Tag Archives: Bill Durston

CA-03: Durston – Lungren in poll competition

By Randy Bayne

The Bayne of Blog

Randy Bayne Just days after a poll by respected polling firm Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, and Associates showed Democratic challenger Bill Durston in a virtual tie with Congressman Dan Lungren for the 3rd Congressional District seat, Lungren’s campaign has released the results of two polls of their own. Unsurprisingly, both polls show Lungen with a sizable lead.

One survey, with a sample size of 400 registered voters in the 3rd Congressional District, showed Lungren with a 47.2 percent to 26.5 percent lead over Durston, an emergency room doctor from Gold River. That survey, completed Oct. 7, was done by pollster Val Smith and has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 percent.

A second survey, completed on Oct. 9 of 300 registered voters in the district, gave Lungren a 45-25 edge. Moore Information did that survey, with a margin of error of plus or minus 6 percent.

Both campaigns are standing by the results of their own polls while they discount the results of the opponent’s.

The Lungren polls each have a rather high, 5% and 6%, margin or error. The Durston poll has a more reliable 4% error margin. A lower margin of error is generally indicative of better reliability.

Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, and Associates is a highly respected polling firm whose client list includes mostly progressive candidates, groups, and causes. One of the pollsters used by the Lungren campaign, Val Smith, recently did a poll for Tom McClintock showing him leading Charlie Brown in the 4th Congressional District race by 14 percentage points. Most other reputable polls show Brown in the lead. The other Lungren poll was done by Moore Information. Their clients are mostly conservative causes and candidates, including many state Republican parties, and such notable candidates as Richard Pombo.

Polls are only as good as the people doing the polling, the questions asked, the way the questions are asked, the universe of people being polled, and how that universe is defined. These kinds of polls are usually done to illicit particular results to help fund raising efforts and energize supporters. They rarely reflect accurately what can be expected at the polls.

If I had to draw any conclusions from these three polls it would be this. Lungren is not going to have as easy a time in the stretch as he did in 2006. Durston has picked up substantial support and Lungren has lost quite a number to the ranks of the undecided. General dissatisfaction with incumbents is hurting Lungren, as did his vote for the $700 billion bailout package. But, Durston has yet to really define who he is and why we should vote for him, other than he is not Congo Dan. That’s good enough for me and for Durston’s base, but on Election Day it isn’t likely to be enough to put him over the top.

Of significance is the fact that the Durston poll was done earlier — October 4 to 6. The Lungren polls were conducted Oct. 7 and Oct. 9, and were likely a knee jerk reaction in an attempt to discredit the Durston poll. Lungren only polled 300 in one and 400 in the other poll — one reason for the high margins of error. Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, and Associates asked questions of 500 people for the Durston campaign — a much more reliable sampling.

Very significant is that all three polls have Congo Dan with under 50% — 47% and 45% for the Lungren polls, and 33% in the Durston survey — which is usually very bad news for an incumbent. At this point in the election cycle, an incumbent polling under 50% is in serious trouble.

So, let me bottom line it. Both Durston and Lungren, as well as their supporters, will get the message they want out of these polls — good news about their respective campaigns. Reality isn’t so easy to determine in polls, however; and neither campaign should rest easy, particularly Durston. Lungren is in trouble, but probably not as much as these surveys indicate. This one looks like it is still Lungren’s to lose, but Durston could be the surprise candidate of 2008.

CA-03: Durston Finally Taken Seriously In Washington

I have been watching the race in CA-03 for well over a year now.  I’ve told my contacts in DC about Bill Durston and tried to get local progressives interested.  The math was undeniable – if there was any seat primed to break through, it was this one.  The demographic shifts mirrored CA-11, and Dan Lungren was arguably a less powerful incumbent than Richard Pombo, with less resources to draw from.  Durston’s first race against Lungren, in 2006, yielded the exact same result as McNerney’s effort in 2004 (around 60-40), and since then the registration gap has tightened significantly (it’s under 3 points and by election day it’ll be closer to even).

After a long year of banging this drum, finally, Bill Durston is earning some respect.  Today he appears on the DCCC’s Red To Blue Emerging Races page.  This isn’t quite enough to put Durston over the top, but it is a recognition that the seat is competitive.

You ought to support Dr. Durston at the Emerging Races page or the Calitics ActBlue page.  He’s a better Democrat who will fight to responsibly end the occupation of Iraq and provide quality affordable health care for all.  He has a great team of grassroots supporters up there and I hope this makes them realize that their efforts are being recognized and rewarded.

…this comes at a time when the Lungren campaign is actually touting polls with small sample sizes showing the incumbent under 50%.  This one is going to be close if Durston can get his message out in the final three weeks.

Campaign Update: CA-03, CA-04, CA-11, CA-45, CA-46

A lot to cover today:

General: I suspended the monthly ratings because it was ridiculously time-consuming and better to get the information out more timely, but in case you’re wondering, here is my impression of the top targets in California for the Congressional races as we stand with 22 days out.  My considered opinion is that no incumbent Democrat is in trouble, including Jerry McNerney.  As for the Republican-held seats:

1) CA-04: Lean Dem. Charlie Brown has been ahead in multiple polls and actually has a ground game, unlike Tom McClintock.

2) CA-03: Tilt Repub. Bill Durston’s poll showing the race as a dead heat raised a lot of eyebrows.  Unfortunately people discovered this race too late, but by Election Day I’ll bet that the registration numbers are virtually tied and there will not be an immediate call.  The smart money for progressives wanting to impact a race should go to Dr. Durston against Dan Lungren.

3) CA-46: Tilt Repub.  Debbie Cook is replicating the Loretta Sanchez strategy of ground mobilization that she used to defeat B-1 Bob Dornan.  We’ll see if she can pull it off against Crazy Dana Rohrabacher.

4) CA-26: Tilt Repub. Russ Warner has been doing a decent enough job and there’s a bit of outside support, but David Dreier has a wall of money.

5) CA-45: Lean Repub. This race has also been under the radar, but the district is either #1 or #2 in the COUNTRY for foreclosures, and affordable housing expert Julie Bornstein can stand to benefit from movement toward Democratic solutions on the economy in her race against Mary Bono Mack.

6) CA-50: Lean Repub. This is the permanent tease district in California, and despite Nick Leibham’s efforts to shake up the race, I’m not seeing Brian Bilbray taken down right now, especially because he’s likely to whip up populist support in his base with his vote against the bailout.

7) CA-52: Likely Repub. It was always going to be an uphill battle for Mike Lumpkin in his race against Duncan Hunter’s son running for Duncan Hunter’s old seat.  I’d like to see better signs here, but I’m coming up empty.

I rate everything else as Safe Republican at the moment.  I’ll do a legislative targeting in the next campaign update.  Now, to the news (on the flip):

• CA-03: Faced with a tie race, Dan Lungren’s campaign has decided that the smart thing to do is name calling.

A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Dan Lungren’s (R-Gold River) congressional campaign said Bill Durston was mischaracterizing Lungren’s absence from a candidate forum last weekend.

On top of that, he referred to Durston, a Democrat from Gold River, as a “knucklehead.”

They actually don’t believe Durston’s viable.  Hilariously, Lungren gave out a bunch of tickets to a Bonnie Raitt concert in the district, and during the show Raitt endorsed Durston and urged people to vote.

This would be such a delicious upset, and the contours of it remind me exactly of Carol Shea-Porter’s improbable victory in New Hampshire in 2006.

• CA-04: The competitors actually showed up at a 4th District debate last week, and Charlie Brown got off a great line:

In the heavily Republican district, where he narrowly lost to Doolittle two years ago, Brown faced an audience question over whether he would “stand up to Nancy Pelosi” and her “liberal positions.” […]

While Brown said he disagreed with the Democratic house speaker from San Francisco on rights of gun owners, McClintock went after him.

“This issue of marching in lockstep with her on every major issue in the campaign speaks to the fact that she has targeted your congressional district as one of those seats they want to cement a permanent Democratic majority,” McClintock said. “And I think they’re counting on your vote, Charlie.”

Brown, a district resident in Roseville, answered back with a poke at McClintock for running in a district 400 miles north of his Senate seat in Thousand Oaks.

“Tom, if you want to run against Nancy Pelosi (in San Francisco),” Brown said, “that district is actually closer than this one to your home.”

• CA-45: Julie Bornstein, on the other hand, debated an empty chair recently in Rancho Mirage.  Mary Bono Mack has refused any effort to get her to debate Bornstein.  Perhaps she’s busy with her husband in Florida.

Bornstein came prepared. When she was given the opportunity to address the absentee incumbent in her closing remarks, Bornstein came out firing.

“This is a job interview,” she said, asking Bono Mack, “How is it that you feel that you do not need to meet with your constituents?”

“There is no sense of entitlement here,” Bornstein told voters, “that somehow your vote is already predetermined, that you owe it to a party or a person. One of the first lessons I learned when I became a working person is that you have to show up. You have to be here. And my question to my opponent is, where are you?”

They tracked Bono Mack down at a party during the forum.  Bornstein, who this weekend welcomed Barbara Boxer in for a fundraiser, parried a Republican attempt to protest that event in much the same way, by saying that she “welcomed debate.”  Often these debate-baiting tactics aren’t that successful, but I don’t think this is a good year to be an absentee incumbent.

• CA-11: Another duo got together for a little chat this weekend, Dean Andal and Jerry McNerney.  There’s some interesting stuff in there – Andal apparently thinks it’s “immoral” to support a safe and responsible withdrawal of troops from Iraq.  But what’s more interesting is that Andal finally, two weeks after the bailout, came up with an opinion on it.  He was opposed, in case you were wondering.  Talk about political cowardice, waiting that long to express an opinion.

• CA-46: Debbie Cook has a new ad.

I have to say that I kind of like it.  The “asteroids” thing is kind of tacked on, but the rest of it is sufficiently hard-hitting and affixes Dana Rohrabacher to the problems created by 8 long years of Republican failure.  The Cook campaign has Jim Dean from DFA coming into the district for a fundraising breakfast and precinct walk this Sunday.  More information here.

CA-03: Lungren campaign resorts to name calling as poll reveals close race

By Randy Bayne

The Bayne of Blog

Randy Bayne

In spite of a recent poll showing only 33% support for incumbent Congressman Dan Lungren, his campaign “is not convinced his candidate has anything to worry about.” Congo Dan is so sure he will win the 3rd Congressional District race that he missed the Asian Pacific Islanders Public Affairs Association (APAPA) forum over the weekend. The reason given was business in Washington, but Congo Dan did make it to a fund raiser in Murphys later that same day.

It was reported by supporters of Dr. Bill Durston, the Democratic challenger, that Congo Dan enticed people to the fund raiser with tickets to a Bonnie Raitt show at Ironstone Vineyards, writes Ben van der Meer.

Raitt, a well-known supporter of Democratic and left-wing causes, said at the concert that night that the Nov. 4 election was one of the most important in history – and told attendees to vote for Durston, an emergency room doctor and Democrat from Gold River, according to Durston’s campaign.

It is natural for an incumbent campaign to discount poll numbers – no matter how reputable the polling firm – that show the campaign tied with the challenger and I-don’t-know just one month out from election day with voting already started. Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin and Associates, who conducted the poll between October 3 and 4, is a very reputable firm, and Congo Dan should realize that these numbers indicate real attitudes or real voters. Of course, it is better for Dr. Durston that he doesn’t.

The national news and local impact of the mortgage and housing crisis, the stock market crash, and just the general financial situation should have incumbents across the board worried – particularly those who have sided with the Bush Administration over the years, as Congo Dan has done. Today, President Bush basically told Americans “don’t worry, be happy,” that everything will be fine. Easy advice when your headed out the door. The point, voter sentiment isn’t favoring incumbents. I don’t want to wander to far off my point, but wasn’t the so-called bailout supposed to fix everything?

When voters were told about Congo Dan’s vote for the $700 billion federal bailout of major financial institutions, and the contributions he has received from oil companies and banks, Durston’s numbers went up to 43 percent while Congo Dan’s remained steady at 34 percent.

Lungren - Durston

Not only is Congo Dan in some stage of denial, but his campaign, if not he himself, is resorting to the kind of immature behavior indicative of an arrogant campaign believing it could not be defeated now facing the prospect of losing – avoidance and name calling. Congo Dan still refuses to face Dr. Durston in a one-on-one debate, and Lungren’s campaign is calling Dr. Durston a “knucklehead.” Here is the quote from Tim Clark, a campaign spokesman and strategist for Lungren, as recorded by Ben van der Meer.

“He’s doing what he needs to do to get attention, regardless of how true it is,” Clark said, before saying a second time, “Durston’s a knucklehead.”

Not bad on the big scale of things, but it does reveal just how much contempt Congo Dan has for Dr. Durston. Believe me, it is a lot. He won’t even talk to Dr. Durston and has avoided debating him this election cycle. In town hall meetings, Lungren avoids calling on Dr. Durston. The one time he did call on Dr. Durston, his was the only hand up for a comment and Lungren addressed him with utter comtempt and ridicule.

Admittedly, I started this campaign rather doubtful that Dr. Durston could prevail. But given recent events and the foolishness of the Lungren campaign, I may have to revise my earlier sentiments. Durston still has an uphill battle. There are a lot of undecided voters to convince, but they seem to be turning his way, and if Congo Dan stays on his present course they may just go Durston’s way. One thing is for certain – November 4 is going to be very interesting.

Campaign Update: CA-03, CA-04, CA-11, CA-41, CA-45, SD-19,

And away we, er, go.

• CA-03: Bill Durston, who is showing lots of strength in his race against Dan Lungren, has earned the support of the Alliance of Retired Americans, a 3.5 million-member group of retirees.  Clearly this came on the heels of Durston’s strong support for a not-for-profit health care system:

Dr. Durston has also been a strong proponent of universal health care. “It’s always been my philosophy that access to necessary medical care is a basic human right, not a privilege based on one’s ability to pay. We’re the only western industrialized country in the world that doesn’t have some form of universal health care, yet we pay twice as much per capita as the other countries for medical care.”

Durston is starting to get some major attention after that last poll.  Expect him to attack Lungren on his vote for the bailout over the next 27 days.

• CA-04: Lots going on here.  After vowing to shut down his account for 2010 statewide races, professional politician Tom McClintock just couldn’t close the door.

But four weeks before the Nov. 4 election, McClintock’s account remains open and active, as the Thousand Oaks lawmaker has doled out thousands of dollars to fellow Republicans in the last week.

McClintock made $3,600 donations, the maximum allowed under state law, to a trio of Republican candidates for the Legislature: Senate candidates Tony Strickland and Greg Aghazarian and Assembly hopeful Jack Sieglock.

His Democratic opponent, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Charlie Brown, made hay of McClintock’s multiple accounts over the summer, calling him a career politician in search of a job.

“What office are you running for?” Brown said in a July statement.

I just find it interesting that Republicans are that worried about Jack Sieglock.  Go Alyson Huber!  Of course, the other half of this is that McClintock is a huge hypocrite, but you knew that.

In other news, Charlie Brown has a new ad out comparing professional politician McClintock to his record of service.  Truth Fights Back, John Kerry’s group, is getting Charlie’s back over that ridiculous anti-military smear of McClintock’s.  Brown also signed the Children’s Defense Council’s Pledge to ensure affordable health care for every child and every pregnant woman.  I very much liked this strong take in the press release:

“Tom McClintock gets free healthcare, a free car, free gas, and tax free per diems he’s not entitled to, yet has voted to restrict the ability of Californians to see a doctor of their choice and fought against helping our most vulnerable citizens  access meaningful healthcare coverage,” said Retired USAF Lt. Col. Charlie Brown  “His record of inaction has not only helped drive up the cost of healthcare for every Californian, it’s illustrative of a career politician hypocrite who would rather serve himself, than solve problems.”

Earlier this year, McClintock authored SB 1669, which would have made it easier for health insurance companies to deny the health claims of Californians on the basis of pre-existing condition.  In fact, SB 1669 would have extended the period that insurers could look back in your medical history from 12 months to 10 years.  

“Tom McClintock’s idea of healthcare reform is writing a law that says if you have a medical problem, you can’t get healthcare coverage,” Brown said.  “This misguided bill  could have literally cost millions of Californians who have battled and overcome ailments ranging from diabetes, to mild cardiac conditions or cancer their lives.  It was so misguided, it never came up for a floor vote and not a single healthcare organization or institution signed on to support it.

Also, Mcjoan at the Great Orange Satan had a good piece based on some of her time in the district recently.  This is big:

The campaign has seven offices across the nine counties in the huge district, one of the most beautiful in the country, spanning the Sierras. With four regional field directors, seven organizers and 25 paid canvassers, the campaign has knocked on more than 120,000 doors and made over 300,000 phone calls. Hundreds of new Democrats have been registered. This is the kind of retail politics that allows Democrats to win in Republican districts, in fact it’s about the only way to run successfully in a tough district. McClintock, by contrast, has basically no field operation.

That ground game is going to win it for Charlie.

• CA-11: Continuing his quest to be the most overhyped Republican challenger this cycle, Dean Andal continues to dodge the question of whether or not he supported the Paulson bailout plan.  He literally has no idea how to handle it, preferring to hide behind the idea that it would be inappropriate to comment because he’s not in office.  Yeah, uh, that’s kind of the point.  You say how you would be different from the current office-holder as a means to get the job.  What a loser.

• CA-41, CA-45: Haven’t written much about Tim Prince’s race in San Bernardino County against Jerry “Lobbyists Are Funding My Congressional Portrait” Lewis, but somehow his campaign got the local paper to call it a tough race.

Prince criticized Lewis’ use of earmarks, the pet projects that lawmakers attach to spending bills, in some cases without a vote.

“Jerry Lewis is totally void of morality when it comes to earmarks,” he said, pointing to Lewis’ ties to Bill Lowery, a longtime friend and lobbyist. “When I’m congressman, the mayor of Beaumont and the mayor of Apple Valley can pick up the phone and call me for help. They don’t have to call a lobbyist who happens to be my best friend.”

One thing that Prince would be better advised to focus on is that his district has one of the highest rates of foreclosures in the entire country.  The highest?  CA-45, where Mary Bono-Mack is facing affordable housing expert Julie Bornstein.  If there was ever a reason to create a single-issue candidacy, this is it, and for Bornstein, who has an easier time of it with a less partisan electorate, that could be a real opening in the final month.

• SD-19: Calitics Match candidate Hannah-Beth Jackson is attacking Tony Strickland for greenwashing his environmental credentials in a very, shall we say, familiar way:

Of course, I’m happy to have provided the template for calling out Strickland on this nonsense.  There are in addition lots of IE attacks in this race as it nears the home stretch.

CA-03: Durston Says He’s Tied

An internal poll shows Bill Durston in a statistical dead heat with Dan Lungren.  From the email to supporters:

We’ve just received great news from a poll of 500 likely voters conducted by the respected polling firm, Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, and Associates. Dr. Bill Durston is in a statistical dead heat with Dan Lungren in California’s 3rd Congressional District!

When voters were asked who they would vote for if they were to vote today, 33% chose Lungren, 30%, chose Bill, 7% chose another candidate, and 30% were undecided. With a margin of error of 4%, the differences between Bill and Lungren were not statistically significant.

After hearing a positive profile about both Lungren and Bill, the tallies were even closer – 39% for Lungren and 38% for Bill. After hearing about some of Lungren’s many shortcomings, including his Hawaii vacation paid for by special interests, his allegiance to the Bush-Cheney administration, and his fondness for taking money from Big Oil, voters chose Bill over Lungren by a margin of 43% to 34%, a difference which is highly statistically significant.

This shouldn’t surprise anybody.  CA-03 is the seat with the smallest registration gap between the parties that’s currently held by a Republican, and by November I’ll be willing to bet that gap will be almost erased.  Durston won’t have all the money to get out the “balanced” information about him and his opponent, but he will be competitive.

This could be a good time for outside groups to jump in.  CA-03 is one of those under-the-radar seats nationwide that is very, very winnable, and a late push could easily put Durston over the top.  Furthermore, he’s a solid progressive Democrat who supports single-payer.  At least one group is helping out.  Bill Durston is one of the over 100 Progressive Patriots who are benefiting from Russ Feingold’s efforts.  Russ Warner (CA-26) was added to the Progressive Patriots “Expand the Map” program today, and Charlie Brown and Jerry McNerney are members as well.

This would be a good time to support Bill Durston.  

Keep the Ads Running – Bill Durston (CA-03)

(Another great progressive Democrat is Dr. Bill Durston in CA-03.  Help him out, and then give to our Calitics Match.  We’re over halfway to our goal! – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

There are now two Durston for Congress (CA-03) ads that are running on both cable and network TV.  They have been very effective and we need to keep them running in order to reach the nearly 400,000 voters in Bill’s district!!

If you haven’t seen them yet, click on the pics below to take a look and let us know what you think.

Leadership, Courage, and Commitment

You can make a contribution on the secure Act Blue pages (click on the pics).  Your contribution of any amount will help the voters of Congressional District 3 see that we have an excellent alternative to the carpetbagging, Bush/Cheney supporting, career politician who currently represents this district (That’s Dan Lungren for those of you lucky enough to live outside the district – we’d love to send him back to Long Beach with your help! – sorry LB folks ;o)).

Politics as Usual

We are also phonebanking and walking precincts 7 days a week from our Fair Oaks office.  We even have a virtual phone bank option for those outside our district that would like to make calls from the comfort of their homes.  Send us an email if you’d like to help us put Bill over the top!

Please join Bill Durston supporters from all over California as we send Lungren packing his bags and put a true Progressive in Congress!!


Bill Lackemacher


Field Director

Bill Durston for Congress


Ps: For those interested in Bill Durston’s opinion of the Financial Bailout, check out his Op-Ed that he wrote last week.

CA-03: Durston TV Ads Hit the Airwaves

Dr. Bill Durston (a Combat Vietnam Veteran and Emergency Room Doctor) is the Progressive Democratic candidate for the California 3rd Congressional District.

Dr. Bill Durston is running as the Democratic candidate for House of Representatives in California’s 3rd Congressional District to give voters a choice for change.

Bill is running against an incumbent career politician who is in virtual lock-step with the Bush Administration. Dr. Bill Durston stands in marked contrast as a challenger with combat-tested courage (PDF File), unquestionable integrity, proven leadership, and a vision for a better future.

Bill Durston has just released a two-part campaign ads as part of valiant effort to help us achieve the goals of electing MORE and BETTER Democrats. I urge you to please SUPPORT BILL DURSTON FOR CONGRESS.

Below is the official communication from the Durston for Congress Campaign. Please HELP BY CONTRIBUTING TO OUR EFFORTS to unseat one of the worst Bush-enablers in Congress.

Two Durston for Congress television ads are currently running on cable and network TV stations that broadcast in the 3rd Congressional District. The first ad, “Leadership, Courage, and Commitment,” shows some of the many ways in which Dr. Bill Durston exemplifies these qualities. The second ad, “Business as Usual,” stars Dan Lungren himself and demonstrates his lack of ethics and arrogance as he defends taking handouts from special interests.

Producing and running television ads such as these takes a lot of money, but it’s an effective way of informing large numbers of voters about some of the striking contrasts between the challenger, Dr. Bill Durston, and the incumbent career politician, Dan Lungren. Click on the links above to view the ads, and then make as generous a contribution as you can afford to keep these ads running and to produce others. (We’ve got plenty more material where these ads came from.) Also forward this email and the ads to anyone on your personal contact list who might not already be a Durston for Congress supporter.

Talking to voters person to person is another effective way of informing them that they have a better choice than Dan Lungren for their U.S. Congressman. We hope to exceed the tremendous grassroots field work we did last weekend with even more precinct walking and phone banking this weekend. Click on the Upcoming Events and Action Alert tabs on the right, send Durston for Congress Field Director, Bill Lackemacher, an email, give him a call at 916-812-1794, or drop by the Fair Oaks Office at 4146 Sunrise Boulevard in Fair Oaks to find out what you can do to help elect Dr. Bill Durston to Congress and send Dan Lungren packing on a permanent vacation.

Disclosure:I am an Internet Outreach Coordinator for the Durston for Congress Campaign.

Durston for Congress Campaign Holds 9/11 Remembrance

Sacramento, California – September 11, 2008 – Grammy Award winning native American flutist, Mary Youngblood, will be performing  and Dr. Bill Durston will be speaking at a special Durston for Congress gathering on Thursday, September 11, from 7-9 PM at the home of Bill and Nancy Myers, 10300 Sheldon Road, in Elk Grove.

Media representatives and all members of the public who are concerned about the “war on terror” are invited. Refreshments will be served. The event will be held outdoors, so bring a folding chair or blanket to sit on. Call Bill or Nancy Myers at 916-689-6943 to RSVP.

Dr. Bill Durston is the Democratic candidate for Congress in California’s 3rd Congressional District. Dr. Durston is a decorated Marine Vietnam combat veteran and an emergency physician.  For more information about the Durston for Congress campaign, call 916-622-VOTE (8683) or go to the Durston for Congress website.

Dr. Bill Durston’s complete Special Comment on today’s sobering anniversary is below the fold:

September 11, 2008, marks the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dr. Durston states:

It is appropriate that we should pause today to mourn the deaths of the almost 3,000 victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and to honor those who lost their own lives trying to save them. At the same time, we must reflect on the opportunity we had on September 12, 2001, when virtually the entire world was in sympathy with our country, to say to the rest of the world, ‘We will seek security, we will seek justice, but the vicious cycle of violence must end here.’ Unfortunately, though, our leaders chose to continue that cycle of violence, and today we must also mourn the deaths of over 4,000 U.S. service men and women as well as the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq.

At the same time that we mourn the tragedy of September 11, 2001, and its aftermath, let us seek to regain the opportunity of September 12, 2001, to work constructively and within the rule of  law with the rest of the world toward ending terrorism and its root causes.

Disclosure: I am the Internet Outreach Coordinator for the Durston for Congress Campaign – www.durstonforcongress.org

Do you live in CA-03? We need YOU

Because they say Charity begins at home and all politics are local, I have volunteered to serve as the Internet Outreach Co-ordinator for California 3rd Congressional District’s Democratic Candidate – Dr. Bill Durston – for the rest of this electoral cycle.

Here’s Bill Durston’s Progressive Positions on various issues.

Dan Lungren – hard to tell apart from Dooltittle – is the Republican incumbent we are trying to replace – with your help.

If you live in this district and have a FaceBook Profile (if you don’t, consider creating one), please add BILL DURSTON to your “Friends” list.

Are you on Myspace? Bill Durston is there, too, and would appreciate your joining us there.

I am very reluctant to impose upon your generosity here (knowing how much you have all individually done to date), but I would like to request that you PLEASE help by making a DONATION (however little) NOW. TODAY. To the Durston for Congress Campaign. I will consider this a VERY PERSONAL favor, and I will be very grateful for the generosity and support.

If you don’t live in the district but would still like to support us in whatever capacity, we welcome all the assistance you can offer.

Equally important (or even more so, given our various commitments), if you are scheduling or participating in any outreach/GOTV/Voter Registration/etc events anywhere in the CA-03 area, please PROMOTE BILL DURSTON in (and invite the Campaign to) ALL your events.

Let there be no confusion, my new undertaking will NOT interfere with my passionate support and advocacy for our Presidential Candidate – Barack Obama. It will not dissipate my energy and enthusiasm to see us elect our candidate of Hope and Change, and, NO, it will not stop me from filling your inboxes with my occasional SPAM.

On the contrary, I believe that my closer relationship with the Durston for Congress Campaign will enable me to better contribute to the larger cause of not only electing Barack Obama as President, but also electing a MORE AND BETTER Democratic majority to help him actualize his stated goals, once elected. CA-03 is a “lean-Republican” district gerrymandered for Republican candidates, but that has not dissuaded our immensely-qualified, Vietnam Combat Veteran, Emergency Room Physician and Local Resident Dr. Bill Durston from stepping up the plate and answering the call to help us take back our Democracy from the vagabonds who have been despoiling it for the past eight years.

Dr. Durston has put himself forward to champion a cause on our behalf, and I feel that we have a responsibility to rally round him and help him overcome the seemingly insurmountable odds of defeating one of the worst Bush-enablers in Congress today. After all, overcoming insurmountable odds is what we are known for. With your able assistance and support, and your warm welcome of Dr. Durston into the “Yes, We Can” tent, I am very sure that we can collectively achieve the “impossible”.

Please join me in this quest.

Can’t DONATE money? No problem – we need other things as equally valuable as cash – PLEASE VOLUNTEER HERE

Let’s welcome Dr. Durston into our fold, and let’s adopt a BETTER Democrat to send to Congress.