Tag Archives: Carly Fiorina

5 Reasons Why “Carly Fiorina No Es Mi Amiga” (Carly Fiorina Is Not My Friend)

Written by Robert Greenwald and Axel Caballero

Carly Fiorina, the 2010 Republican nominee for the Senate representing California, has launched a strong campaign to lure Latinos under two main premises: 1) She has always been a friend of Latinos 2) she holds the same values as Latinos.

Her campaign has launched a website titled “Amigos de Carly” (Friends of Carly) where she appears in a picture banner surrounded by what appear to be Latino business folks. The conservative group American Principles Project has also summoned millions for her and have launched the campaign titled “Tus Valores” (Your Values) in an attempt to make Fiorina appear as if she has always cared for Latino issues.

The problem is that there is absolutely no way to substantiate this. In fact as recently as the primaries Fiorina was speaking out against many of the issues and “values” that Latinos truly hold dear.

As a response the campaign The Real Carly: “Carly No Es Mi Amiga” (Carly Is Not My Friend) duly points out how Fiorina's attempt to lure Latinos is yet another charade of California GOP candidates who can't hide from their recent anti-Latino words and actions.

As part of this effort, The Real Carly: “Carly No Es Mi Amiga” project has put together a video, a more “adequate” picture banner for Fiorina's site, as well as the following top 5 reasons why Fiorina is not a friend of Latinos:
1. Fiorina pretends to be a friend to Latinos, but her positions on immigration, education and health care put her in direct opposition to the values that Latinos hold dear. DO NOT BE FOOLED, Fiorina is not good for Latinos in California.

2. Carly Fiorina fiercely supports SB 1070 and racial profiling in Arizona. In fact Fiorina was quoted saying, “This law [SB 1070] is necessary because the Federal Government isn’t doing its job and the people in Arizona are in danger.” (Fox News)

3. Carly Fiorina opposed emergency state aide to help teachers for our schools and Medicaid for our community’s poor. The emergency state aid bill saved the jobs of approximately 13,700-16,500 teachers in California and also funded Medicaid programs serving approximately 7 million Californians.*

4. California’s Latinos need a strong economy, and not a job killer CEO Senator with a history of outsourcing jobs and firing thousands of workers. While CEO of HP, Fiorina outsourced jobs and called the move “smartsourcing.” In 2003, she dismissed almost 18,000 people from HP. She had already created job loss in California, and we don’t need her to cause any more.**

5. Carly Fiorina wants to repeal President Obama’s health care bill which would help this nation’s uninsured. ***

Ya’ll Come On In: Fiorina Sends Jobs Everywhere But California

I’ve mentioned the fact that I grew up in Texas on a number of occasions on this blog.  In many ways it is a great place to grow up, and in other ways…not as much.  For example, you want a world class education from a public university, thank the oil severance tax.  Now, if you wanted a functioning local library, you might look elsewhere.

I bring this up on the occasion of a quick youtube video put out by the LA County Democratic Party’s CEO Watch.  See, Carly Fiorina loves sending jobs everywhere BUT California.  Indonesia, Malaysia, China, she’s all about “rightshoring.”

100,000 Strong: Sept. 1 Money Bomb!

It’s great to be back here blogging with you at Calitics!

First off, I’d just like to thank you for all of your support in the past. I really appreciate everything you’ve done — and continue to do.

It’s no secret: I’m in the middle of a tough re-election campaign against my right-wing opponent, Carly Fiorina.

Carly Fiorina is relying on her multimillion dollar personal checkbook to fund her Senate campaign against me. She’s already poured in millions of dollars, and she’s ready to spend millions more. And if that isn’t enough, George W. Bush’s top operative Karl Rove just launched $1 million of attack ads against me in Los Angeles.

But I have a secret weapon, something even more powerful than all of that: You, and the grassroots support of tens of thousands of supporters across California and across the country.

So, on September 1, our campaign is launching a new online effort — “100,000 Strong for Boxer” — our first ever “money bomb,” to demonstrate our campaign’s strong grassroots strength all on just one day.

Beginning today, we’re collecting pledges from friends like you to make September 1 a big success — and I’m asking you to stand up and be counted.

Make your pledge to our “100,000 Strong for Boxer” September 1 money bomb right now!


We’ve set a huge goal of 10,000 individual donations for our September 1 effort — which will also help us break through an amazing mark of 100,000 total grassroots donors to our campaign to-date.

It’s our most ambitious online fundraising push yet — and we can’t do it without you. Our opponents will be watching closely to see if we make it.

You can help us show that 100,000 grassroots Boxer donors are strong enough to combat Fiorina’s big checkbook, all in one day.

Be a part of this historic event by making a pledge to “100,000 Strong for Boxer” right now.


Fiorina and her allies, including the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Karl Rove, have already reserved nearly $9 million in TV time on California’s airwaves — and I’m sure that’s only a down payment.

The voters in California are going to have a clear choice in this election. I’m proud of my record on jobs, health care, the environment, choice, good public schools, and so many other issues we care about.

But I need your help to get our message out, in the wake of the millions upon millions that our opponents will put on TV:


Thank you so much for standing with me, today and every day!

— Barbara

The World Looooves Carly Fiorina!

After all, why wouldn’t they? She sends American jobs overseas with regularity.  Year after year, Carly Fiorina sent jobs from HP’s American facilities to new facilities in low wage countries. Oh, and then she was fired for being one of the worst CEO’s in history.

So, now she’s running around the state complaining about the high unemployment rate. And even setting up a website calling Boxer the Failed Senator.

Well, Karl Rove did always say attack at your weekness, and guess what, failure is Carly Fiorina’s persistent weakness. She failed at HP, and then was shoved out the door, and now she wants to bring all that failure with her to DC. And remove what was left of the middle class in California and the nation.

Remind me again why she is qualified for this job?

Carly Fiorina Doesn’t Really Understand the Bill of Rights

Carly Fiorina has lots of issues with President Obama.  She’s a Mama Grizzly after all, and they are protecting their … ummm … “nation” from the dangers of health care for all.  You know, the really dangerous stuff.

Dangerous stuff like the possibility of a mosque several blocks down the road from Ground Zero, the site of the World Trade Center. Now, I understand the importance of honoring the tragedy of the events of 9/11, but are we to blame a whole religion for the actions of a few crazy zealots? The twisted and violent death cult that the 9/11 bombers are engaged in is not the religion that is practiced by the millions of American Muslims that are actively engaged in our civic life.  Sam Seder goes ahead and makes a complete mockery of the whole “controversy” in the video to the right.

Real credit should be given to President Obama for his statement on the matter:

As a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.

Now, it appears, Carly thinks that the President of the United States shouldn’t get involved in issues of the (ahem) United States.

Two days after President Obama waded into the controversy over plans to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City, Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina said it was an “intensely personal and local issue,” adding that she didn’t think “it’s helpful when the president of the United States weighs in.” (LA Times)

Of course, the Mayor of New York City applauded the President’s comments, but you know, those aren’t the locals that Fiorina likes. The ones that agree with the Big Mama Grizzly herself.  Apparently it is ok when Big Grizz Palin chimes in to bring the issue to the nation’s attention by attacking it:

“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand. Ground Zero mosque  is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in the interest of healing,” the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate tweeted on Sunday. (ABC)

Note that Palin’s comments were made back in July, and she’s been keeping it up, especially since the President made his comments last week.  So, in summary, the comments of a half-term Alaska governor, completely appropriate.  The President of the United States speaking out with the support of the Mayor of New York? “unhelpful.”

But, truth be told, this is the former CEO who made the current sexually harassing, employee morale devestating CEO of HP Mark Hurd look like a darn right treat.  But, you know, it’s not easy to climb to the hop of the heap of worst CEOs.  So, what can you expect really.  Certainly somebody with this kind of track record is somebody who should be speaking out on what is “helpful” in other jurisdictions.

Carly Fiorina: Runs to the Tea Party, Away From the Truth

Carly Fiorina doesn’t want all Californians to know how much she has courted and aligned herself with the Tea Party.

Even before this video was released, the Fiorina Campaign was already on the defensive attack, trying to take the public’s attention away from her Tea Party/Palin support. They are distorting the truth, hiding from the facts and hoping people forgot about her pursuit of the Tea Party.

Everyone in America has at this point seen and heard what the Tea Party is about. Our video uses carefully date-labeled footage of a Tea Party rally we had video for that occurred in March. We also use clearly date-labeled footage of an April Tea Party rally Fiorina spoke at, as well as a clip of her saying that she believes the Tea Party is “making a huge difference in the political dialogue in this country.”

The fact of the matter is that Fiorina has sought to align herself with the Tea Party. She believes in what they stand for and what role they’ve played in the political dialogue. We believe she should denounce them.

Why won’t Carly Fiorina denounce the Tea Party? Why is she actively trying to align herself with their style and messaging? Why is she trying to deceive the voters of California by changing the topic?

California doesn’t need our own Tea-Party-loving, Sarah-Palin-endorsed Republican. But as long as Fiorina is trying to buy this election, we’ll continue to tell voters the truth about who she is.

Fiorina Breaks Mitch McConnell’s Heart and Other Sordid Affairs

Carly Fiorina. She was against unemployment benefits before she was for them.  Not to buy-in to the right wing ridiculousness surrounding John Kerry, but Carly Fiorina, it seems, has had a change of heart.  During the primary, she couldn’t find enough ways to say that she was a conservative that would stand up for all the crazy that is the California GOP electorate.  Even going so far as to say that she supported Sen. McConnell’s position of prioritizing political gamesmanship over ensuring that millions of Americans had the ability to pay rent and eat next week.

or several weeks, Fiorina had said she supported extending the jobless benefits, but not without spending cuts to balance the bill’s $33.9-billion cost. Speaking Tuesday morning on KGO-AM (810), Fiorina shifted her position, supporting the extension even though Congress has not specified spending cuts to offset it.

“I probably would vote for this extension, but I’ll tell you what, I think it is absolutely appropriate for people to stand on their desks and say, ‘When is it that we’re finally going to do what needs to be done and cut government spending?’ ” Fiorina said.  (LA Times)

But, you know, Carly reads polls. And she knows this issue is not a winner here in California. So, she’ll hop scoot and jump towards the middle.  But the fact is, that once she lodges herself in the Senate, you can bet your last dollar that when push comes to shove, she’ll be right there with McConnell and James Inhofe.

It Makes Sense That Carly is a Two Yacht Family

Sometimes I have to go looking for something to write for a blog post. At other times, something just comes and smacks you in the face. And such is the case with a recent quote in the Matier and Ross column regarding Carly Fiorina’s two yachts:

Fiorina spokeswoman Julie Soderlund said it makes sense for the Fiorinas to be a two-yacht family, given that the boat-loving couple have divided their time between California and D.C., near where their grandchildren live.(SF Chronicle)

Oh, and Soderlund continued by pointing out that Boxer is also wealthy (true), kind of a nanny-nanny-boo-boo sort of thing.  The reason the Boxer campaign is pointing out that Fiorina is wealthy isn’t for some sort of anti-rich class warfare, but rather to contrast her policies with her standing. In other words, the policies that she wants to pursue will increase the divide between rich and poor.

To point some of the obvious concerns, she wants to decrease tax rates for the wealthiest Americans (of which she counts herself as), and take a whack at social security in the name of “deficit reduction.”  See, that’s all the rage on the Right. As Americans struggle to find employment, Fiorina is fighting to put us back into a recession. Meanwhile, a strong majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on millionaires and charging the social security tax to the rich. So, yes, the fact that these policies will strongly benefit her are worth noting.

But, if she happens to lose this round, she can always comfort herself with a nice hot chocolate on board one of her two yachts.

Boxer Maintains Narrow Lead over Fiorina

Boxer Demo TableField is out with their Senate polling data, and Barbara Boxer maintains a narrow lead over Carly Fiorina, 47-44.The number is an actually an improvement for Boxer over the March 2010 numbers, when Boxer’s lead was just a single point.  In the end, both of these numbers are within the margin of error. All that is to say that we should be expecting a fight for the Senate race this fall.

Whereas Jerry Brown has failed to capture the hearts of some traditional Democratic demographics, Boxer has built on these constituencies. She leads the 18-39 demographic by a 52-33 tally, and Latinos by 55-32.  While turnout will be critical to who wins both elections, Fiorina (and Whitman) need to make serious dents in both areas of support if they are to win their respective elections.

On the flip side, Boxer probably needs to consolidate Democrats a little bit, as it appears that Fiorina has mostly done that on her side of the divide.  But, as the favorability numbers, Boxer is a more polarizing figure.  Her favorability numbers are under water at 11 (4152).  Meanwhile, unlike Whitman who has bought her way into universal recognition, Fiorina is still something of an unknown quantity. She’s at +5,(34-29), but the largest group is “no opinion.”  

The task for the Boxer Team (and allies) is to fill in those blanks.  The story doesn’t even take any aggrandizing. Fiorina is a failed CEO, who was fired by HP for both poor morale, spying on her employees and journalists, and poor performance. Oh, and she was even named the 19th worst CEO in America. Sadly, she was out-terribled by Lehman’s Dick Fuld. Her failed record is not even that much of a mixed bag, she rose to the level of her incompetence, and boy, was she incompetent.

More from Robert: Boxer’s numbers aren’t as strong as we’d like. Her disapproval rating among likely voters is 48%, with 42% approval. What explains this?

The San Francisco Chronicle article on this poll suggests Boxer is suffering from the public’s overall anger at Washington DC:

One of Boxer’s more vexing problems, analysts say, is that opposition to her is not just about her. She has become an avatar for broader voter frustrations about the struggling economy, President Obama and the growth of the federal government.

“It’s a reflection of the effectiveness of a Republican strategy to characterize Sen. Boxer as everything that’s wrong with the government,” said Larry Berman, a professor of political science at UC Davis. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., another longtime Democrat facing a tough re-election challenge, faces a similar predicament, Berman said.

When the economy is struggling, DiCamillo said, “the voters tend to take it out on the incumbents.”

This makes sense to me. We have seen the Obama Administration fail to bring change to this country. Their two accomplishments, the stimulus and health care, were watered down to the point where voters don’t see them as being effective, although Boxer is rightly going out there and showing that the stimulus did indeed create jobs – and that we need more of it.

But with Democratic Senators like Ben Nelson and Blanche Lincoln doing all they can do to destroy the Democratic majority, and with the White House failing to provide strong leadership to challenge this or to achieve progressive ends, Democratic voters are losing confidence and enthusiasm, and other voters are starting to grow uneasy about incumbents as a whole.

Boxer is therefore suffering that collateral damage, even though she has been one of the best, most progressive Democrats we have. However, she is in a stronger position than these toplines suggest.

Fiorina hasn’t gained any support over her March 2010 numbers, and Boxer is down 2 but that is within the margin of error. Independent voters are still with Boxer, 47-39. Boxer, unlike Brown, also retains strong backing from core Democratic constituencies: she leads 52-33 among voters under age 39, and 55-32 among Latinos.

Let’s also recall the USC/LA Times poll from last month, which showed that voters want a Senator who will work to implement Obama’s agenda. That’s Barbara Boxer, who is right to embrace a president who, despite his failures that frustrate voters, remains popular in California.

Finally, we can’t forget that Fiorina is so far to the right that she is going to have a difficult time getting elected here. Fiorina pledges to repeal health care reform and won’t use government to create jobs. She is running as a Herbert Hoover candidate, planning to do to the US what she did to HP.

Californians don’t want that – and Barbara Boxer knows it. The Boxer campaign has a tough fight ahead of it. But it’s a fight she knows how to win.

Fiorina’s Failed “Grassroots” Protests

FailedSenator BlimpDo you remember the bizarre and somewhat offensive Carly Blimp Commercial?  Well, it appears that the Failorina campaign is attempting to push that further with their “grassroots” protesters at the site of various Boxer events. From MediaBistro’s FishBowlLA blog:

What does it mean when all six of your protest signs are in the same handwriting with the same slogans in different cities on allegedly different days? It means as a movement you are so on the same page even your penmanship testifies to it. Carly Fiorina’s Twitter  account is proudly boasting about all these protests around California. “Protesters are gathering in Sacramento asking, ‘where are the jobs?!?!'”  (FishBowlLA)

Click on over to FishBowlLA for more photos of the same dude holding the same signs. These “grassroots” folks have really got the message consistency down!