DiFi Hearts Torture

Make no mistake, at this point, a vote for Judge Mukasey is a vote for torture.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Democratic Sens. Charles Schumer of New York and Dianne Feinstein of California say the will support Michael Mukasey’s nomination to be attorney general. Both are members of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

They did the old Friday-afternoon get-out-of-Dodge news dump on it, too.  Guess DiFi learned a lot on that Air Force One ride with George.

Michael Mukasey has refused to explain whether waterboarding is torture.  Allowing him to be the nation’s highest law enforcement official means sanctioning that opinion at the highest levels.  Worse, Mukasey’s views on executive power – believing that the President has unenumerated powers in wartime – sanction official lawbreaking at the highest levels, and emasculate Congress in their attempts to do anything about it.  DiFi just eliminated her need to show up at the office.

UPDATE: A bit more here.

In announcing her support for Mukasey, Feinstein, D-Calif., said “first and foremost, Michael Mukasey is not Alberto Gonzales,” referring to the former attorney general who resigned in September after months of questions about his honesty.


Wow, the standards of government have gone completely into the toilet.

We Don’t Want Him. You Can Have Him

This is what happens when people who have not paid attention to California politics and fall for Arnold’s green international reputation.  SusanG links to this list by the Telegraph on the top 20 liberal in the U.S. Guess who they have at #8 sandwiched between Michael Moore and Oprah Winfrey?  Yup, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Leaving him off the conservative list was a difficult decision but Schwarzenegger’s defiance of Republican orthodoxy and move towards California liberalism leaves him better placed to influence the liberal sphere. Even unstinting Schwarzenegger support of a Rudy Giuliani general election campaign in California would be unlikely to deliver the state to Republicans. His marriage to Maria Shriver took him into the Kennedy clan.

As an Austrian-born immigrant, the former body builder and action movie star is barred from the presidency, though he has not ruled out a run for the US Senate in 2010 if Barbara Boxer retires. Schwarzenegger’s actions to combat global warming have prompted an alliance with Tony Blair and are likely lead to his working more closely with Al Gore. For any Democrat entering the Oval Office, one of the first calls will be to Schwarzenegger.

So, basically they wanted to have Arnold on their lists and he didn’t fit on the conservative list, thus they decided to put him on the liberal one.  Sorry, Arnold has an opportunity as a Republican to influence his own party more than he does the Democrats, especially on the national stage.

For my long take down on Arnold as a liberal click here.

Palm Springs Village Fest – November 1, 2007

November 1, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).

Hot desert nights and progressive, Support-the-Troops/Stop-the-Insanity Democrats.  Milling crowds of locals, visitors, and voters.  I was able to discuss my letter-to-the-editor in today’s Desert Sun with the other progressive Democrats at Village Fest.  The theme of my letter was the incompetence of Bush and Mary Bono R-45 and the expecancy that their promises re helping the victims of the Southern California wild fires are probably empty given nature of the promises made to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.  Years following Hurricane Katrina, and New Orleans, a great American city, and the Gulf Coast remain devastated.

The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to George Zander, President of the Club, Bob Silverman, Treasurer, Bill Gonzalez, and Randy.  The Democrats of the Desert staffed another table thanks to Eleanor, and the Palm Springs Democrats staffed another table as well.

Hopefully, we will see visits from Greg Pettis, Steve Pougnet Mayor-elect of Palm Springs, John Williams, City Councilman-elect of Palm Springs, and Rick Hutcheson, City Councilman-elect of Palm Springs at the next Village Fest.  Remember, Tuesday is Election Day.  You must vote on Tuesday or have your Vote-by-Mail postmarked by then to make a difference in Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley!
More exciting details below the flip…

Craig Ewing, Candidate for the Palm Springs Water Board spent hours meeting and greeting the voters of the Palm Springs area.  Crowds met him with unanticipated enthusiasm.  Paul Clay, declared Candidate for the CA-45 Congressional District, raise awareness about his candidacy.  I discussed with him the unsubstantiated rumor that Mary Bono may wait until the last minute to announce that she will not run for re-election and will anoint Bonnie Garcia as her replacement.  The thought of Bonnie Garcia (“I wouldn’t throw Arnold out of bed”) as a Congresswoman in the District brought peals of derisive laughter from the surrounding voters.

April Hildner, of No on C, discussed the misrepresentation by the Yes on C people, the absence of committment to build a hotel by the developer, and the misinformation in the hands of the voters.

Tracy Turner, Vets for Peace, helped stoke the fires of intelligent discussion and activism.  More on anti-occupation efforts as information becomes available.

Richard Oberhaus, campaign manager for Greg Pettis, Candidate for the 80th Assembly District, helped the Democratic Clubs and local candidates.  Come to Palm Springs Pride 2008 this Sunday and see the local candidates in the Pride Parade!!

We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, i.e., yours truly, captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter.  I distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, and solicited voters to register to vote.  We discussed how poorly Obama did in the debate this week and how ill-conceived that nature of his attacks on Hillary were.  I am sure that the image of an African-American attacking a White woman is not the image that the Obama campaign wants to linger in the minds of Middle America.

Wayne and the boyz staffed the Sen. Hillary Clinton table.  Burt and Dave Huntzinger spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table.  The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers.  Bob Morris of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Nobel Prize Winner Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot.  Morris expects an announcement from Gore during his Leno appearance.

We also registered 9 voters last night, including one change of party affiliation from the Dark Side.  Moderate and progressive Republicans have long had enough of the incompetence, ineptitude, and callous disregard for the truth of the Bush Administration.  Now they are voting with their feet by moving quickly to the Democratic Party!

Zander, Silverman, Morris, Oberhaus, Tracy Turner (Vets for Peace), Gonzalez, Randy and a worker from one of the San Diego Democratic Clubs attended the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s!  Keep turning the Coachella Valley blue!

The Problem Is What’s Legal

The latest Fabian Nuñez story concerns charities:

Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez used a small charity as a conduit to funnel almost $300,000 from companies and organizations with business in the Capitol to events that helped him politically.

By giving to the charity, the donors whom Nuñez solicited earned tax deductions for which they would not have qualified had they given directly to Nuñez’s campaign accounts. They were also able to donate more than the $7,200 maximum allowed under California’s campaign fundraising rules.

Those donors include Zenith Insurance Co., AT&T, Verizon Communications Inc., the California Hospital Assn., the state prison guards union, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and Blue Cross of California — all groups with high stakes in legislation.

The money was used for events including “Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez’s Toy Drive,” “Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez’s Soccerfest 2006,” “Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez’s Inaugural Legislative Youth Conference” and airplane flights for 50 children from Nuñez’s district for “Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez’s Sacramento Student Summit,” according to state documents.

It’s murky whether or not this constitutes a violation of federal tax laws or state ethics laws.  If he’s soliciting the donation and then directing how it’s used, maybe.  And apparently the charity itself was shut down for failing to file tax returns a couple years ago.

I would submit that the legality question is completely irrelevant.

Here’s the problem.  Power is almost entirely centralized in the leadership in the California Legislature.  If you are a business in the health care industry, and you want to impact policy, there’s only one member of the legislature that means anything to you – Fabian Nuñez.  And so you will use a variety of techniques to try to gain access and influence over the process.  If they can be so specifically directed, it’s inevitable that stories like this will permeate.  The problem is what’s LEGAL.  It’s a structural problem that invites corruption or the appearance of corruption.

The Founders decentralized power so there would be competition between the various branches.  Spreading out the number of powerful actors lessens the chance of access-buying.  The Founders foresaw political parties and factions and were violently opposed to them, and I would guess that this kind of artificial centralization was precisely the reason.  This has been a longtime problem in both national and California politics, made worse here by all the bottlenecks created in the legislature, which make certain parts of the calendar completely confusing and ripe for control by individual actors.

I’m not sure what the answer is to dilute the power of the legislative leadership, but unless you do, you’re going to keep seeing stories like this.  The target for special interests is so inviting and so focused. 
See Also:

  • Fabian Nunez tag page
  •   The Speaker Speaks
  • The hits on Nunez get cheeky
  • Just a Hardworking Guy from the Labor Movement
  • Steve Poizner is a dangerous man

    No, I’m not worried that he’s going to come to my house and beat me up, I’m more worried that he’s going to take some of his big pile of GOP dotcom loot to some crazy propositions and campaigns. Now, if it came to fisticuffs between me and the Insurance commissioner, I’m sure the early money would be on Mr. Poizner. But as I’ve said in the past, I’m scrappy. But in the end, I’m sure he could just hire somebody to do any dirty work.

    Anyway, the reason I bring this up is a report from yesterday’s Capitol Weekly. You see, there’s some wild speculation that Poizner will bring a bit of his fortune to the No on 93 Campaign, otherwise known as the refuge of scoundrels like Kevin Spillane. While Capitol Weekly says that Poizner is a billionaire, he didn’t make the cut for the Forbes 400, so he’s likely sitting at less than 1.3Bn. Pauper!

    They say you can tell a lot about a person from the company they keep. Well, then, his signature on the No on 93 ballot argument says that Poizner is a real nutjob masquerading as a “moderate.” Who else signed the argument? Well, TABOR champion and Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association President Jon Coupal and Martha Montelongo of the California Term Limits Defense Fund. Woot…All Aboard for CrazyTown!

    The signature on the ballot argument might not be it either. Apparently Sacramento is abuzz with what could end up as a battle between the bank account of Poizner and the campaign account of Speaker Nunez:

    The Committee for Term Limits and Legislative Reform, a creature of Speaker Fabian Nunez, has raised more than $2.6 million so far this year, according to records from the Secretary of State’s office. More than $2 million of that money has already been spent. Nunez has another $5.2 million in his personal account that could also potentially be used to fund the Yes campaign.

    Meanwhile, opponents of the measure have raised just over $200,000 so far this year. … Privately, a number of Capitol insiders said Poizner was actively considering financing the campaign against Proposition 93. (Capitol Weekly 11.1.07)

    Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he could use the anti-93 ads to promote himself, like he did with Prop 77. Poizner has gubenatorial ambitions, and this would help him with his GOP base as well. It’s like he’s an evil genius or something.  He masquerades as a moderate for the general electorate and then does favors for the far-right. No, he’s no moderate, he’s just an evil genius. And that’s one dangerous man.

    See also:

  • Poizner tag page
  • How’s that Cruz Bustamante pick look now?
  • Term limits tag page
  • New Problems Emerge with Term Limits Measure
  • Campbell slanders veterans

    “Veterans commit fraud.”  (John Campbell’s [R, Ca-48]) Listen to the story, told by the veterans to whom he made the statement.

    John Campbell [R Ca-48] says “Veterans Commit Fraud.”
    Steve Young stands behind our veterans.

    I want to reach every veteran in the country to let them know how Campbell feels about veterans. Three veterans heard Campbell’s macaca statement. I made a commercial to tell the truth, and to demand that Campbell apologize to veterans.

    $25 pays for one airing of this commercial in my District. How many times would you like to see this commercial play?

    Go to Actblue:  https://secure.actbl… (and contribute) to tell George Bush and John Campbell, “Stop posing in front of soldiers, and start standing behind our veterans.”

    Look at my website at www.SteveYoungforCongress.com.

    Do you want to know why I am so committed to the veterans and their benefits? I took the time to put it on tape so you can hear it from the horse’s mouth:

    If I am the kind of man you want in Washington, then I need help: 1.  Please contribute to my campaign at ActBlue:  https://secure.actbl… 2.  Hit the “recommend” button to keep this message visible.  3.  Send a link to this post to everyone you know who cares about veterans and their issues, no matter where they live.
    Thank you,

    Kucinich At 7% In New Hampshire!!!

    The latest Rasmussen poll in New Hampshire shows Dennis Kucinich in fourth place, tied with Bill Richardson at 7%. This shouldn’t come as such a surprise, however.

    First, Kucinich has already been tied with Richardson in various national polls, such as Rasmussen, Fox, Diego/Hotline. It’s really been the early states, like Iowa and New Hampshire that Kucinich has been significantly behind in the polls, a result of the intense money being spent in those states. 

    But, second, and more significantly, the Kucinich Campaign has been actively working with leadership in the Independent voting community. Jim Mangia, head of Independent Voice, who has been instrumental in introducing Kucinich to other Independents working to reform the political process; meetings with leaders in the national movement like Linda Curtis, director of Independent Texans, and Jacqueline Salit, executive editor of The Neo-Independent magazine and president of the Committee for a Unified Independent Party, which:

    mounts political, legal, legislative and organizing challenges to partisan control of the political process. It has pioneered methods of organizing independents without a political party, creating independent voter associations to project the voice of the 35% of the electorate that considers itself independent.

    As I posted before, two weeks ago, Kucinich met with and addressed a few hundred Independents in New Hampshire, at a conference sponsored by the New Hampshire Association of Independent Voters, where he received an overwhelmingly positive response. To cheers and rounds of applause he stated:

    “The Democrats have learned nothing since 2006,” he said. “Back then, the Democrats promised that if they were put back in control (of the House and Senate) that the war in Iraq would end. Now (estimates) predict there won’t be an end until at least 2013.”

    “I want a Democratic party that’s responsive to the needs of all Americans . . . (politicians) shouldn’t be called upon to be loyal to one political party, we’re elected to be loyal to something with much more power – the Constitution.”

    As Independents are largely a growing number of dissafected Republicans and Democrats seeking genuine political reform, ending the domination of special interests groups in the political process, and positioning themselves aggressively against this war/occupation, Kucinich is the Democrat who can best mobilize these votes in the primary and general election.

    Independent voters, who now make up between 35%-42% of the electorate, have nearly grown into the majority in New Hampshire. As Jacqueline Salit noted at the conference:

    registered independents in New Hampshire, for instance, have increased from about 28 percent of total voters several years ago to roughly 45 percent today…

    “Why are so many (voters) becoming independents?” Salit asked. “Because by declaring ourselves independents, we’re saying we don’t like what the political parties are doing to our country.

    These are the voters who are willing to take a stand. These are the voters who will not be told who is or is not electable. These are the voters that could well decide this election, and could well decide it for Kucinich.

    Electability is not a fixed characteristic of a candidate, it doesn’t exist in a vaccuum. It’s easy to dismiss a candidate polling at 2-3% as unelectable. All one does is point to the polls to effectively undermine any other argument. This, further, provides the media with an excuse to not cover voices like Kucinich, creating a viscious cycle that virtually ensures the polling to remain low.

    And this has been Kucinich’s major obstacle. It is the first 10-15% that is critical. Once you get there the myth of electability is no longer tenable, forcing more media coverage, exposing more voters, pushing the polls still higher, and opening the door for every Democrat who has ever said, “I like Dennis Kucinich, but…”

    So, get ready, America. At 7% we’re half way there in New Hampshire!

    November 1, 2007 Blog Roundup and Open Thread

    Today’s Blog Roundup is on the flip. Paid work is nuts this week, so just a link dump. Look for categories to return next week. Let me know what I missed in comments, or just use this as an open thread.

    To subscribe by email, click
    here and do what comes naturally

    Cuidados médicos: La propuesta del Gobernador no es aceptable

    Desde el Presidente de la Asamblea, Fabian Nunez:

    El Presidente de la Asamblea Fabian Núñez reiteró hoy su compromiso de seguir negociando con el Gobernador y los legisladores Republicanos con el fin de aprobar legislación para lograr una reforma integral al sistema de cuidados médicos.  La reforma dijo el Presidente debe ser una que provea la atención necesaria y costeable a millones de Californianos.  El Presidente Núñez dio su testimonio durante la audiencia del Comité de Salud de la Asamblea enfocada en analizar la propuesta del Gobernador.

    En mi opinion, necesitamos al sistema de cuidados médicos con un SOLO ordenante.  Medicare es una buena sistema. Medicare es una sistema con un solo ordenante.  Necesitamos Medicare para todos las personas en California y en los Estados Unidos.

    Uh, Issa’s Breaking The Law Too

    Bill Cavala knows what he’s talking about.

    In a story printed in today’s Sacramento Bee, Republican Congressman Darrell Issa is said to be “sending out letters to the same voters who signed the recall position in 2003”.

    But that’s against the law. California Elections Code 18650 states clearly that, “No one shall knowingly or willfully permit the list of signatures on an initiative, referendum, or recall petition to be used for ANY PURPOSE other than qualification of the initiative, referendum or recall”. [Emphasis added] Violation of this section is a misdemeanor.

    That’s pretty clear, isn’t it? Wouldn’t you expect a Member of Congress to know the law? Well, maybe we can’t expect a Republican Member of Congress to obey the law??

    Somebody alert Jerry Brown.  Darrell Issa is breaking the law, and look what the result could be:

    While the violation involving the use of the data is only a misdemeanor, providing the signatures, database, and anything else owned by the Recall Committee is an “in kind contribution”– an unreported contribution. The Recall committee needs to approve it in order to provide this asset to the “California Counts” committee that is trying to qualify the Electoral College scheme on the ballot. Such a use could be in violation of the trust provisions that govern ballot measure expenditures (felonies). And the unreported contribution and the person controlling the committee could be prosecuted under the criminal misdemeanor provisions of the political reform act. (Where the penalty is loss of office) (emphasis mine)

    I don’t think that you could remove someone from federal office at the state level, right?  But dare to dream.  Would that be some sweet justice for the architect of the California recall, or what?