appropriate […]

You have to appreciate someone who can admit they were wrong. 

CA-42: The Weekly Dirt on Dirty Gary

(Cross-posted at Trash Dirty Gary and The Liberal OC)

It’s been quite a wild week in the 42nd Congressional District. Ever since Ron Shepston announced that he’s running against Dirty Gary Miller, there have been quite some interesting developments that have occurred in the race to replace Dirty Gary. We’ve had the bloggers talk about going offline. We’ve had the California Democratic Party go online to announce its new website targeting Dirty Gary. We’ve heard rumors that a former Republican politician might reemerge to challenge Dirty Gary in the primary. Oh yes, and what did Ron say about John Kerry?

Follow me after the flip for all the latest dirt on Dirty Gary…

Part One: The Bloggers

The bloggers are coming out of the computer room. OK, so how do I know? The call has been made on Daily Kos. A few of my Kossack friends joined me at DFA Training last month, and they are ready to get the netroots involved in grassroots politics.

So what will come out of this? Hopefully, a whole lot of good work! I encourage our online friends, especially those of them in Southern California, to help us local activists in kicking some Dirty Gary arse and bringing some integrity back to the 42nd District!

Part Two: The Party

Nothing really prepared me for this. The California Democratic Party is actually doing something in the 42nd… And the 44th, as well as the 41st! It’s started the “Triangle of Corruption“, a web site that will keep track of all the dirty wrongdoings of Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, and Jerry Lewis. Way to go, CDP!

Part Three: The Other Challenger?

Oh my goodness, you just have to see this bit of salacious gossip that Art Pedroza included in this week’s “OC Political Chismes“! Apparently, there’s word out here that Lynn Daucher may run against Dirty Gary in the Republican Primary next June. Yes, you heard me right… Lynn Daucher!

So will Miss “Shopping for the Right District” end up running where she actually lives? I don’t know. Still, it would be nice to see Lynn run for office representing a place where she actually resides.

Part Four: The Candidate

Oh yes, and take a look at this, why dont you? No, Ron isn’t trying to take a jab at John Kerry. He’s just talking about how much the Daily Kos community contributes to Democratic victory. Go ahead and take another look at Ron’s latest Daily Kos diary… You might start thinking differently about “those crazy bloggers”.

Part Five: And Finally…

Here’s another rule that Dirty Gary broke! Cheese louise, he wore a hawaiian shirt inside the halls of Congress?! Not only does he have no respect for decorum, but he doesn’t even have any good taste! ; )

August 1, 2007 Blog Roundup

Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Let me know what I missed.

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here and do what comes naturally

Budgets are Moral

Straight-Up Electoral

Freedom to Marry (Equally
Accurate: Bigotry in the Initiative Process)

We’ve Only Got the One

And the Rest

Wednesday Open Thread

For the first time in over 10 days the sun is out here in Monterey. But hey, after 6 years in the Emerald City, I’m used to the gray…

  • Is free speech being lost in privatized SF parks, asks a Fog City Journal guest op-ed? Given how little public assembly space that city actually has, and the corresponding need for free, accessible community organizing space, this is a major concern.
  • Also from FCJ: SF Supes defeat 6-5 a measure to protect the health of Bayview-Hunters Point residents who are certain they’re falling ill from dust and possibly asbestos kicked up by Lennar’s redevelopment project. This is especially ironic to me, as my dissertation is in part about the earlier fight against redevelopment in the Western Addition in the 1960s. Then, as now, the city leaders chose to defend redevelopment in spite of its harmful impacts on the residents it was ostensibly there to help.
  • From the Sightline Institute comes this graph of how various kinds of cars compare in their CO2 emissions. The difference between a Prius’ emissions and those of an average passenger car are greater than the difference between that average car and an average SUV.
  • LAist is beating the drums for Ron Paul – and isn’t about to apologize for it. Sigh. He’s Barry Goldwater, Grover Norquist, and James Dobson all rolled into one. I dread the moment when the corporate powerbrokers see the opportunities inherent in Ron Paul’s 1890s approach to political economy, and how it motivates many Republican netrooters.
  • Whenever KEXP’s online stream gets choppy, or there’s a run of songs that don’t grab my interest, I switch the iTunes over to CBC Radio 3. Awesome stuff from our friends north of 49. This morning I heard something by Kwoon, a French band that bills itself as “post-rock” (sort of like Sigur Ros). A French animator, Yannick Puig, came up with a stunning, beautiful video for their song “I Lived On the Moon” – enjoy!

Update on proposed anti-gay statewide ballot measures

(We’re happy to promote the Mad Professah’s first diary. We’re big fans of his blog. – promoted by jsw)

Thanks to user KatRose over at Pam's House Blend Mad Professah was alerted to this newly amended version of the previously announced Randy Thomasson-sponsored amendment to the California state constitution which was also recently approved by the attorney general for circulation for signatures…

1253. (07-0020) Marriage. Elimination of Domestic Partnership Rights. Constitutional Amendment.

Summary Date: 7/16/07 Circulation Deadline: 12/13/07 Signatures Required: 694,354 Proponent: Larry Bowler and Randy Thomasson Provides that only marriage between one man and one woman is valid or recognized in California. Prohibits decreasing marriage rights shared by one man and one woman. Defines man and woman. Voids or makes unenforceable certain rights and obligations conferred by California law on same-sex and opposite-sex couples registered as domestic partners, concerning subject areas including, but not limited to, community property, intestate succession, stepparent adoption, child custody, child support, hospital visitation, health care decisions for an incapacitated partner, insurance benefits, death benefits, and recovery for wrongful death. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Unknown, but potential increased costs for state and local governments. The impact would depend in large part on future court interpretations. (Initiative 07-0020.) (Full Text)

As KatRose points out this initiative constitutional amendment purports to define what the State of California will consider a man and a woman. This is an incredibly intrusive measure that would be devastating to transgendered people and intersexuals. Sex is not a simple binary between male and female. Happily, this measure is so extreme it is unlikely to get the signatures required, Mad Professah is much more worried about the more insidious initiative (07-0023) sponsored by Gail Knight (widow of the evil State Senator Pete Knight, the sponsor of anti-gay Proposition 22 which passed in March 2000) with financial backing from Focus on the Family:

SECTION 1. Title This measure shall be known and may be cited as the "California Marriage Protection Act." SECTION 2. Article I, Section 7.5 is added to the California Constitution, to read: Sec. 7.5. Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.This provision shall not affect the rights, benefits and obligations conferred by California law on other domestic relationships.

This is a much harder amendment to defeat because it explicitly leaves California domestic partnserships (which are the equivalent of civil unions) alone and doesn't try to define what "a man and a woman" are. It is basically a constitutional amendment version of Propostion 22, which what was an Initiative Statutory Amendment. This measure already has a ballot title and summary from the State Attorney General's Initiatives office as well as being on the Secretary of State's list of pending ballot initiatives:

Summary Date: 7/17/07 Circulation Deadline: 12/14/07 Signatures Required: 694,354 Proponent: Dennis Hollingsworth, Gail J. Knight, Hak-Shing William Tam, Peter Henderson and Mark A. Jansson c/o Andrew Pugno LIMIT ON MARRIAGE. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Amends the California Constitution to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Further amends the California Constitution to state that the amendment shall not affect the rights, benefits and obligations conferred by California law on other domestic relationships. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: The measure would have no fiscal effect on state or local governments. This is because there would be no change to the manner in which marriages are currently recognized by the state. (Initiative 07-0023.)

Hang on, folks, it's gonna be a bumpy ride!