Tag Archives: El Centro

LGBT Community Coalesces Behind Pettis for CA 80th Assembly District: Frank Fundraiser

The Greg Pettis for the California 80th Assembly District Campaign has announced that U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) will headline a fundraiser for the campaign on Saturday, May 24, 2008.  Pettis has served with distinction for more than 13 years on the Cathdral City Council, also serving previously as Mayor Pro-Tem, and is presently the leading Democratic candidate for the 80th AD.  Pettis was one of the first openly-gay electeds in the Coachella Valley and has solid support in the LGBT community amongst local, state, and National electeds.

Rep. Frank has served in Congress since 1981.  He is the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.  Previously, he was a Massachusetts State Representative and an assistant to the Mayor of Boston.   Frank has also taught at several Boston area universities.

In 1998, Frank founded the National Stonewall Democrats, the national gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Democratic organization.  In 2004, and again in 2006, a survey of Capitol Hill staffers published in Washingtonian magazine gave Frank the title of the “brainiest”, “funniest”, and “most eloquent” member of the House.

As of May 2007, Frank is one of two openly-gay members of Congress, the other being Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), who has also endorsed Pettis for the CA 80th AD (see BlogActive.com for its listing of the closeted gay members of Congress who regularly vote to harm their own clan).

Frank’s blunt stance on outing certain gay Republicans has become well-publicized, dubbed “The Frank Rule” – that it is acceptable to out a closeted gay person, if that person uses their power or notoriety to hurt gay people.

More below the flip…

Others co-hosting the Frank fundraiser include Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet, Palm Springs Councilwoman Ginny Foat, Palm Springs Councilmember Rick Hutcheson, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, Equality California, The Bottom Line Magazine, the Palm Springs Democratic Club, and the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club.

Mayor Pougnet was elected to the Palm Springs City Council in 2003, and was elected its second openly-gay Mayor in November 2007.  Pougnet serves on numerous boards and committees, including President of the Mizell Senior Center, chairman of the Coachella Valley Association of Government’s Energy Conservation subcommittee, board member of the Valley Action Group, and a member of the Palm Springs Unified School District Advisory Committee.  He was also co-chair of the Citizens Task Force for Mountain and Foothill Preservation and Planning.

Pougnet lives in Palm Springs with his partner of 15 years, Christopher Green.  They became the father of twins, Beckham and Julia in April 2006.

Councilmember “Ma” Foat has been a businesswoman, activist and community volunteer in a variety of settings prior to and following her elections to Palm Springs City Council as its first openly-lesbian Councilmember.  In addition to Councilmember, Foat serves as Human Resources Committee Member of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Alternate to the Riverside County Transportation Commission, Member of the League of California Cities, Member of the Sub Committee on Neighborhood Involvement, Member of the Sub Committee on Convention Center Opening, and Member of the Sub Committee on Indian Oasis.

Councilmember Hutcheson was first elected to Palm Springs City Council in November 2007.  Hutcheson is a former-member of the Palm Springs Planning Commission, former-member of the Palm Springs Police Advisory Board, founding board member of the Old Las Palmas Neighborhood Organization, and former-member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development Block Grants in Palm Springs.

The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is the nation’s largest LGBT political action committee and the only national organization dedicated to increasing the number of openly LGBT elected officials at all levels of government. Since 1991, the Victory Fund and its national donor network have helped hundreds of openly LGBT candidates win election to local, state and federal offices.  The Fund provides strategic, technical and financial support to openly-LGBT candidates and their campaigns.  Victory Fund staff of political professionals help to recruit and vet qualified candidates, train them, and assist them in raising the crucial funds required to run for office.  In addition to providing funding from its political action committee, the Victory Fund cultivates a national network of donors whose commitment to the Victory Fund mission results in vital support for our endorsed candidates.

Equality California (EQCA)was founded in 1998, and celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2008, commemorating a decade of building a state of equality in California.  In the past ten years, EQCA has strategically moved California from a state with extremely limited legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals to a state with some of the most comprehensive civil rights protections in the nation.  EQCA endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD as Pettis fully supports the principles of the organizaiton.  Pettis has a long history of fighting for equal rights for all residents of the Coachella and Imperial Valleys, unlike his three opponents who either oppose full equal rights for all including Marriage Equality or equivocate on their support.

The Palm Springs Democratic Club (PSDC) is a growing group of concerned and committed citizens who are taking an active and vocal role in the political process.  The founders of PSDC created the club as a section 527 organization in July 2006.  PSDC focuses on Palm Springs because it is the home of its members

We focus on Palm Springs because it is our home — where we live out fundamental family values and care deeply about our loved ones, friends, neighbors, community and livelihood.  Currently, we have more than 100 members, are chartered under the auspices of the Riverside Democratic Committee and guided by a nine-member Board.

PSDC endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD because he best represents their guiding principles of

Social equality and equal opportunity, guided by a conviction that government should be used to pursue both.

A safe, secure America, fair wages, universal healthcare, first-rate education systems accessible to all, environmental policy that sustains the planet and human life on it.

A belief that the only role for the United States in world affairs is to practice foreign policy that reflects fundamental tenets of our Constitution, goodness of our citizens and irrevocable commitment to continuity of human existence.

A belief that we can best achieve these principles by actively working for them in our own city.

A belief that the government and citizens of Palm Springs face growing challenges in addressing homelessness, healthcare, environmental and energy matters, housing, development and quality of life issues.

A belief that activism and involvement in political processes are fundamental responsibilities of citizenship.

A community of Palm Springs Democratic registered voters where all can express their beliefs, promote their values and actively pursue a progressive society within our city.

A focus on voter registration and turnout because these are proven, direct methods to influencing outcome of elections.

PSDC Co-Chair David Pye, PSDC Co-Chair Sandy Eldridge, PSDC co-founder Lisa Arbalaez, and PSDC Secretary Peter East, amongst other PSDC activists, are all energetically, and sometimes frenetically, involved in the Pettis for Assembly campaign.

The Desert Stonewall Democratic Club organization is devoted to advancing equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  DSD supports the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates who support this mission.  DSD endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD as the only candidate working to realize equality for all:

To educate the LGBT community and people who are supportive of it about the vast differences that exist between the two major parties on the issues of concern to our community;

To lead our party to improve its record on issues of importance to our community, and to work for the nomination of Democratic candidates from the local to national level, including qualified openly LGBT candidates who will be fully supportive of our fight against bigotry and intolerance;

To encourage our community to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating homophobia and prejudice; and

To work with local LGBT Democratic clubs and individuals to encourage and foster the creation of new clubs.

Pettis’ support in the National, State, and local LGBT communities include but is not limited to:


U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-MA)

U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)


The Entire LGBT Caucus in Sacramento including

CA State Senator Christine Kehoe

CA State Senator Sheila Kuehl

CA State Senator Carol Migden

Ca State Assemblyman John Laird, Chair LGBT Caucus

CA State Assemblyman Mark Leno


Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat

Palm Springs City Councilmember Rick Hutcheson

Cathedral City City Councilmember Paul Marchand

Desert Hot Springs City Councilmember Karl Baker

Organizations and their Leaders:

Desert Stonewall Democratic Club

Vice-President Desert Stonewall Democrats Roger Tansey

Treasurer Desert Stonewall Democrats Bob Silverman

Secretary Desert Stonewall Democrats James Reynolds

Membership Chair Desert Stonewall Democrats Lynn Worley

Public Relations Chair Desert Stonewall Democrats Donald W. Grimm, Ph.D.

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Bob Mahlowitz

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Richard Oberhaus

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Greg Rodriguez

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Robert Lee Thomas

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Lynn Worley

Political Action Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Bond Shands

Desert Stonewall Democrats Member Bill Cain-Gonzales

Equality California

HRC Board Member Andy Linsky

Inland Stonewall Democratic Club

Co-Chair Palm Springs Democratic Club Sandy Eldridge

Co-Chair Palm Springs Democratic Club David Pye

Secretary Palm Springs Democratic Club Peter East

San Diego Democratic Club

Victory Fund

Below is the announcement for the Frank fundraising event:

Andy Linsky

HRC Board of Directors*

and co-hosts

Mayor Steve Pougnet

Hon. Ginny Foat

Hon. Rick Hutcheson

Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund

Equality California

The Bottom Line Magazine

Palm Springs Democratic Club

Desert Stonewall Democrats

Invite you to meet

Congressman Barney Frank

and to join him in supporting

Greg Pettis

For California State Assembly (80th AD)

Saturday May 24th 2008 at 5 O’clock

Location for the Cocktail Reception at the home of Andy Linsky will be provided with a confirmed reservation

Suggested minimum contribution: $100 per person

Sponsor: $500 ~ Co-Host: $1000

Computer Generated; Labor Donated. © 2008 | Pettis for Assembly 2008 | P.O. Box 2692 Cathedral City, CA 92235-2692 | FPPC ID# 1285158

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Limits to this campaign are $3600 per person, company or PAC

Reservations: [email protected] or (760) 841-3189

For more information, or to contribute online:


Pettis for 80th Assembly District: Candidate With Long History of Progressive Bona Fides

Harvard-educated Greg Pettis, in his 14th year as Cathedral City Councilman and Democratic candidate for the 80th Assembly District to replace the termed out, thank God, Bonnie Garcia (R), has unparalleled credentials in the Progressive Democratic Movement.

Pettis has served on the City Council of Cathedral City for the last 13 years.  During that time, he helped change a city that was once a place to drive through into a place where 50,000 people work, live, shop and live their dreams.

In addition to his duties on City Council, Pettis has worked on a wide range of committees designed to improve the lives of Californians and those in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys.

Pettis dealt successfully with environmental issues from Salton Sea restoration to serving on the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Board to helping to negotiating the Multi Species Habitat Act which will guide future growth in the region in a more sustainable way.

In addition, Pettis has been working on transportation issues through the Riverside County Transportation Commission and the National League of Cities Transportation Policy Committee, helping to identify mass transit solutions that will help combat climate change.

Pettis was the first openly-gay elected official in Riverside County and has worked to bridge the gap between communities and to provide leadership to other gay candidates who have the desire to serve in public office but needed encouragement and mentorship.

Pettis is a member of Howard Dean’s Democracy for America and has a Bachelor’s of Arts degree from Azusa Pacific University and completed the Senior Executive Program in State and Municipal Government from the JFK School of Government at Harvard.

More below the flip…

As a Progressive Democratic Assemblyman, Pettis will move the progressive movement forward in the Coachella Valley, has substantial support from local Progressive Democrats, has positions and policies fit into the broader Progressive Democratic Movement, and has a campaign that is people-powered.  In its editorial endorsement, The Desert Sun highlighted Pettis’ progressive bona fides:

…Cathedral City Councilman Greg Pettis stands out because of his ties to the Coachella Valley.

Pettis, 52, is a strong political tactician.  His strong suit is organization.  He communicates well with his constituents.  Navigating the state capitol scene will be critical to his – and the valley’s – success, but we believe he understands Sacramento and can hit the ground running there and that is what we need.

We also are confident Pettis would be visible in the district after being elected – and that is an important part of the job…

…Pettis has been in office 14 years as a Cathedral City councilman. He knows the Coachella Valley best.  He has strong relationships with local officials and understands local issues.

He has built a solid record of achievement while on the council, and we believe he is electable and will be effective in Sacramento…

…he does understand our issues and, of all Democratic candidates, he is he best choice to represent the needs of the Coachella Valley.

He plans to focus on bringing needed transportation infrastructure to our valley, as wells as more jobs to the Coachella and Imperial valleys, better school funding and expanding incentives for green and renewable energy sources.

Pettis said he also will work on health insurance coverage for all Californians. He wants all children younger than 18 to be covered by expanding programs. He would push to expand tax credit programs to create more affordable housing and work to stabilize interest rates to fend off more foreclosures.

The endorsement of the California League of Conservation Voters , highlights Pettis’ credentials in the environmental movement.  CLCV’s Southern California Director, David Allgood announced in February 2008, that CLCV endorsed Pettis for the 80th Assembly District seat:

“While there are many good candidates running for this seat, Greg Pettis’ long history of involvement on improving air and water quality, forward-looking smart growth planning and commitment to combating global climate change is what earned him our Board’s trust,” said David Allgood, CLCV Southern California Director.

“We were particularly impressed with forward-looking legislation Greg has implemented like Cathedral City’s Green Building Standards which require new construction in Cathedral City to be 10-15 percent above state efficiency standards to help reduce water use, his tireless work negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to manage growth in the desert and his vote to install solar panels to provide all electricity needs for City Hall.”

“Additionally, his Pettis Plan for Progress takes a thoughtful look about how Sacramento can act locally while leading globally.”

In addition, Pettis’s campaign for the 80th AD is actively supported by innumerable local Progressive Democrats and Democratic organizations.  Thus far, Pettis has been endorsed by every local Democratic club that has endorsed, including the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, the Pass Democratic Club, the Inland Stonewall Democratic Club, the Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club, the San Diego Democratic Club, the San Diego Democratic Women’s Club, and the Palm Springs Democratic Club.  President Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club Will Pieper, Vice President Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club Chuck McDaniel, Treasurer Desert Stonewall Democrats Bob Silverman, President Pass Democratic Club Jacquelyn Atwood, Vice President Pass Democratic Club Betty McMillion, President Sun City Democratic Club Arnie Kamisky, and Riverside County Democratic Central Committee Alternate Kira Klatchko have also endorsed Pettis for 80th AD.

Local electeds endorsing the Pettis campaign include former-candidate for the 80th Assembly District Mary Ann Andreas, Palm Springs Councilmember Ginny Foat, Palm Springs Councilmember Rick Hutcheson, Palm Springs Unified School District Trustee Meredy Schoenberger, Desert Hot Springs Councilmember Karl Baker, Cathedral City Councilmember and Candidate for Cathedral City Mayor Paul Marchand, Cathedral City Clerk Pat Hammers, former-Coachella Mayor Juan DeLara, Coachella Councilmember Gilbert Ramirez, Jr., former-Brawley Mayor Orbie Hanks, El Centro City Councilmember Sedalia Sanders, El Centro School Board Trustee Diana Newton, and former-Rancho Mirage City Councilmember Jeanne Parrish.

Progressives amongst the tribes who have endorsed Pettis include Pechanga Band of Lisueno Mission Indians Vice Chairman Andrew Masiel and Morongo Band of Mission Indians Vice-Chair Mary Ann Andreas.  In addition, Pettis has across-the-board support with local unions including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Building Trades of California, the California AFL-CIO, the Cathedral City Professional Firefighters, San Bernardino/Riverside Counties Central Labor Council, San Diego/Imperial Counties Central Labor Council, Teamsters, Joint Council 42, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 440.

In another coup, the Progressive Majority endorsed Pettis on March 3, 2008.  Here are portions of the Press Release announcing the Progressive Majority support:


Cathedral City Councilmember Greg Pettis scored the endorsement of local and national progressive leaders last week, picking up the support of Progressive Majority and the Palm Springs Democratic Club in his race for the 80th Assembly District.

This is Pettis’ third major endorsement in the last week, having just secured the recommendation of the San Diego/Imperial County Central Labor Council as well.

Christopher Honey, California political director for Progressive Majority, said, “Greg Pettis has a fourteen year record of putting progressive principles into action.  He doesn’t just say what he will do for local communities; he can point to real accomplishments for people living in the Valley. Accomplishments like bringing the first union hotel to Riverside County – meaning good jobs that provide healthcare and a living wage…”

…Pettis touted his Plan for Progress as one of the key reasons for the groups’ support. “While my 14-years of experience as a City Councilmember has given me the ability to be effective from my first day in office, having a roadmap is key to accomplishing the goals of universal, affordable and accessible health care, a healthier long-term job market thanks to quality schools and a healthier environment,” he said.

Clearly, with Pettis’ experience in the local, state, and National Progressive Movement, his governmental and organizational skills, his support in the West Valley, East Valley, and Imperial Valley, his plan to improve the local economy, schools, environment, and healthcare system all contribute to make Pettis the most formidable Democratic candidate for the 80th AD.  Add to this the fact that Pettis has outraised and outspent all of his Democratic opponents combined in the most recent electronic filings, and outraised his presumptive Republican opponent as well, Pettis is poised to not only take the Democratic nomination for the 80th AD, but also bring the District into the Democratic column in November 2008.

CA League of Conservation Voters Endorses Pettis for 80th AD: Long History Of Involvement

XPosted 5/7/2008 9:55 PM PDT on MyDesert.com by BluePalmSpringsBoyz

Greg Pettis, a Cathedral City Councilman for more than 14 years, a former Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City, and Democratic candidate for the 80th Assembly District to replace the termed out, thank God, Bonnie Garcia (R), has long demonstrated his commitment to the environment and considered growth.  In its endorsement, The Desert Sun (Pettis is our pick for Democratic nominee in 80th Assembly District), stated:

Pettis has been in office 14 years as a Cathedral City councilman. He knows the Coachella Valley best. He has strong relationships with local officials and understands local issues.

He has built a solid record of achievement while on the council, and we believe he is electable and will be effective in Sacramento…

…He plans to focus on…expanding incentives for green and renewable energy sources.

More below the flip…

Part of his ‘record of achievement’ in the Coachella Valley has included that he has been instrumental in creating an economically vibrant community with strong neighborhoods and a thriving downtown to attract good paying jobs to Cathedral City.

Among some of his proudest legislative accomplishments include:

(1) Creating green building standards to save water and make buildings more energy efficient

(2) Negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to guide sustainable growth

(3) Serving on the Salton Sea Authority

In addition to his duties as a Councilmember, Pettis has served as board member of the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy.  He has also served on the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.  Pettis is also Harvard-educated, graduating from the State and Municipal Government Program from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

In recognition of Pettis’s commitment to the environment and to smart growth, the California League of Conservation Voters found him most qualified to defend the local and state environment and to promote rational growth amongst the local communities.  The following is from a Press Release from the Pettis for 80th Assembly District campaign:


The California League of Conservation Voters (CLCV) announced (February 18, 2008) that they are endorsing Greg Pettis (D-Cathedral City) for the open 80th Assembly District seat.  

“While there are many good candidates running for this seat, Greg Pettis’ long history of involvement on improving air and water quality, forward-looking smart growth planning and commitment to combating global climate change is what earned him our Board’s trust,” said David Allgood, CLCV Southern California Director.

“We were particularly impressed with forward-looking legislation Greg has implemented like Cathedral City’s Green Building Standards which require new construction in Cathedral City to be 10-15 percent above state efficiency standards to help reduce water use, his tireless work negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to manage growth in the desert and his vote to install solar panels to provide all electricity needs for City Hall.”

“Additionally, his Pettis Plan for Progress takes a thoughtful look about how Sacramento can act locally while leading globally.”

Pettis said he was honored by CLCV’s endorsement because “it validates my campaign theme that we need experienced leadership in Sacramento if we are going to create a healthier California, and that includes a healthier environment.”

Pettis is serving his 14th year on the City Council of Cathedral City. He has also served on the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Salton Sea Authority and Riverside County Transportation Commission.

CLCV is the non-partisan political action arm of California’s environmental movement.  

CLCV conducts rigorous research on candidates in order to make endorsements in key races. Our endorsements are backed with expertise, and we assist candidates with the media, fundraising, and grassroots organizing strategies they need to win. We also campaign to educate voters about candidates’ environmental records.

Clearly, according to CLCV goals, the board ‘rigorously’ investigated each of the four Democratic candidates in the 80th AD race and found Pettis to be the candidate with the best bona fides for the California environmental movement.

Conservative The Desert Sun: Endorses Progressive Greg Pettis in 80th Assembly District

Richard Oberhaus, Campaign Manager of the Greg Pettis for 80th Assembly District Race, notified BlueBeaumontBoyz today that Pettis had obtained the endorsement of The Desert Sun.  Pettis, Cathedral City Councilman for over 13 years, former Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City, and Progressive Democratic Candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District, achieved what few, if any, previous Democratic candidates for State Assembly have accomplished in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys: Pettis obtained the solid endorsement of The Desert Sun.

Pettis has been viewed as the leading Democratic candidate by most observers in the 80th AD, obtaining endorsements from all of the Democratic Clubs who thus far have endorsed in the current race, from most of the Democratic electeds, from all of the Democratic electeds who have endorsed in the West Valley (Desert Hot Springs, Palm Springs, Cathedral City), and from the most active unions and locals in the district.  In addition, Pettis has raised more money in each of the last electronic reporting periods than all three of his primary opponents combined.  Pettis has also spent more money during each reporting than all of his opponents combined.  Finally, Pettis has also raised more money during the last electronic reporting period, February, than his the presumptive Republican nominee, Gary Jeandron.

The surprising aspect of the endorsement of The Desert Sun is that not once have they previously endorsed Pettis during any of his Cathedral City Council races.  In addition, The Desert Sun ritualistically endorses Republicans for higher office, including President/Vice-President, U.S. Congress, and CA Senate and CA State Assembly.  Only during the California State-wide races, do they stray from the Bush/Cheney/Bono Baxely Mack/Battin/Garcia fold when they endorse Sen. Diane Feinstein (D) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D) for the U.S. Senate and others for State-wide office.

More below the flip…

The Desert Sun went beyond a bland endorsement and emphasized Pettis’ ties to the Coachella Valley communities, his organizational skills, his constituent service record, and his potential ability to ‘hit the ground running’ in Sacramento following the November elections.

Highlights of the TDS endorsement follow:

The Democratic candidates for the 80th Assembly District don’t differ widely on the issues, but Cathedral City Councilman Greg Pettis stands out because of his ties to the Coachella Valley.

Pettis, 52, is a strong political tactician.  His strong suit is organization.  He communicates well with his constituents.  Navigating the state capitol scene will be critical to his – and the valley’s – success, but we believe he understands Sacramento and can hit the ground running there and that is what we need.

We also are confident Pettis would be visible in the district after being elected (BlueBeaumontBoyz note: unlike absentee Congresswoman Mary Bono Baxely Mack) – and that is an important part of the job.

Pettis is one of four Democrats vying for the 80th Assembly District seat in the upcoming June 3 primary…

…Pettis has been in office 14 years as a Cathedral City councilman.  He knows the Coachella Valley best.  He has strong relationships with local officials and understands local issues.

He has built a solid record of achievement while on the council, and we believe he is electable and will be effective in Sacramento.

While Pettis is good at playing politics, he has not been a councilman who has stood out in the crowd. He is not a top leader among officials in the valley.  He’s not a “go-to guy.”

That’s his downside.

But he does understand our issues and, of all Democratic candidates, he is (the) best choice to represent the needs of the Coachella Valley.

He plans to focus on bringing needed transportation infrastructure to our valley, as (well) as more jobs to the Coachella and Imperial valleys, better school funding and expanding incentives for green and renewable energy sources.

Pettis said he also will work on health insurance coverage for all Californians.  He wants all children younger than 18 to be covered by expanding programs.  He would push to expand tax credit programs to create more affordable housing and work to stabilize interest rates to fend off more foreclosures…

Pettis’ ties to the Coachella Valley are solid and complete.  According to the Pettis for Assembly website Pettis was born and raised in Duarte, California and has lived in Cathedral City since 1979.  After nearly 15 years in the hospitality industry, Greg ran for and won his seat on the Cathedral City Council in 1994.

Over the last 14 years, Greg has been instrumental in creating an economically vibrant community in Cathedral City with strong neighborhoods and a thriving downtown to attract good paying jobs as well as union jobs to Cathedral City.

The fact that Pettis has strong relationships with local officials is a given.  Pettis works well with both Democrats and Republicans on Cathedral City Council and in his other community activities as well.  Pettis has been endorsed for the 80th AD by Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat, Palm Springs City Councilmember Rick Hutcheson, Desert Hot Springs City Councilmember Karl Baker, Cathedral City Councilmember Paul Marchand, former-Cathedral City Councilmember Sarah Digradi, Cathedral City Clerk Pat Hammers, former-Rancho Mirage City Councilmember Jeanne Parrish, former-Coachella Mayor Juan DeLara, El Centro City Councilmember Sedalia Saunders, and Coachella City Councilmember and former-Candidate for the 80th AD Gilbert Ramirez, demonstrating the depth and breadth of his support amongst electeds in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys.

Pettis has also obtained the endorsement of every Democratic Club which has thus far endorsed in the 80th AD, including the Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club, the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, the Inland Stonewall Democratic Club, the Palm Springs Democratic Club, the Pass Democratic Club, the San Diego Democratic Club, and the San Diego Democratic Women’s Club.  None of the local Democratic clubs has endorsed any of Pettis’ rivals for the Democratic nomination.

Pettis has also worked well with the local Democratic club leadership and has received the endorsements of the President of the Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club Will Pieper, the Vice-President of the Desert Hot Springs Democratic Club Chuck McDaniel, the Treasurer of the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club Bob Silverman, Desert Stonewall Democratic Club Steering Committee Member Donald W. Grimm, Ph.D., the Co-Chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club Sandy Eldridge, the Co-Chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club David Pye, co-founder of the Palm Springs Democratic Club Lisa Arbalaez, former co-chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club Robert Lee Thomas, the President of the Pass Democratic Club Jacqueline Atwood, the Vice-President of the Pass Democratic Club Betty McMillion, Riverside County Democratic Central Committee Alternate Kira Klatchko, and former candidate for the 80th AD Mary Ann Andreas.

At the pre-convention endorsement proceedings in Moreno Valley prior to the California Democratic Party convention in San Jose, Pettis obtain more than 70% of the votes of the local party leaders to obtain the endorsement for the 80th AD race.  It was only due to a parliamentary procedure backed by literally only a relative few recalcitrants that revoked that endorsement.  Nevertheless, that action only served to strengthen the resolve of the Pettis campaign and his support amongs good Democratic activists in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys.

The Pettis campaign has also received endorsements from most of the local progressive unions and their leadership because of his strong support for union and labor rights.  Pettis has the endorsement of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the Building Trades of California, the California AFL-CIO, Cathedral City Professional Firefighters, San Bernardino/Riverside Counties Central Labor Council, San Diego/Imperial Counties Central Labor Council, Teamsters, Joint Council 42, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 440.  These are the unions who put progressive Democratic activist boots to the ground during local election campaigns.

Regarding potential work as a State Assemblyman in Sacramento, Pettis demonstrates that he already has strong ties to that body with his endorsements from State Assembly Speaker Pro-Tem Sally Lieper, State Assemblyman Mike Eng, State Assemblyman John Laird, State Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, State Assemblyman Mark Leno, State Assemblyman Ted Lieu, former-State Assemblyman Paul Koretz, and former-State Assemblyman Fran Pavley.  Given his relationships in the State Assembly, Pettis is poised to ‘hit the ground running,’ not having to learn either the ropes of the Assembly or the politics of Sacramento.

The Desert Sun is also accurate in portraying Pettis as ‘knowing our issues.’  Pettis makes it clear that he will work diligently to improve the quality of life of not only residents of the District, but also all Californians by working to bring healthcare and benefits to all children under the age of 18, by working to improve the local and state economies, and by protecting the enviroment.  More specifically, according to his website, Pettis has been a regional leader throughout the Coachella Valley, working on issues that impact the Inland Empire and all of California including:

(1) Negotiating the Multi-Species Habitat Plan to guide sustainable growth

(2) Serving on the Salton Sea Authority

(3) Conducting Town Hall forums on the future of health care in California

More on the relevance of the endorsement of The Desert Sun and its impact on the race shortly.  This writer has left messages for Greg Pettis, Candidate for the 80th AD, Richard Oberhaus, Campaign Manager, President of the Desert Stonewall Democrats George Zander, Co-Chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club Sandy Eldridge, but has not to date had their response to this exciting news.