November 1, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).
Hot desert nights and progressive, Support-the-Troops/Stop-the-Insanity Democrats. Milling crowds of locals, visitors, and voters. I was able to discuss my letter-to-the-editor in today’s Desert Sun with the other progressive Democrats at Village Fest. The theme of my letter was the incompetence of Bush and Mary Bono R-45 and the expecancy that their promises re helping the victims of the Southern California wild fires are probably empty given nature of the promises made to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Years following Hurricane Katrina, and New Orleans, a great American city, and the Gulf Coast remain devastated.
The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to George Zander, President of the Club, Bob Silverman, Treasurer, Bill Gonzalez, and Randy. The Democrats of the Desert staffed another table thanks to Eleanor, and the Palm Springs Democrats staffed another table as well.
Hopefully, we will see visits from Greg Pettis, Steve Pougnet Mayor-elect of Palm Springs, John Williams, City Councilman-elect of Palm Springs, and Rick Hutcheson, City Councilman-elect of Palm Springs at the next Village Fest. Remember, Tuesday is Election Day. You must vote on Tuesday or have your Vote-by-Mail postmarked by then to make a difference in Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley!
More exciting details below the flip…
Craig Ewing, Candidate for the Palm Springs Water Board spent hours meeting and greeting the voters of the Palm Springs area. Crowds met him with unanticipated enthusiasm. Paul Clay, declared Candidate for the CA-45 Congressional District, raise awareness about his candidacy. I discussed with him the unsubstantiated rumor that Mary Bono may wait until the last minute to announce that she will not run for re-election and will anoint Bonnie Garcia as her replacement. The thought of Bonnie Garcia (“I wouldn’t throw Arnold out of bed”) as a Congresswoman in the District brought peals of derisive laughter from the surrounding voters.
April Hildner, of No on C, discussed the misrepresentation by the Yes on C people, the absence of committment to build a hotel by the developer, and the misinformation in the hands of the voters.
Tracy Turner, Vets for Peace, helped stoke the fires of intelligent discussion and activism. More on anti-occupation efforts as information becomes available.
Richard Oberhaus, campaign manager for Greg Pettis, Candidate for the 80th Assembly District, helped the Democratic Clubs and local candidates. Come to Palm Springs Pride 2008 this Sunday and see the local candidates in the Pride Parade!!
We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, i.e., yours truly, captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter. I distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, and solicited voters to register to vote. We discussed how poorly Obama did in the debate this week and how ill-conceived that nature of his attacks on Hillary were. I am sure that the image of an African-American attacking a White woman is not the image that the Obama campaign wants to linger in the minds of Middle America.
Wayne and the boyz staffed the Sen. Hillary Clinton table. Burt and Dave Huntzinger spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table. The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers. Bob Morris of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Nobel Prize Winner Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot. Morris expects an announcement from Gore during his Leno appearance.
We also registered 9 voters last night, including one change of party affiliation from the Dark Side. Moderate and progressive Republicans have long had enough of the incompetence, ineptitude, and callous disregard for the truth of the Bush Administration. Now they are voting with their feet by moving quickly to the Democratic Party!
Zander, Silverman, Morris, Oberhaus, Tracy Turner (Vets for Peace), Gonzalez, Randy and a worker from one of the San Diego Democratic Clubs attended the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s! Keep turning the Coachella Valley blue!