Tag Archives: Al Gore

Getting Al Gore on the Primary Ballot

I hope you all don’t mind a New Yorker posting here, but I was asked to do some Internet outreach by the California for Gore people, and this is the obvious place to start.  If you don’t know, California for Gore was launched not too long ago with the sole purpose of organizing people, collecting signatures, and eventually getting Al Gore’s name on the primary ballot early next year.  To do so, 500 Democratic signatures are needed from every congressional district, and from what I understand, an affidavit by Gore is not necessary.  In other words, if the signatures are gotten, his name will be appearing on the ballot, and he will have delegates at the convention whether he announces a run or not.

In California, perhaps more so than in any other state, there is a huge groundswell of support for a Gore candidacy.  In a March poll – mind you, this was before The Assault on Reason, an Emmy, and Nobel Peace Prize speculation – Gore was already in second place and only six points behind Hillary in CA.  That’s without spending a single dollar, having a single intern, or having any kind of organization whatsoever.  If Gore announces, he wins California, simple as that.  Even if Gore doesn’t announce, if he’s on the ballot, he’ll get a ton of delegates.  And keep in mind, should he not run but still garner a significant amount of delegates (similar efforts are going on in many other states), a brokered convention is very possible and a Gore candidacy “compromise” is a leading solution.

Please, if Gore is your #1 man, don’t settle for #2 – the stakes are too high to do so.  You can enter your volunteer information on this page, email california4gore(at)gmail.com or call directly at 858-581-1024.  Be a part of history and help Draft Gore!

Netroots for Gore

(CA-45) Mary Bono-“undecided on climate change”

(No, she really isn’t… So what HAS she decided upon, other than supporting Bush and the wingnuts whenever they need her?-adtleft. Mary Bono is a shining case in point of the Human Rights Campaign’s myopic views. They refused to endorse Ron Oden in 2000, an openly gay black man, and have since endorsed Bono several times. She must go. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

I’ve had nothing to say about Mary Bono since the election as she does precious little.  But today, her website proudly sports her CSPAN footage:  Mary Bono on climate change.  After the requisite meangirl sneer at Al Gore, Bono states she’s undecided on climate change.  Addressing the climate crisis may involve price hikes, which will cause people in her district to die of the heat.  Ergo, it’s just too hot to change our energy policy. 

She voted against strengthening FOIA this past week, still supports Bush on Iraq.  This is the real Mary Bono, and she is not an asset to the CA-45th.

Bono is allegedly a big GOP environmentalist, meaning she photo-ops with local green advocates, then votes with Bush/Cheney back in DC. 

Today, Mary Bono claimed that addressing our global climate crisis will mean certain death to the poor and weak in Palm Springs.  Republican social darwinism couldn’t be a factor?  It seems to escape Rep. Bono that energy policy costs can be offset by social welfare programs.  In fact, the seniors and the thousands of working poor in the CA-45th could use a break on their utility bills right now, never mind waiting to offset potential costs of a sane energy program.  Is it possible that California’s energy crisis was caused by Enron, and not by Al Gore? 

I doubt she has thought about it beyond verifying her current talking points with the leadership.  Bono does not expose herself to unscreened questioning.  Someone might ask her why Mary Bono’s one of the worst elected officials towards children and seniors.  But she does that compassionate conservative lipservice thing with the best of them.  Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

At the hearing’s end, Bono embraced the perspective of The Skeptical Environmentalist author, Dr. Bjørn Lomborg.  Apparently he was there as an advocate for the  “jury’s still out”  perspective.  Lomborg is not an environmentalist, nor a natural scientist of any kind.  He is a social scientist who writes about cost/benefit analysis.  His environmental policy book has been refuted, rebutted, and otherwise debunked by Nature, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Grist.  This probably explains why Bono made her bizarre remarks to a near empty chamber.  None of the Democrats and few of the Republicans bothered to stay. 

WIth all of the joy of our new Congress, I can’t believe I still have to put up with this obedient GOP hack for my representative.  Mary Bono is the well paid person who actually complained about her son’s college costs on the floor of the House while slashing federal college aid by more than $14 billion.  Howie Klein explored her obtuse comments on that at DownWithTyranny, back when I still held out hope that we could replace her with a good Democrat.

Don’t yet know if Roth is running again yet, but please, netroots all, know that the CA-45th is worth a shot no matter what.  Despite the 45th’s heavy slant towards the GOP, Bono is a lightweight on policy and politics.  She puts the nothing in Do Nothing.  She gets reelected thanks to a 3 to 1 funding advantage, and because Sonny Bono was dearly loved, and the district only knows her as this:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

These are serious times, made worse by Bush and his followers like Mary Bono.  2008 could be the year that Riverside County wakes up and demands a legislator equipped to serve the district and the country.  If you can give Bono any help out the door, please note it in the comments.  The Democrats of the Desert and other Dem clubs are suiting up for 2008.

Barbara Boxer: One Tough Cookie

(Got the audio – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

UPDATE: Here’s the audio.  LA Democrat found the video at ABCNews. Or you can watch at ThinkProgress

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As I was watching the video of Vice President Gore, Sen James (I found 3 scientists who disagree with Gore) Ihnofe (R-Exxon) was attacking Gore on the question of Gore’s energy usage at home. Inhofe was cutting Gore off as he tried to answer the questions.  BOxer shot back with “You don’t make the rules here anymore. Elections have consequences.”

Go Barbara Boxer!

Paul Krugman Likes Us, He Really Likes Us

(Cross-posted from The Courage Campaign)

Sunday night we all watched the man who should be president take the world stage to spread the message of his now Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth: there are measures that each of us can take to slow global warming and it is our duty to do so.

In his column Colorless Green Ideas (behind firewall,) NY Times columnist Paul Krugman uses his own platform to do the same and in so doing provides some historical context that demonstrates how California can serve as a model for the nation on tackling global warming.

He begins by paraphrasing Gore's oft-heard refrain:

The factual debate about whether global warming is real is, or at least should be, over. The question now is what to do about it.

Krugman can barely hide his contempt for those that still deny the climate crisis. And he takes little solace from the fact that fewer and fewer of them seem to deny the phenomenon's existence outright preferring instead to resist the notion that humans can ever hope to have any effect and to insist that such an effort would come at too high a cost. 

More over the flip…

As Krugman summarizes for us, their argument goes as follows:

any serious attempt to curb greenhouse gas emissions is politically and economically impossible…[because] any substantial cut in energy use would require a drastic change in the way we live.

Well, Krugman calls BS on this claim by citing an example of an economy that has

managed to combine rising living standards with a substantial decline in per capita energy consumption, and managed to keep total carbon dioxide emissions more or less flat for two decades, even as both its economy and its population grew rapidly. And it achieved all this without fundamentally changing a lifestyle centered on automobiles and single-family houses.

What magical land could Krugman possibly be referring to? Why, California, of course.

It all started during the energy crisis of the 70s during which the nation as a whole engaged in a concerted conservation effort. At that point, California's energy consumption was about on par with the rest of the country, but it wasn't long before California and the nation took different paths. As success nationwide bred complacency:

improvements in auto mileage came to an end, while electricity consumption continued to rise rapidly, driven by the growing size of houses, the increasing use of air-conditioning and the proliferation of appliances.

But California continued to pursue conservation policy, which has led us to:

Today, the average Californian uses about a third less total energy than the average American, uses less than 60 percent as much electricity, and is responsible for emitting only about 55 percent as much carbon dioxide.

And California's recipe for success:

In some cases conservation was mandated directly, through energy efficiency standards for appliances and rules governing new construction. Also, regulated power companies were given new incentives to promote conservation, via rule changes that “decoupled” their profits from the amount of electricity they sold.

What's notable for Krugman about what California has done right on energy since the 70s is how sort of invisible the policies are. He calls them "drab," "colorless" and "wonky,", which, of course, is the point. These measures that California has pursued have NOT required a change in the day to day lifestyle of Californians, yet they have significantly cut energy consumption and carbon emissions throughout the state…well, cut them significantly as compared to the rest of the country anyway, which, as Krugman reminds us, isn't saying a whole hell of a lot. 

He provides a reality check, lest our California heads get too big:

Even if America as a whole had matched California’s conservation efforts, we’d still be emitting about as much carbon dioxide now as we were in 1990. That’s too much.

But it's an optimistic story Krugman is telling, one in which California serves as a shining example for naysayers who insist that any significant policy to halt global warming will alter our lifestyles too much to be politically viable.

California’s experience shows that serious conservation is a lot less disruptive, imposes much less of a burden, than the skeptics would have it. And the fact that a state government, with far more limited powers than those at Washington’s disposal, has been able to achieve so much is a good omen for our ability to do a lot to limit climate change, if and when we find the political will.

And luckily, as Al Gore likes to say:

political will is a renewable resource.

I think it’s up for renewal in 2008, what do you think?

The Surreal Politics of Orange County: Is the GOP Machine Trying to Steal This Election?

This morning, Janet Nguyen’s lawyers may go to court to stop certification of Tuesday’s supervisorial election. They intend to question the accuracy of the electronic voting machines here and the Registrar of Voter’s determination on some of the provisional ballots cast. Though it’s far from certain that as many as seven votes can be switched, Team Janet remains confident: (From OC Register)

“We have an excellent chance of getting seven votes switched,” said Dave Gilliard, Janet Nguyen’s campaign consultant. “At seven votes, I think the race is still very much up in the air.”

OK, so Gilliard may be your typical GOP consultant. And Janet might not be the most sympathetic of candidates. But still, follow me after the flip and I’ll show you how this race is still “very much in the air”. That air, after all, may be quite stinky…

Already, it looks like Janet has hired noted election lawyer Fred Woocher to present her case in court. If Woocher’s name sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because you still remember Donna Frye’s first run for San Diego Mayor in 2004. Though Frye had actually won a plurality of votes that November, she was denied her victory because some 5,551 of those Frye voters had forgotten to fill the oval after writing in her name. Though similar undervotes were allowed to be counted for incumbent Mayor Dick Murphy, the same courtesy was not given to undervotes for Donna Frye. In turn, this threw out enough votes to give Murphy another term…
Until he had to resign.

But I digress. This time around, Woocher be worrying about more than just unfilled ovals. This time, it will be also be about the voter fraud.

While taking out my garbage about a week and a half ago, I was approached by three Vietnamese men who spoke to me in Vietnamese. In their hands were absentee ballots, not requests, but ballots. They tried to hand one off to me and asked me to fill in the bubble for Trung Nguyen sign the envelope and they would take care of the rest. I told them no I am not supporting Trung, and added that what they were doing was wrong and illegal. They insisted they were doing nothing wrong and were trying to help the Vietnamese community and that Trung Nguyen was the only one who cared about the Vietnamese community. I told them again I am not supporting Trung Nguyen and what they were doing was illegal. They moved on to the next home. I noticed they were at my mobile home park everyday, same three men with stacks of absentee ballots.

I informed Vietnamese radio about what was going on. They did a report on it. It was also reported to the DA’s office. I believe the District Attorney is investigating. I do hope they find wrongdoing.

However, Trung Nguyen and his Van Tran cronies “allies” are quite quick to denounce all of this as just Janet being a “sore loser“. They would rather just see Janet “concede gracefully”, even though there are still all these questions about this election that have yet to be answered. Oh yes, and apparently Janet Nguyen is the “New Al Gore”. (From OC Register)

Trung Nguyen, meanwhile, spent Thursday making plans for serving as supervisor. He toured what he believes will be his new office on the fifth floor of the Orange County Hall of Administration and his campaign warned Janet Nguyen that she may look like former Vice President Al Gore when he desperately tried to reverse the 2000 presidential election.

Michael Schroeder, Trung Nguyen’s lawyer, said he believes Janet Nguyen will fail to stop the election certification because she didn’t meet a Thursday deadline to get a court hearing.

“She has the prospect of becoming the next Al Gore, being seen as a sore loser,” said Trung Nguyen’s lawyer, Michael Schroeder.

Oh, really! So if someone wants to ensure that the entire election process was valid, then that person is a “sore loser”? Would Trung Nguyen and his sugar daddy “lawyer” Mike Schroeder be saying the same if Trung were the one only seven votes behind? Would these folks be saying the same if Trung were possibly the victim of a massive fraud operation to get his GOP machine-backed opponent elected AT ANY COST?

And oh yes, does Mike Schroeder really want to bring back all the memories of the 2000 Presidential Election? Does he think that we forgot about what REALLY happened in Florida? Oh, but I guess the GOP machine never learns. They’ll do ANYTHING to win, even against a fellow Republican…
Oops, but I forgot that Janet Nguyen is just a “sore loser”.

Standing Up for California

Surprise, surprise, Phil Angelides has started a new  organization: Standing Up for California. When I got the email, my eyes rolled at the thought of him already starting to mount his comeback with the same team that ran what can only be described as a God-Awful campaign.

But join me over the flip for why I think you should go take his survey and why this organization could be important if it decides to be more than a fan club.

If you take the survey, you’ll see that it tries to drill down on issues, demographics, and skill set. The issues stuff was OK, not very in-depth but not bad. The demographics was limited to age, which makes me think the survey was designed by idiots because in CA you would have thought there would have at least been questions on geography and language. However, there were two questions that surprised me, one on blogs and one on social networks.

My guess is that there won’t be too many positive responses on the last two questions because the Angelides campaign never meaningfully encouraged and trained supporters to take advantage of the political potential that the internet provides, but hopefully they learned their lesson.

But here is why this could be important, Angelides doesn’t need to run for anything to change California. He has a ton of email addresses, access to plenty of money, and that is all he really needs. Think of this as the Al Gore model.

I don’t want a comeback, I want him to just do stuff, right now. And sure enough, if he just does stuff it might make me want to see a comeback. I was disgusted with Gore’s campaign, his VP pick, and the way he rolled over during the recount but like many people I have admired what he has done since then.

I don’t know whether Angelides will use his potential wisely this time, but like many I’ll be watching.

Check it out:


More Odds and Ends from around California 10/23

Wowsers, lots of stuff…

  • Al Gore’s appearance in Berkeley was very energized.  That man still has a lot of motivation to work for issues that are important to him.  And, all of a sudden, he’s an impassioned speaker.  Berkeley Bubble has it covered.
  • Charlie Cook’s National Journal Campaign Race Rankings have bumped CA-11 and CA-04 up the charts.  CA-04 (Charlie Brown vs.  John Doolittle) has moved up to #46 from #41. CA-11 (Jerry McNerney vs. Richard Pombo) has moved up to #34 from #37.  Neither race has received anything in the way of support from DCCC, but this is the year that we need to take these two crooks out.
  • Speaking of Doolittle, juls notes on dkos that he’s pulling out all the negative tricks in his arsenal now.  His latest? Calling people at all hours with a robocall that leads in with “Let me tell you more about Charlie Brown.” Dirty and desperate…that’s our 15% Doolittle!
  • More from CA-11 and CA-04: The USA Today, which I think has the highest circulation (I could be wrong), has a story about Doolittle and Pombo’s connections to Jack Abramoff.  Wow, more national attention for our dirty duo.  You know, corruption never loves the light.  Let’s get the flood lights on these 2 crooks.
  • More from CA-11: McNerney is challenging a Pombo ad.  Apparently Pombo didn’t feel that it was really that important that he follow the rules.  He didn’t properly “I approve this message” on the end of the ad.  Bad crooked Congressman, bad!
  • In other races, The Rogue on dkos points out David Roth’s (CA-45) latest achievement of getting on the DCCC’s emerging races list.  You know that list is to me? Rahm’s list of races that he will take credit for if they win, and he will blow off if they lose.  But, Roth is a hard charger and would  be a great Congressman.