Tag Archives: Inland Empire

Aftermath of Southern California Wild Fires: False Promises and Lies?

This morning, I once again awoke indoors in Beaumont, CA with a scratchy throat and stuffy nose.  We are miles away from any fire devastation yet are feeling the consequences.  ‘Snow’ floats down onto housing tracts and farms from Los Angeles to Phoenix.  An orange sky stretches seemingly forever north, south, east and west of Beaumont and the Inland Empire.  At first it reminded me of the Southern California fire storm that hit a few years ago after my partner and I moved to CA.

Then, I remembered that those fires reminded me of the environmental consequences of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  You have the odors that are unexpected and ill-defined.  You have the constant particulate matter in the air.  And you have difficulty breathing and shortly will have Bush, the Bush Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, a Republican Governor, and Republican local officials lying to the affected citizenry.

More below the flip…

During the days, weeks, months, and even years following the terrorist attacks, Bush and his cronies lied constantly to the people of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.  Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey, and EPA Director under Bush, came repeatedly to New York to assure that there was no deleterious effects from the fallout.  Gov. George Pataki, R-NY and Mayor Rudy Guiliani, R-NY chimed in similarly.  As the New York-area firefighters and other workers at Ground Zero now know, these people were Liars, Liars, and Liars.

The Federal Government has the responsibilty through Executive Order and Congressional mandate that U.S. citizens and residents be protected during a National Disaster.

In 1970, a U.S. Senate report on Section 303 of the Clean Air Act stated:

“The levels of concentration of air pollution agents or combination of agents which substantially endanger health are levels which should never be reached in any community. When the prediction can reasonably be made that such elevated levels could be reached even for a short period of time-that is that they are imminent-an emergency action plan should be implemented.”

In 1972, the Clean Water Act extended the scope of the National Contingency Plan:

“With the passage of the Clean Water Act of 1972, the scope of the National Contingency Plan (NCP) is extended to cover hazardous substance releases in addition to oil spills.”

In February 1988, the Emergeny Planning and Community-Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) stated:

“A final rule is issued on the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA).  The rule states a “community right-to-know” public notification must be issued whenever there is a spill of any carcinogen in concentrations over 0.1 percent.”

In 1992, The Federal Response Plan (FRP) is finalized and becomes Public Law 93-288.  The FRP provides”

“a process and structure for the systematic, coordinated, and effective delivery of Federal assistance to address the consequences of any major disaster or emergency declared under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.”

The FRP can be enacted by the President in times of emergency.  Once invoked, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) coordinates the efforts of any Emergency Support Functions (ESF) involved.  In the event of a hazardous materials release, the EPA is charged with overseeing the federal government’s response.  The Federal Response Team (FRT) and Regional Response Teams (RRTs) are charged with

“carry[ing] out their duties and responsibilities as put forth in the NCP [National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan] (see 1972) and agency implementing procedures.”

Given the loss of 1,700 or more homes, businesses, and other structures, the destruction of countless vehicles and storage containers, and the burning of about 500,000 acres of Southern California, I wonder how much hazardous material has been released into the air over Southern California, Arizona, and Nevada?  During the Santa Anas of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, October 21 – 24, 2007, the prevailing winds pushed a significant amount of the pollutants several hundred miles out over the Pacific Ocean.  Since the Santa Anas ceased, the prevailing wind currents have pushed the pollutants back ashore, across the San Diego and Los Angeles basins through Orange, Ventura, Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties and into Arizona and Nevada.  Apparently, the pollutants have even extended as far north as Silicon Valley.  Residents of Southern California are cautioned to stay indoors, to avoid exercise outdoors, and to wear masks outdoors.

Given the evisceration of the Environmental Protection Agency under Bush and his business cronies, I wonder to what extent, the EPA will be in the forefront to protect the health and lives of millions of people.  Given the history of lies from the Bush Administration and their incompetent and avaricious minions, I doubt that we can trust them at all in this arena.

Message to George Bush & Arnold: Where is the National Guard?

(I’m going to promote this because it’s starting to get a good deal of attention. Half of the equipement needed by the Naitonal Guard to aid in recovery and assistance is not in the state, and we’ve known about this for months. Sen. Boxer raised this concern yesterday. It’s hampering efforts and I think it’s worthy for consideration. – promoted by David Dayen)

Dear George W Bush & Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger:

Where is the National Guard?  Why is not the National Guard involved in protecting the people of Southern California, San Diego County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Ventura County, and Los Angeles County from the fire storms?

Might they be in Afghanistan?
Might they be in Iraq?
Might they be on the border of California & Mexico?

Is it not the job of the President and of the Governor to insure the safety and security of persons and property in the State rather than in an ill-conceived overseas venture?  Just a thought.

California Psychological Assoc Signs on the Amer Psych Assoc Amicus Brief Re Marriage Equality

(Edited for space only. – promoted by Brian Leubitz)

California Psychological Association (CPA) Signs on as Amicus to American Psychological Association’s Brief to CA Supreme Court Re Gay Marriage.

As you know, the issue of Marriage Equality has been simmering below the radar for quite some time since Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco, first recognized Marriage Equality for same-sex couples.  Newsom gained international attention in February 2004, when he directed the city-county clerk to issue marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.  Newsom claimed the California Constitution’s equal protection clause as his authority.  From February 12, 2004, until March 11, 2004, when Marriage Equality was halted by the California Supreme Court, about 4,000 couples were issued marriage licenses under Newsom’s directive in San Francisco.  On August 12, 2004, the California Supreme Court voided all of 4,000 licenses.

More below the flip…

Since then, courts in Massachusetts and New Jersey have ruled that Marriage Equality must be recognized.  The legislature of Massachusetts passed legislation for Marriage Equality.  More recently, the courts in New Jersey have ruled that the State must accommodate Marriage Equality.

In California, the people, through their duly elected officials in both legislative chambers have attempted to recognize Marriage Equality in 2005 and once again in 2007.  Both times, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Marriage Equality Terminator, vetoed the legislation.  He has indicated that the issue should be a matter for the courts and the voters of California to decide.  Schwarzenegger has obviously ignored the fact that the voters of California have spoken in 2005 and again in 2007 in favor of Marriage Equality through their legislators.  It so happens that the California Supreme Court may make a decision on Marriage Equality.  The Court will hear oral argumentss in a case for Marriage Equality in which fifteen (15) same-sex couples will be represented by the the American Civil Liberties Union and Lambda Legal.

Now, Miguel E. Gallardo, PsyD, President, wrote the following to the members of the CPA:

“Dear Members:

“I hope this message finds you all well and in good health. I am writing to inform you that, as an association, the CPA signed on to an Amicus Brief recently filed by the American Psychological Association with the California Supreme Court. Additionally, this email is intended to provide you with some background information and inform you of the process used by the Executive Committee (comprised of the CPA’s elected officers) and the Board of Directors in determining the appropriate action for CPA.


“In July 2007 the Public Interest Directorate of APA requested that CPA sign on to an Amicus Brief that the APA planned to file with the California Supreme Court. An Amicus Curiae Brief (literally, “friend of the court”) is a brief that is filed with the court by someone who is not a party to the case, but who has an interest in the case and believes that the court’s decision may affect its interest.  Amicus Briefs often include educative information and resources that may be useful to the Court.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a member of the American Psychological Association.

Gallardo’s message continues:

The Issue

“The current case stems from the original action of the San Francisco Mayor to allow marriage between gay and lesbian couples.  This case comes to the California Supreme Court from the California First Appellate District Court (Division Three), which reversed an earlier trial court decision, and upheld the constitutional California’s Family Code, that defines civil marriage as the union between a man and a woman.  The California Supreme Court must decide whether to uphold the Appellate Court decision or to overturn it and find the current definition of marriage unconstitutional (as did the earlier trial court).  A decision to overturn the Appellate Court’s decision would, in essence, enable gay and lesbian couples to be married in the state of California. 

APA has filed similar Briefs in other states, including in Maryland where the Supreme Court recently rejected the Brief, but APA believes that the California case is probably the most important case to date on this matter and that this case will have a very large impact on the rest of the country. In addition to CPA, APA was joined in this Brief by the American Psychiatric Association and the National Association of Social Workers.

The Decision Making Process

“The Executive Committee of the CPA Board of Directors based its actions on our newly adopted guidelines from the Social Issues Task Force which stipulate that the Executive Committee, after considering any issue, will determine how to involve the full Board of Directors. In this particular circumstance, the Executive Committee involved the CPA Board of Directors as early as was feasible in the review process. The Executive Committee ultimately reviewed all the relevant documents provided by APA, as well as other materials provided by various Board members and other interested individuals in this case. The final meeting of Executive Committee occurred on September 10th when a final decision was made to support the Brief. It was during this meeting, and several others, that the members of the Executive Committee reviewed the comments gathered from the Board of Directors comments, concerns, and suggested actions to change the language in the Brief. Based on the final meeting on the 10th, and the Executive Committee’s review of the comments from the Board of Directors, and by a majority vote, the CPA Executive Committee agreed that CPA join the Brief as an Amicus. 

“In essence, we followed what we believed to be the appropriate mechanisms to make an informed decision on behalf of the CPA and its members.

“This decision was forwarded to Dr. Clinton Anderson in the APA Public Interest Directorate.  Dr. Anderson and other members of the APA expressed their appreciation for CPA’s position on this issue.  A copy of the Amicus Brief that was filed with the California Supreme Court is attached for your information and review.

“We hope you find the information contained in this email and in the attached document helpful in understanding the significance in maintaining a level of integrity in our decision making process, as well as, ultimately deciding what final action to take on behalf of the Association, its members, and the communities in California that we serve.

“I appreciate your membership in the Association and I look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

Best regards,

Miguel E. Gallardo, PsyD

President, CPA

The full brief may be viewed at [http://www.cpapsych….]

(CA 80AD) Greg Pettis Endorsed by Howard Dean’s Democracy for America

Democratic candidate for California 80th Assembly District, Greg Pettis, received the sole endorsement of the National group Democracy for America on October 15, 2007.

The organization, which was started by former Vermont Governor Howard Dean in 2004, is a grassroots network dedicated to supporting fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates at all levels of government.

“Inspired by the presidential campaign of Howard Dean, Democracy for America (DFA) is a political action committee dedicated to supporting fiscally responsible, socially progressive candidates at all levels of government-from school board to the presidency. DFA fights against the influence of the far right-wing and their radical, divisive policies and the selfish special interests that for too long have dominated our politics.”

DFA Executive Director Thomas Hughes said:

Greg Pettis has been building Cathedral City one block at a time.  His sound financial management has led to thousands of new jobs and increased revenue for the city.  His conscience has led to progressive solutions like a first-time homebuyer program, cleaning up Salton Sea and protecting open space for generations to come.

“We are confident he will continue this record of success in Sacramento to find solutions to improve California’s health care system and combat global warming.”

Pettis said he was thrilled to have DFA’s support.

“DFA is a group that not only supports fiscally responsible and socially progressive candidates, but they do so from the ground up.  Like me, DFA believes you win elections one vote at a time, sharing your ideas and committing your neighbors to help.  That’s been my record on the City Council and that’s how I’m going to win this election.”

DFA joins a long list of endorsements for Pettis including the California Building Trades Council, Riverside/San Bernardino Labor Council, Victory Fund, Riverside Mayor Ronald Loveridge, Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat, Cathedral City Councilmember Paul Marchand, El Centro City Councilmember Sedalia Sanders and former Coachella Mayor Juan DeLara.

Pettis is considered the Democratic frontrunner in the race to replace Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, who will be stepping down due to term limits.  His status has been determined in that he has raised more money and has more donors than all the other Democratic candidates combined based on the last filings with California’s Secretary of State.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is an financial supporter of Pettis.

(CA 80AD) Greg Pettis Endorsed by Victory Fund

In a press release dated October 4, 2007, Greg Pettis announced that the Victory Fund has endorsed his campaign for the CA 80th Assembly District which is held by the termed-limited Bonnie Garcia, R-CA.

The Victory Fund provides strategic, technical and financial support to openly Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender candidates and their political campaigns.  The Victory Fund staff helps to recruit, screen and train qualified candidates and to assist them in raising the necessary funds required to run for political office.

Re full disclosure, BBBz is an enthusiastic supporter of the Pettis campaign for the CA 80th Assembly District.

More below the flip…

Pettis ran for and won a seat on the Cathedral City City Council in 1994.  Since he was sworn in, Greg has helped build an economically vibrant community with strong neighborhoods with a long list of legislative accomplishments including:

(1) Creating a first-time home-buyer program
(2) Instituting the Safe Routes to School Program
(3) Working with the Police Department and social service agencies to combat methamphetamine addiction
(4) Completing the Cathedral City Library
(5) Bringing Big League Dreams to Cathedral City
(6) Revitalizing Cathedral City’s downtown

Pettis has served as the Executive Director of the Palm Springs Youth Center, President of Cathedral City Rotary Club , President of the Desert Business Association and boardmember of United Cerebral Palsy of the Desert and boardmember of the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy.

Although The Victory Fund has not yet posted its endorsement of Greg Pettis on its website, they have endorsed Pettis as candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District.  In 2006, 67 Victory Fund-endorsed candidates were elected to political office.

Chuck Wolfe, President and CEO of the Victory Fund said:

“Greg Pettis is a qualified and proven leader who has stood up against discrimination and for the rights of all people.  We are proud to endorse him and look forward to his service in the California State Assembly.”

Pettis has also been endorsed by the predominantly gay San Diego Democratic Club and the California Building Trades Council and the San Bernardino and Riverside County Labor Council.

Pettis said:

“We’re building a strong base of support throughout California because my track record over many years is a good indicator that I’ll be able to help break the logjam in Sacramento on crucial issues like health care, economic development and protecting our environment.

“With the support of groups like The Victory Fund, I’ll be able to take my message for a healthy California to all corners of this district.”

Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) Makes News in Palm Springs, CA

Well, well, well.  It seems that the breaking story about the latest Repugnant sex scandal occurred in Palm Springs, CA recently.  The male escort whose assertions re Ted Haggard, former leader of the National Association of Evangelicals, lead to Haggard’s resignation and to James Dobson’s de-gayification boot camp, now asserted on a Palm Springs radio station that Sen. “Toe-Tapping” Larry Craig (R-ID) also sought his services.

Haggard resigned from the mega-church that he had founded and as the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals in November 2006, after Mike Jones of Denver made allegations that Meth- and Escort-Loving Haggard paid him for sex and used methamphetamine with him.

Jones appeared on the Bulldog Bill Feingold Show broadcast on KNWQ-AM on Wednesday night, October 3, 2007, according to NBC’s www.9News.com (see NBC 9News.com.  Jones was appearing during his book tour, and, during a commercial break, reported that Toe-Tapping Larry Craig scheduled a toe-to-toe…er…head-to-head…er…face-to-face (I give up) session with him in Denver in 2005.

More below the toe-tapping flip…

Craig is the Repugnant homophobic and apparently self-loathing U.S. Senator from Idaho who plead guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct charges earlier this year in MN after his arrest in a Minneapolis airport bathroom for propositioning an undercover police.  And this week, Toe-Tapping Larry renegged on his promise to resign from the U.S. Senate if his appeal was denied and reported that he will serve out his term.  You just cannot make this stuff up!

Fortunately for the late night entertainment shows and for progressive bloggers everywhere, a news photographer from the ABC-affiliate KESQ-TV in Palm Springs, kept filming as Jones discussed his meeting with Craig.

Feingold asked Jones if Toe-tapping Larry met him at a hotel, and Jones responded, “No, he came to see me.”  No comment from this writer, as that was hysterical.  I wonder if the pun was intended.

Jones did not indicate whether or not he had had sexual contact with Toe-Tapping Larry.

Reportedly, Toe-Tapping Larry’s office told KESQ-TV that “Mike Jones’ allegations are completely false.”  It was not substantiated whether the Senator’s office had said that he “Was not gay, and never had been gay” though.

(CA 80th AD) Manuel Pérez LIVE at school (Where else?)

Coachella Valley High School’s annual College VocTech night is on October 17th this year.  Here’s a clip from last year, featuring our region’s most stalwart advocate for youth, schools, and communities.  David Roth, Manuel’s ally in education and my candidate from last year’s CA-45th race, joins him at the end. 

Watch Manuel Pérez exhort parents to advocate for our kids at every level.  “Instead of the schools to jails pipeline, let’s look at the schools to universities pipeline.” 

Get this man to the California State Assembly with us here.

For an excellent overview of Perez’s life and candidacy, see David Dayen’s diary on Pérez here.

Also, Politics Begins at Home includes links to the previous diaries on Pérez.  This is a guy to watch.

The Drive For 2/3: A Movement Rises In The Desert (AD-80)

I’m starting a new series here at Calitics.  We’ve seen with the budget fight and the difficulties funding health care reform that the current balance of power in the Legislature just isn’t cutting it.  This is particularly irksome because they daylight is clearly seen at the end of the tunnel.  5 Assembly seats and just 2 Senate seats would bring 2/3 majorities in those chambers, and yet there is little or no talk within Democratic circles of explicitly going after the vulnerable seats within reach that would give us those numbers.

Well, you shouldn’t wait for others tomorrow to begin what you can do today.  So I’m going to be profiling districts and candidates that can get us to what should be the overriding goal of 2/3 majorities.

We begin today in California’s 80th Assembly District, which largely covers the desert region around Palm Springs, Cathedral City and Indian Wells, but which encompasses Imperial County all the way down to the Mexico border.  This district is currently held by Republican and hot Latina Bonnie Garcia, yet there are a plurality of Democrats there.  This is the most Democratic seat held by a term-limited Republican, though obviously that term limit can be overturned.  But regardless, this seat represents an opportunity.  And I met with the man who can not only deliver that seat, but who can give rise to a new movement of young people of color devoted to improving the lives of their constituents.

That man is Manuel Pérez.

I met with Manuel at a coffee shop in Indio, a working-class town surrounded by the posh hotels and golf courses of the Palm Springs area.  It really is a haves versus the have-nots story, with resorts fighting with growers for water resources from the Colorado River, to name just one pressure point.  When you move into Imperial County, where the population is 75% Latino and over 65% speak Spanish as their first language, that dichotomy is even more stark.  In this environment, someone with ties to the land is crucial.  And Pérez’ history goes back generations.

Manuel Pérez’ parents were immigrants who met in the fields while chasing the crops they picked for work.  His mother worked 26 years in the fields, despite raising a family.  His father became a veteraño (a veteran of the migrant fields) and worked for the city of Indio on water issues.  Growing up in Coachella and Calexico, Manuel worked in the fields himself over the summers when he wasn’t in school.  His parents understood the importance of education, teaching the values of “service and sacrifice and social justice,” and pushing him to advance as far as he could go.  At an early age, he saw a community of gangs and drugs where his best friend was killed in a drive-by shooting. 

He became the only person in his family to go on to higher education, getting his bachelor’s degree at UC-Riverside (and becoming an organizer on campus).  He had the opportunity to get a master’s degree in Social Policy at Harvard, and took it.  Instead of leaving his community behind, he returned to it, organizing field campaigns throughout the state for candidates and issues like Schools Not Jails.  This is someone who hasn’t waited around for higher office to make a difference in his community; he’s rolled up his sleeves and dived in.  As a director for the Borego Community Health Foundation, he’s created one of the first diabetes resource center in the desert region and has delivered health services to underserved regions.  As a researcher for the California Institute for Rural Studies, he put together a groundbreaking study on women’s reproductive health issues in Imperial County, where women have little opportunities and resources to manage their own health.  With Promotores, he’s part of a group of community-based leaders devoted to teaching  about health issues and making sure people in the community get the facts about programs at their disposal.  As a schoolteacher he started his school’s first ever Chicano Studies program designed to allow students to learn history from their perspective.  With the Eastern Coachella Valley Social Change Collaborative, he identified farm workers living in the area and trained them to be community leaders themselves.  Believe it or not, he’s only 34.

Eventually, Pérez and like-minded community leaders saw the ability to effect social change through policymaking.  So they founded an affiliation called “Raises,” or Roots, a group of people from the community who got their educations elsewhere and then returned to lead.  They decided to work in campaigns and put up candidates.  The first year, Pérez was voted onto the Coachella Valley School Board.  And Eddie Garcia was elected to city council in Coachella.  Then Garcia was voted mayor, and Steve Hernandez was elected to city council.  It went from 1 to 2 to 3 and this year 5 members running for office and seeking social change.  These are community leaders built from the bottom up, infused with the desire and obligation to give back.  In Garcia’s mayoral election, they signed up 15,000 new voters, and criscrossed the region 5 or 6 times, knocking on doors persistently despite being outspent by 3 to 1.  Garcia took 70% of the vote, and so did Pérez.

Manuel Pérez is not only a perfect fit for this district, providing an opportunity to retake this seat and get us closer to 2/3.  He represents a new generation of Hispanic-Americans who are dedicated to working for change from the bottom up.  He would bring to Sacramento a unique set of skills, as someone who can build coalitions and train a group of leaders far into the future.  There are primary candidates on the Democratic side for this seat who appear to be very nice.  I don’t think anyone combines the résumé and the hope for the future more than Manuel Pérez.

He has an ActBlue page and he is worth your support.

(I should add that if anyone knows of a great legislative candidate they’d like me to profile for the Drive for 2/3, please email me at dday-at-calitics-dot-com.)

(CA 80th AD) Politics Begins at Home

(I think this diary could be considered a nomination diary. Thoughts? – promoted by Bob Brigham)

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket What a lovely family Manuel Pérez has.  Not a surprise, of course, and they throw a great party.  Great music, much dancing, and generous campaign cash raised in honor of Manuel’s birthday. 

It’s not too late to give him an ActBlue birthday gift, with love from the netroots nation.  Why you really want to, what is the latest from Sacramento re: Manuel, who’s getting festive with the Mayor of Coachella, and truly adorable pictures of tiny children watching the grown ups dance -after the flip.

Crossposted at Daily Kos

Previous CA 80th AD diaries:
Goodbye, Bonnie Garcia-Hello, Manuel Pérez
Pérez in the California 80th AD
(CA 80th) Honoring César Chávez in Coachella

Manuel Pérez is busier than usual these days.  Now that the Senate Republicans are done slashing services from the state budget, Borrego Community Health Foundation has to move fast to make up the time lost while their funding was on hold.  Otherwise, Pérez is on the phone and in the communities from Calexico to Palm Springs, listening to this district. 

Last week, Manuel Pérez was back in Sacramento with his colleagues allied with the California Endowment for the Agricultural Workers Health Conference.  Pérez was one of the authors of a past report funded by the California Endowment, In Their Own Words, Farmworker Access to Health Care in Four California Regions  (pdf): 

In Their Own Words: Farmworker Access to Health Care in Four California Regions is based
upon information gathered in the Agricultural Workers Health Study, a research project conducted by the California Institute for Rural Studies beginning in September, 2001.  When completed, the research study will have spanned six regions, the first four of which are profiled in this report. The Agricultural Workers Health Study reflects the collective effort of a professional cohort of dedicated researchers, field ethnographers, writers, and editors who have worked in teams to produce lengthy regional case studies. The compilers of this report gratefully recognize the extensive work and time devoted to the project by the following members of the East Coachella Valley, North Orange Belt/Tulare County, North San Diego County, and Oxnard/Santa Clarita Valley research teams:

Marisol Ayala
Marcus Clarke
Kenneth Kambara, Ph.D.
Natalie Karst
Heather Kun
Richard Mines, Ph.D., Principal Investigator
Nancy Mullenax, Ph.D.
Kara Nygaard
Victor Manuel Pérez, M.Ed.
John Nagiecki, M.A.
Lisette Saca
Mireya Samaniego
Kurt Schroeder
Crispin Shelley
Xochitl Villasenor
Amy L. Wilson
Disha Zaidi, M.A.

The California Institute for Rural Studies is a nonprofit social science research organization that studies questions related to social justice, environmental balance, and economic sustainability in rural California.

The initial seed money for this project came from the California Program on Access to Care (CPAC), which is part of the California Policy Research Center (CPRC). CPRC serves as a research support arm of the Office of the President of the University of California. CPAC focuses on health care policy issues.

The California Endowment, a statewide philanthropic organization focused on improving the health status of all Californians, provided generous support for the Agricultural Workers Health Study.

Manuel Pérez was also the original program director for the Poder Popular program in East Coachella Valley, and caught up with his former colleagues after their presentation at the conference.  They are enthusiastic about his campaign, and Manuel had excellent meetings with Assemblymember Joe Coto, Assemblymember Richard Polanco, his friends at Verde Group, and others.  Manuel Pérez is the best candidate for the CDP to run in the CA 80th AD race against the GOPer, but he’s not the big money Democrat in the primary, and that’s still a huge factor.  Did I mention my ActBlue page for Manuel Pérez?

Yes, September is the time to make the fundraising equal to the mojo.  The next fundraiser for Manuel Pérez, the People’s Candidate for the 80thAD, is hosted by the Mayor of Coachella, Eduardo Garcia

OK.  As promised, and cuter than a pootie pic, here’s a little angel who watched Manuel and Gladys dancing last month at the family birthday party. 
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketShe so looked like she wanted to be dancing, too.  So her sister stepped in:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
thank goodness, because if that child didn’t get to dance I didn’t think I was going to be able to bear it. 

A word from our last staff meeting, from the wise and charming Dr. David Skinner, “Everyone is someone, and no human being is illegal.”  Let’s put some fuel in the campaign of a guy who works for human rights on the local level, and actually makes the difference that Democrats are all about.  (Click it.  Hey, man, I did it for Darcy Burner.)

CA-42: The Weekly Dirt on Dirty Gary

(Cross-posted at Trash Dirty Gary and The Liberal OC)

It’s been quite a wild week in the 42nd Congressional District. Ever since Ron Shepston announced that he’s running against Dirty Gary Miller, there have been quite some interesting developments that have occurred in the race to replace Dirty Gary. We’ve had the bloggers talk about going offline. We’ve had the California Democratic Party go online to announce its new website targeting Dirty Gary. We’ve heard rumors that a former Republican politician might reemerge to challenge Dirty Gary in the primary. Oh yes, and what did Ron say about John Kerry?

Follow me after the flip for all the latest dirt on Dirty Gary…

Part One: The Bloggers

The bloggers are coming out of the computer room. OK, so how do I know? The call has been made on Daily Kos. A few of my Kossack friends joined me at DFA Training last month, and they are ready to get the netroots involved in grassroots politics.

So what will come out of this? Hopefully, a whole lot of good work! I encourage our online friends, especially those of them in Southern California, to help us local activists in kicking some Dirty Gary arse and bringing some integrity back to the 42nd District!

Part Two: The Party

Nothing really prepared me for this. The California Democratic Party is actually doing something in the 42nd… And the 44th, as well as the 41st! It’s started the “Triangle of Corruption“, a web site that will keep track of all the dirty wrongdoings of Gary Miller, Ken Calvert, and Jerry Lewis. Way to go, CDP!

Part Three: The Other Challenger?

Oh my goodness, you just have to see this bit of salacious gossip that Art Pedroza included in this week’s “OC Political Chismes“! Apparently, there’s word out here that Lynn Daucher may run against Dirty Gary in the Republican Primary next June. Yes, you heard me right… Lynn Daucher!

So will Miss “Shopping for the Right District” end up running where she actually lives? I don’t know. Still, it would be nice to see Lynn run for office representing a place where she actually resides.

Part Four: The Candidate

Oh yes, and take a look at this, why dont you? No, Ron isn’t trying to take a jab at John Kerry. He’s just talking about how much the Daily Kos community contributes to Democratic victory. Go ahead and take another look at Ron’s latest Daily Kos diary… You might start thinking differently about “those crazy bloggers”.

Part Five: And Finally…

Here’s another rule that Dirty Gary broke! Cheese louise, he wore a hawaiian shirt inside the halls of Congress?! Not only does he have no respect for decorum, but he doesn’t even have any good taste! ; )