Tag Archives: Steve Pougnet

Marriage Equality: Press Releases from National Stonewall, Sacramento Stonewall, Barney Frank

I received Press Releases from National Stonewall Democrats, the Sacramento Stonewall Democratic Club, and U.S. Representative Barney Frank regarding the decision by the Republican-dominated California Supreme Court overturning the ban on Marriage Equality in the State.

National Stonewall Democrats, co-founded by U.S. Representative Frank (D-MA), is the National voice of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Democrats.  The Desert Stonewall Democratic Club is the official local Democratic Club for LGBT Democrats, sanctioned by both the National Stonewall Democrats as well as the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee.  Zander, Vice-President Roger Tansey, Treasurer Bob Silverman, and Secretary James Reynolds are amongst the leaders of the local club.

More below the flip…

Sacramento Stonewall Press Release concerning the historic decision by the California Supreme Court is as follows:

Sacramento Stonewall joins in the celebration of today’s historic verdict.  The Supreme Court of California has decided in favor of equality.  Legal marriage is now the law of this state!  In just 30 days, gay and lesbian couples will be able to apply for marriage licenses.  

Bennett, President of Sacramento Stonewall said, “Full and equal recognition of our relationships means that we have crossed a final barrier toward full and equal citizenship, at least in California.  This day has been years in the making.  But we know we can’t celebrate for long.”

Bennett went on to describe the efforts of a small, vocal minority that has been organizing all Spring to deny us this basic human right.  According to Bennett, they spent some $2 million dollars to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot to limit marriage.

Bennett said, “Today we celebrate.  Today we savor the full and equal recognition of our relationships, our families… and all the responsibilities that come with it.  But tomorrow we organize.   Our equality did not come easily.  We will not let it go.”

The official press release from the National Stonewall Democrats focuses on the freedom for all of California’s couples to marry regardless the sex of the partner.

National Stonewall Democrats is the only national organization of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Democrats, incorporating more than 90 local chapters across the Nation.  National Stonewall Democrats is committed to working through the Democratic Party to advance the rights of all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity:

Legal Recognition of Marriage in CA

(Thursday, May 15, 2008)

Washington, DC – Today, the National Stonewall Democrats expressed the organization’s support for a ruling today by the California Supreme Court which recognized the freedom of all California couples to marry.

“Stonewall Democrats welcomes the ruling of the California Supreme Court to legally recognize the freedom to marry. California voters have twice supported this position through their elected officials,” said Jon Hoadley, Executive Director. “In 2005 and 2007, Democratic control ensured that marriage legislation was successfully approved and passed to the Governor’s desk. Thanks to the tireless work of Stonewall Democrats chapters and other advocates across the state, the California Democrats strongly support the freedom of all California couples to marry. We must now turn our attention to protecting this landmark victory.”

In a ruling today, the California Supreme Court recognized that all California couples, including same-sex couples, are entitled to the legal recognition of marriage.

“Throughout California, Stonewall Democrats have strategically worked to build support for pro-equality positions among Democratic candidates, party officials and elected leaders,” said Laurie McBride (Sacramento, CA), Co-Chair of the Board of Directors of National Stonewall Democrats. “This ruling reflects the values of our Party and the will of California voters as already expressed twice by the state legislature. Democrats are working to support this court ruling and to defeat any proposed anti-marriage initiative.”

The efforts of Stonewall Democrats chapters across California ensured that the California Democratic Party first voiced its support for legislation recognizing the freedom to marry in 2005, with the party permanently ratified that position in its platform earlier this year. Their work created a political climate which included more pro-equality legislators, stronger advocates and diverse partnership opportunities for the crucial work of statewide groups.

In 2005 and 2007, the California legislature successfully passed the “Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act” which would have recognized the freedom of all California couples to enter into civil marriage. Stonewall Democrats throughout California worked through their chapters to build support for the legislation among local Democratic bodies and the state party. Their efforts supported the work of partners like Equality California who successfully built a majority of support for the legislation in both the California Assembly and Senate. Although the “Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act” was twice vetoed by the Republican Governor, chapters of the Stonewall Democrats continued to build Democratic support for the freedom of all Californians to marry.

On Thursday, May 15, 2008, Frank issued his own Press Release regarding the decision of California to join his home state of Massachusetts in formally and legally allowing Marriage Equality:

News release from Barney Frank


Congressman, 4th District, Massachusetts

2252 Rayburn Building · Washington, D.C. 20515 · (202) 225-5931

Thursday, May 15, 2008


CONTACT:  Steven Adamske 202-225-7141

Joe Racalto 202-225-5931


I want to offer to my friends in California both congratulations and reassurance:  I congratulate California’s Supreme Court for recognizing that all of California’s citizens are entitled to basic civil rights; and I can assure the people of the state that the result of this decision will be to improve the quality of life of tens of thousands of Californians who will now be able legally to express their love for each other, while having no negative effect whatsoever on the overwhelming majority of Californians who will choose not to marry someone of the same sex.  

As in California, Massachusetts’ experience with same sex marriage began with a 4-3 decision of our highest court.  There was initially some controversy.  Subsequently, after reality banished the concerns that many had expressed about the impact of this decision, our State Legislature voted by more than 3-1 to ratify the decision, and today, most people find it hard to remember that there was ever any serious fear about it.

LGBT Community Coalesces Behind Pettis for CA 80th Assembly District: Frank Fundraiser

The Greg Pettis for the California 80th Assembly District Campaign has announced that U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-MA) will headline a fundraiser for the campaign on Saturday, May 24, 2008.  Pettis has served with distinction for more than 13 years on the Cathdral City Council, also serving previously as Mayor Pro-Tem, and is presently the leading Democratic candidate for the 80th AD.  Pettis was one of the first openly-gay electeds in the Coachella Valley and has solid support in the LGBT community amongst local, state, and National electeds.

Rep. Frank has served in Congress since 1981.  He is the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.  Previously, he was a Massachusetts State Representative and an assistant to the Mayor of Boston.   Frank has also taught at several Boston area universities.

In 1998, Frank founded the National Stonewall Democrats, the national gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Democratic organization.  In 2004, and again in 2006, a survey of Capitol Hill staffers published in Washingtonian magazine gave Frank the title of the “brainiest”, “funniest”, and “most eloquent” member of the House.

As of May 2007, Frank is one of two openly-gay members of Congress, the other being Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), who has also endorsed Pettis for the CA 80th AD (see BlogActive.com for its listing of the closeted gay members of Congress who regularly vote to harm their own clan).

Frank’s blunt stance on outing certain gay Republicans has become well-publicized, dubbed “The Frank Rule” – that it is acceptable to out a closeted gay person, if that person uses their power or notoriety to hurt gay people.

More below the flip…

Others co-hosting the Frank fundraiser include Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet, Palm Springs Councilwoman Ginny Foat, Palm Springs Councilmember Rick Hutcheson, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, Equality California, The Bottom Line Magazine, the Palm Springs Democratic Club, and the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club.

Mayor Pougnet was elected to the Palm Springs City Council in 2003, and was elected its second openly-gay Mayor in November 2007.  Pougnet serves on numerous boards and committees, including President of the Mizell Senior Center, chairman of the Coachella Valley Association of Government’s Energy Conservation subcommittee, board member of the Valley Action Group, and a member of the Palm Springs Unified School District Advisory Committee.  He was also co-chair of the Citizens Task Force for Mountain and Foothill Preservation and Planning.

Pougnet lives in Palm Springs with his partner of 15 years, Christopher Green.  They became the father of twins, Beckham and Julia in April 2006.

Councilmember “Ma” Foat has been a businesswoman, activist and community volunteer in a variety of settings prior to and following her elections to Palm Springs City Council as its first openly-lesbian Councilmember.  In addition to Councilmember, Foat serves as Human Resources Committee Member of the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Alternate to the Riverside County Transportation Commission, Member of the League of California Cities, Member of the Sub Committee on Neighborhood Involvement, Member of the Sub Committee on Convention Center Opening, and Member of the Sub Committee on Indian Oasis.

Councilmember Hutcheson was first elected to Palm Springs City Council in November 2007.  Hutcheson is a former-member of the Palm Springs Planning Commission, former-member of the Palm Springs Police Advisory Board, founding board member of the Old Las Palmas Neighborhood Organization, and former-member of the Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development Block Grants in Palm Springs.

The Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund is the nation’s largest LGBT political action committee and the only national organization dedicated to increasing the number of openly LGBT elected officials at all levels of government. Since 1991, the Victory Fund and its national donor network have helped hundreds of openly LGBT candidates win election to local, state and federal offices.  The Fund provides strategic, technical and financial support to openly-LGBT candidates and their campaigns.  Victory Fund staff of political professionals help to recruit and vet qualified candidates, train them, and assist them in raising the crucial funds required to run for office.  In addition to providing funding from its political action committee, the Victory Fund cultivates a national network of donors whose commitment to the Victory Fund mission results in vital support for our endorsed candidates.

Equality California (EQCA)was founded in 1998, and celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2008, commemorating a decade of building a state of equality in California.  In the past ten years, EQCA has strategically moved California from a state with extremely limited legal protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals to a state with some of the most comprehensive civil rights protections in the nation.  EQCA endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD as Pettis fully supports the principles of the organizaiton.  Pettis has a long history of fighting for equal rights for all residents of the Coachella and Imperial Valleys, unlike his three opponents who either oppose full equal rights for all including Marriage Equality or equivocate on their support.

The Palm Springs Democratic Club (PSDC) is a growing group of concerned and committed citizens who are taking an active and vocal role in the political process.  The founders of PSDC created the club as a section 527 organization in July 2006.  PSDC focuses on Palm Springs because it is the home of its members

We focus on Palm Springs because it is our home — where we live out fundamental family values and care deeply about our loved ones, friends, neighbors, community and livelihood.  Currently, we have more than 100 members, are chartered under the auspices of the Riverside Democratic Committee and guided by a nine-member Board.

PSDC endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD because he best represents their guiding principles of

Social equality and equal opportunity, guided by a conviction that government should be used to pursue both.

A safe, secure America, fair wages, universal healthcare, first-rate education systems accessible to all, environmental policy that sustains the planet and human life on it.

A belief that the only role for the United States in world affairs is to practice foreign policy that reflects fundamental tenets of our Constitution, goodness of our citizens and irrevocable commitment to continuity of human existence.

A belief that we can best achieve these principles by actively working for them in our own city.

A belief that the government and citizens of Palm Springs face growing challenges in addressing homelessness, healthcare, environmental and energy matters, housing, development and quality of life issues.

A belief that activism and involvement in political processes are fundamental responsibilities of citizenship.

A community of Palm Springs Democratic registered voters where all can express their beliefs, promote their values and actively pursue a progressive society within our city.

A focus on voter registration and turnout because these are proven, direct methods to influencing outcome of elections.

PSDC Co-Chair David Pye, PSDC Co-Chair Sandy Eldridge, PSDC co-founder Lisa Arbalaez, and PSDC Secretary Peter East, amongst other PSDC activists, are all energetically, and sometimes frenetically, involved in the Pettis for Assembly campaign.

The Desert Stonewall Democratic Club organization is devoted to advancing equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.  DSD supports the Democratic Party and Democratic candidates who support this mission.  DSD endorsed Pettis for the 80th AD as the only candidate working to realize equality for all:

To educate the LGBT community and people who are supportive of it about the vast differences that exist between the two major parties on the issues of concern to our community;

To lead our party to improve its record on issues of importance to our community, and to work for the nomination of Democratic candidates from the local to national level, including qualified openly LGBT candidates who will be fully supportive of our fight against bigotry and intolerance;

To encourage our community to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating homophobia and prejudice; and

To work with local LGBT Democratic clubs and individuals to encourage and foster the creation of new clubs.

Pettis’ support in the National, State, and local LGBT communities include but is not limited to:


U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-MA)

U.S. Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)


The Entire LGBT Caucus in Sacramento including

CA State Senator Christine Kehoe

CA State Senator Sheila Kuehl

CA State Senator Carol Migden

Ca State Assemblyman John Laird, Chair LGBT Caucus

CA State Assemblyman Mark Leno


Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat

Palm Springs City Councilmember Rick Hutcheson

Cathedral City City Councilmember Paul Marchand

Desert Hot Springs City Councilmember Karl Baker

Organizations and their Leaders:

Desert Stonewall Democratic Club

Vice-President Desert Stonewall Democrats Roger Tansey

Treasurer Desert Stonewall Democrats Bob Silverman

Secretary Desert Stonewall Democrats James Reynolds

Membership Chair Desert Stonewall Democrats Lynn Worley

Public Relations Chair Desert Stonewall Democrats Donald W. Grimm, Ph.D.

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Bob Mahlowitz

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Richard Oberhaus

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Greg Rodriguez

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Robert Lee Thomas

Steering Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Lynn Worley

Political Action Committee Member Desert Stonewall Democrats Bond Shands

Desert Stonewall Democrats Member Bill Cain-Gonzales

Equality California

HRC Board Member Andy Linsky

Inland Stonewall Democratic Club

Co-Chair Palm Springs Democratic Club Sandy Eldridge

Co-Chair Palm Springs Democratic Club David Pye

Secretary Palm Springs Democratic Club Peter East

San Diego Democratic Club

Victory Fund

Below is the announcement for the Frank fundraising event:

Andy Linsky

HRC Board of Directors*

and co-hosts

Mayor Steve Pougnet

Hon. Ginny Foat

Hon. Rick Hutcheson

Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund

Equality California

The Bottom Line Magazine

Palm Springs Democratic Club

Desert Stonewall Democrats

Invite you to meet

Congressman Barney Frank

and to join him in supporting

Greg Pettis

For California State Assembly (80th AD)

Saturday May 24th 2008 at 5 O’clock

Location for the Cocktail Reception at the home of Andy Linsky will be provided with a confirmed reservation

Suggested minimum contribution: $100 per person

Sponsor: $500 ~ Co-Host: $1000

Computer Generated; Labor Donated. © 2008 | Pettis for Assembly 2008 | P.O. Box 2692 Cathedral City, CA 92235-2692 | FPPC ID# 1285158

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Limits to this campaign are $3600 per person, company or PAC

Reservations: [email protected] or (760) 841-3189

For more information, or to contribute online:


Desert Stonewall Democrats Hold Election Analysis Meeting with Members and Electeds

George Zander, President of the Desert Stonewall Democrats, ran a great meeting today.  The montly DSD meeting took place at the Desert Pride Center and had between 45 and 50 progressive Democratic political activists in attendance.

Those in attendance included Bob Thomas, Co-Chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club, Steve Pougnet, newly-elected mayor of Palm Springs, Ginny Foat, Palm Springs City Councilwoman, elected last week as Palm Springs Mayor Pro-Tem, and Palm Springs power-broker, Rick Hutcheson newly-elected Palm Springs City Councilman, Craig Ewing, Palm Springs Planning Director and newly-elected boardmember of the Desert Water Agency, and April Hildner from No on C.  John Williams, an appointed Palm Springs Historic Site Preservation boardmember and defeated candidate for Palm Springs City Council, Greg Pettis, Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City and candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District to replace the termed out Bonnie Garcia, Richard Oberhaus, Pettis’ Campaign Manager, Paul Marchand, Cathedral City Councilmember, Greg Rodriguez from Yes on Measure E and the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, Robert Simmons, Palm Springs Airport Commissioner and supporter of the Barack Obama for President campaign, and Paul Clay and David Hunsicker, candidates for the CA 45th Congressional District to replace Mary Bono also attended.

More below the flip…

Thomas, co-chair of the Palm Springs Democratic Club, provided a thoughtful powerpoint presentation on the figures from the November election.  Democrats turned out in greater numbers than did the disillusioned Republican voters.  In addition, DSD voters turned out at an amazing 70%!  DSD clearly represents an important voting block for all progressive Democratic candidates.  Thomas attributed Williams’ loss by only 76 votes to the division of the vote between Hutchesion, Bob Mahlowitz, and Williams.  On the other hand, voter turn out may have been greater due to the interest in the hotly contested races.

Pougnet, recently elected as Mayor of Palm Springs, with his twins in tow, spoke elequently regarding his vision for the future of Palm Springs.  He thanked his supporters who lived in Palm Springs as well as his supporters, yours truly included, who did not.  Pougnet noted that downtown Palm Springs is important not only to residents of Palm Springs, but also to the entire Coachella Valley.

Hutcheson, recently elected to his first term as Palm Springs City Councilman, gave brief comments and thanked his supporters and the DSD and PSD Democratic Clubs for their support.  Hutcheson also noted that with the changing demographics of the Palm Springs area, it is important to continue to build the local Democratic Party from the grassroots level on up.  Hutcheson made a special effort to thank Williams for running such an outstanding campaign.

Foat, elected last week as Mayor Pro-Tem of Palm Springs, discussed the need for ongoing activism and a better approach to handling the negative campaigning of the Repugnant Party (my phrase, not hers) in the Coachella Valley.  Foat indicated that given the Repugnant behavior Nationwide, we should have expected that they would go negative here as well.  But the viciousness of the attacks against Williams and Hutcheson and the collusion of The Desert Sun was never anticipated.  I say, “Fool me once…”

Ewing, Palm Springs City Planning Director and recently elected to the Desert Water Agency, delivered a short statement and focused on what his own election means for the future of the Palm Springs and Coachella Valley Democratic Party.  Ewing noted that his was a breakthrough election and succeeded in part due to the complacency of the opposition.  He duly noted that in the next election, three of the Desert Water Agency seats will be up for election.  He expects that Democrats will continue to make gains on the DWA.

April Hildner of No on C discussed the resounding win.  No on C succeeded with 60% of the vote.  Hildner hoped that this will bring to an end the efforts of developers in the community to ravage the Chino Cone with unrestricted and unnecessary development.

Greg Pettis, Mayor Pro-Tem of Cathedral City and candidate for the CA 80th Assembly District, discussed his recent efforts to reach out to the Asian-Pacific Islander caucus in the California State Assembly.  With the most recent endorsements, Pettis is poised to receive endorsements from the entire caucus!  Pettis has also been actively seeking the support of labor and discussed his recent endorsement by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 440.  Other union endorsements are apparently coming down the pike.  And, next weekend, Pettis celebrates his 50th Birthday Party.  We expect that Pettis will fete us at Johnny Pasta’s in Cathedral City in a fashion to which we became accustomed with Hillary Clinton’s 50th birthday soiree.   Lol.

Greg Rodriguez discussed the importance of Measure E.  The Measure will assist in upgrading and renovating existing existing schools, making health and safety upgrades, constructing new schools, and constructing permanent classrooms at the elementary schools to replace portable classrooms.  Pougnet discussed his involvement with the Palm Springs Unified School District and his support for Measure E.  Pougnet also noted that much of the construction mandated by Measure E would take place in Desert Hot Springs and not in Palm Springs.  After a notably civil debate and discussion, DSD members voted to endorse Yes on Measure E by a vote of 20 yea, 6 nay, and an uncounted number of abstentions.

Clay and Hunsicker each individually discussed his candidacy for the CA 45th Congressional District.  Either way, it will be great to have a Representative who comes to the 45th CD for more than just fundraising and photo-ops (Bono is notorious for missing important votes on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.)  Clay and Hunsicker were well received, especially with their positive stands re Marriage Equality, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), Sentate Bill 777, and the Hate Crimes Bill.

Turner discussed the activism of Vets for Peace and their petition to deter the warmongering Bush Administration from any military action against Iran.  (Yes, even though the war effort in Afghanistan is suffering from lack of soldiers and lack of equipment, and though the occupation effort in Iraq is faltering with more and more civilian and military casualties, this Administration is obviously considering military action against a Nation so much larger than Afghanistan and Iraq combined.  In area and in population.  

All-in-all, a great meeting.  Please join us at the next meeting on January 12, 2008.  In the meantime, Zander requested additional assistance for the DSD Voter Registration and Candidate Information tables at Palm Springs Village Fest.  Village Fests in December are scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 20, and 27, 2007.  

And, now the race for the CA 80th Assembly District and for the CA 45th Congressional District are in full swing.  Keep turning the Coachella Valley Blue!!!

Democrats and Gays in Desert make great gains in Elections

The following is based on a Reader-submitted opinion to The Desert Sun at mydesert.com by Kurt Barrie, Democratic activist.

With the election victories of openly-gay Steve Pougnet, Palm Springs Mayor-Elect, and of Rick Hutcheson to the City Council, they join Councilwoman Ginny Foat to make a majority on the Palm Springs City Council.  All three are openly-gay Democrats and are strongly supported by the local Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club (DSD).  DSD is a local branch of the National Stonewall Democrats.  In addition, openly-gay Democrat, Craig Ewing, unseated a Repugnant incumbant in the Desert Water Agency race.  These elections are only a few of the many in the Desert that prove changing demographics and voter participation have occurred in this once conservative hold.

In Desert Hot Springs openly-gay Democrat Karl Baker secured a seat on the City Council and in Cathedral City two openly-gay Democrats serve, including Mayor Pro-Tem Greg Pettis and Paul Marchand (the third gay Council member, a Repugnant, Chuck Vasquez, is only openly-gay north of CA-111 in the predominantly gay Cove area of Cathedral City and is in the closet in the rest of Cathedral City).

More below the flip…

These victories by openly-gay Democrats are due in part by the influx of Gays and Lesbians that have been moving to the Desert over the past several years.  One of the reasons this has made a difference here, is that 82% of those in the Gay and Lesbian Community who are registered to vote are Democrats.  This is mirrored by national trends that show the same numbers for Gays and Lesbians who are aligned with the Democratic Party which has been at the forefront of change for gays and lesbians on issues of Marriage Equality, Civil Rights, Hate Crimes, and other legislation.  This margin of Democratic voter registration has produced victories for those running for local, State, and National seats on City Councils, the State Assembly, State Senate, U.S. Congess and the U.S. Senate.

What does all this mean locally?  Well, take Shadowrock Development for instance, not long ago Shadowrock would not have had a problem passing because the demographics were much more conservative and supportive of development in general.  Having a Democratic majority now, you will see that conservation issues, preservation issues and Democratic Party platform issues will predominate.  Mayor-Elect Pougnet has promised a Green symposium, and Councilman-Elect Rick Hutcheson has made it clear that he too will agressively pursue green technology and eco-friendly and new energy sources in Palm Springs.  All three openly-gay Democrats opposed Shadowrock, which means that it would not have been approved by our new City Council.  This is significant since Democrats pulled out the votes in this election and is in part why Shadowrock failed on the ballot in a landslide victory by the No on C campaign.

Democrats in the Desert are celebrating victories and are promising change.  In the future we can expect more conservation, more preservation and more focus on eco-sensitive, green development, as well as more of a focus on changing business patterns in the Coachella Valley.  However, with a few victories of Repugnants in the Coachella Valley, including Weigel’s election to the City Council, edging out openly-gay John Williams by a mere 104 votes, and the various homophobic stances of the Desert Sun, it keeps the Repugnants in the game.  The Repugnants were also succesful in keeping one incumbent on the Desert Water Agency and had a few victories in Desert Hot Springs.  So, the Desert Communities can expect interesting changes ahead.  And local Gay Democrats have much to celebrate with this election and will apparently have many more to celebrate in the future.

Election 2007: Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley Turning Further Blue

Well, it looks like the totals are now in this a.m.  This was an excellent day to be a Democrat in the Coachella Valley!!!  Democrats easily won the race for Mayor in Palm Springs, one of two City Council races in Palm Springs, one of two City Council races in Desert Hot Springs, and one of two seats on the Desert Water Agency.  In addition, No on C easily won as well.

What these wins mean is that progressive Democrats have gained control of Palm Springs City Council and now have a presence on both the Desert Hot Springs City Council and on the Desert Water Agency.  This is evidence of the continuing surge of progressive Democratic leadership in the Palm Springs and Coachella Valley!  Next step?  Solidify the wins and take over the CA 80th Assembly District where Democrats now outnumber Republicans by 13,000 voters!  Congratulations to all candidates, volunteers, and their supporters for fighting the good fight!

Regarding irregularities, a poll watcher reported that in some instances, the chain of custody was not completed with at least four vans arriving at the central location with only one occupant.  Less serious concerns involved the ‘packaging’ of some of the cartridges as they were not in clear plastic bags as apparently required. 

Concerning campaigning and mudslinging, Republican candidates and/or their backers issued a mailing over the weekend that was a smear campaign clearly aimed at either suppressing or redistributing the vote.  Republican candidates had also been consistently attacking Pougnet, Hutcheson, Williams, and Mahlowitz as minions of ‘Ma Foat,’ hardly an effective approach to winning.  (Ginny Foat is a City Councilwoman who during the 2005 election received the largest vote totals for any Councilperson ever and remains highly popular in Palm Springs).  Republican candidates and their lackey, The Desert Sun also engaged in subliminal homophobic attacks against the above candidates, calling for a ‘balanced’ City Council.  Most recently, City Council included three openly-gay members including Mayor Ron Oden, Foat, and Pougnet.  If Pougnet, Hutcheson, and Williams all won, then four of five councilmembers would be openly-gay.  (Presently, three of five Councilmembers in Cathedral City are also gay, though only two openly).  ‘Balanced’ is now the code word amongst the Republicans in the Coachella Valley for electing White Republican heterosexuals.  Another concern is the developing story involving the alleged ‘illegal activities’ of the General Manager and CBS affiliate Channel 2.

As expected, Steve Pougnet (D) won handily.  In its editorial endorsement, the Desert Sun predicted him to win about 75% of the vote, and he almost met that estimate with 71.07%.  Arlene Battishill, a resident who divides her time between Palm Springs and Los Angeles, garnered 17.73%.  It is clear that Pougnet has a mandate for his first term.  With this election, Palm Springs now has a Democratic mayor who will actually vote according to Democratic principles.  Congratulations, Steve!!!

I’ll have to check these total versus totals from prior year elections in a future post to shed further light on these amazing wins.

More below the flip…

Palm Springs Mayor (NP – Non-Partisan)
36/36 100.00%

Vote Count Percent
NP – BILL FERRA 458 4.93%
NP – JOHN TYMON 210 2.26%
NP – STEVE POUGNET (D) 6,601 71.07%
NP – DON COOK 372 4.01%
Total 9,288 100.00%

The overall numbers for Democrats in the races for Palm Springs City Council are impressive.  Of the 18,056 votes, 11,506 or 63.72% were given to Democrats (Hutcheson, Williams, Mahlowitz, and Gainer).  Unfortunately, at least thus far, the votes were diffused between the four Democrats, and as a result, we did not thump as clearly.  Rick Hutcheson (D) is a clear winner with 25.23% of the vote.  John Williams is a close second with 20.08% of the vote, but trails Lee Weigel by 104 votes!  Although these votes mimic the Vote By Mail totals that I cited earlier today, they may not include the late Vote By Mail or the provisional ballots.

In an early assessment, it looks like the major contributing factor is the fact that the major Democratic Clubs in Palm Springs did not coallesce on two candidates.  The Riverside County Democratic Central Committee cited this as the deciding factor in its decision not to endorse for Palm Springs City Council.  Other factors also probably include the negative campaigning conducted by Republican candidates and the sandbagging of Williams by the Desert Sun once again on a non-issue for most of Palm Springs residents (i.e., that so-called pornography had been filmed at his Warm Sands hotel.  When last we looked, pornography was legal and protected by the U.S. Constitution as an expression of Freedom of Speech).

Nevertheless, Hutcheson and Williams both need to be proud of their positive and issue-based campaigns, and Congratulations to Rick! and hopefully to John as well!!

Palm Springs City Council

36/36 100.00%
Vote Count Percent
NP – ROXANN PLOSS 1,128 6.25%
NP – RICK HUTCHESON 4,555 25.23%
NP – LEE WEIGEL 3,729 20.65%
NP – JOHN WILLIAMS 3,625 20.08%
NP – SHEILA GRATTAN 1,442 7.99%
NP – VIC GAINER 880 4.87%
NP – BOB MAHLOWITZ 2,446 13.55%
Total 18,056 100.00%

In the race for Desert Water Agency, Craig Ewing (D), unseated a Republican incumbant and came in second with 32.31% of the vote.

Dir, Desert Water Agency
94/94 100.00%
  Vote Count Percent
NP – TOM KIELEY, III 7,469 38.63%
NP – CRAIG A. EWING 6,247 32.31%
NP – WILLIAM ”BILL” BYRNE 5,619 29.06%
Total 19,335 100.00%

Regarding Measure C, an attempt to open up the Chino Cone for more unrestricted development, No on C won 60.03% of the vote.  Proponents of Measure C spent $750,000 in a failed attempt to change development code.  Congratulations to activists involved in furthering reasonable and measured development on and near the Chino Cone!!!

Measure C – City of Palm Springs

36/36 100.00%
Vote Count Percent
Yes 3,822 39.97%
No 5,741 60.03%
Total 9,563 100.00%

In Desert Hot Springs, Adam Sanchez (D), barely lost to Yvonne Parks by 113 votes!

Desert Hot Springs Mayor

14/14 100.00%
  Vote Count Percent
NP – ALEX BIAS 252 14.10%
NP – ADAM SANCHEZ 578 32.34%
NP – YVONNE PARKS 691 38.67%
Total 1,787 100.00%

On another positive note, Karl Baker rebounded from his earlier loss in the election for the City Council seat of the late, great Gary Bosworth by winning his first term as Desert Hot Springs City Councilman with 17.87% of the vote.  Congratulations to Karl!!!

14/14 100.00%

Vote Count Percent
NP – RUSSELL BETTS 906 26.80%
NP – KARL BAKER, JR. 604 17.87%
NP – MARY K. STEPHENS 359 10.62%
NP – TERRY SCHEURER 395 11.69%
NP – AL SCHMIDT 400 11.83%
Total 3,380 100.00%

Coachella Valley, Palm Springs Election Results

Elections results have been painfully slow in coming in.  Thus far, as of 1:44 a.m., apparently only the Vote By Mail ballots have been counted and released to the news media.  The tallies are as follows:

Mayor of Palm Springs:  Steve Pougnet (D) leads with 71.61% of the vote.

Council of Palm Springs (Two Seats Open):  Rick Hutcheson (D) leads with 26.26% of the vote counted thus far; John Williams (D) is in third place with 19.86%; Bob Mahlowitz (D) is in fourth place with 12.68%.

Desert Water Agency (Two Seats Open): Craig Ewing (D) is in second place with 32.70% of the vote

Proposition C:  No on C votes lead with 62.02% of the total vote

Re full disclosure, BBBz is a supporter of Pougnet, Hutcheson, Williams, Ewing, Sanchez, Baker, and No on C and is a member of Desert Stonewall Democrats.

More details below the flip…

Palm Springs Mayor
6/36 16.67%

Vote Count Percent
NP – BILL FERRA 279 5.59%
NP – JOHN TYMON 102 2.04%
NP – STEVE POUGNET 3,577 71.61%
NP – DON COOK 213 4.26%
Total 4,995 100.00%

Pougnet was endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats and the Palm Springs Democrats.  BlueBeaumontBoyz wonders about the Democrats of the Desert Democratic Club decision to not endorse for mayor and to only endorse for City Council.  BBB would like to be a fly on the wall when Pougnet meets next with the leaders of the DoD.

Palm Springs City Council
6/36 16.67%

Vote Count Percent
NP – ROXANN PLOSS 670 6.89%
NP – RICK HUTCHESON* 2,554 26.26%
NP – LEE WEIGEL 2,063 21.21%
NP – JOHN WILLIAMS** 1,931 19.86%
NP – VIC GAINER 458 4.71%
NP – BOB MAHLOWITZ*** 1,233 12.68%
Total 9,725 100.00%

*Endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats, the Palm Springs Democrats, and the Democrats of the Desert.
**Endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats and the Palm Springs Democrats.
***Endorsed by the Democrats of the Desert.

Hmmmm.  Again, DoD seems out of step not only with the other Democratic Clubs but also with the results thus far.  It will be interesting to see how voters split their ballots.  If Mahlowitz siphoned votes from Williams, then one could argue that DoD cost the Democrats the election.  (As a reminder, DoD leadership endorsed Mahlowitz and Gainer for Palm Springs City Council, but the membership voted to endorse Hutcheson and Mahlowitz.  In addition, the Riverside County Democratic Central Committee declined to endorse in these races since the DoD endorsements did not correspond to the DSD and PSD endorsements.)

Dir, Desert Water Agency
60/94 63.83%
  Vote Count Percent
NP – TOM KIELEY, III 4,584 37.64%
NP – CRAIG A. EWING 3,982 32.70%
NP – WILLIAM ”BILL” BYRNE 3,613 29.67%
Total 12,179 100.00%

Ewing (D) was endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats

Measure C – City of Palm Springs
6/36 16.67%

Vote Count Percent
Yes 1,952 37.98%
No 3,188 62.02%
Total 5,140 100.00%

Proposition C:  No votes lead with 62.02% thus far.  Yes on C spent approximately $750,000 while No on C spent about $50,000 on the respective campaigns.  Desert Stonewall Democrats voted to endorse No on C.

Desert Hot Springs Mayor
13/14 92.86%

Vote Count Percent
NP – ALEX BIAS 252 14.17%
NP – ADAM SANCHEZ 574 32.28%
NP – YVONNE PARKS 689 38.75%
Total 1,778 100.00%

Sanchez was endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats for Mayor of Desert Hot Springs.

Desert Hot Springs City Council
13/14 92.86%

Vote Count Percent
NP – RUSSELL BETTS 901 26.78%
NP – KARL BAKER, JR. 600 17.83%
NP – MARY K. STEPHENS 357 10.61%
NP – TERRY SCHEURER 394 11.71%
NP – AL SCHMIDT 398 11.83%
Total 3,365 100.00%

Baker was endorsed by the Desert Stonewall Democrats for Desert Hot Springs City Council.

Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm Springs: Campaign Updates

The following is a partial list of Steve Pougnet’s endorsments for Mayor of Palm Springs.

In its ringing endorsement of Pougnet, The Desert Sun stated:

“Steven Pougnet captured Palm Springs’ attention in 2003 when he was elected to City Council and through hard work and strategic thinking, he has held it ever since…

“…The lack of several strong, experienced competitors, or even another clearly prominent challenger, indicates voters tend to be comfortable with the leadership Pougnet has demonstrated on the council.

“We believe his best is yet to come, and we urge Palm Springs voters to elect Pougnet mayor and allow him to continue to revitalize Palm Springs and protect its quality of life.

“Pougnet’s challenges as mayor will be to continue to resolve downtown development issues and be innovative in planning for future development citywide.

“The Fashion Plaza will likely be one of the greatest issues facing the next mayor because it’s tied to so much of the city’s planned future growth. Palm Springs needs a mayor who has the type of experience Pougnet has in working with developer John Wessman. If development stalls, Pougnet also will need to be able to recognize when it’s time to consider other options. He has said he is willing set a deadline and is not afraid to mention eminent domain, though we are not sure that makes sense.

“No doubt he has the experience and leadership to face those challenges and more. Bottom line: He would make a great mayor.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a supporter of Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm Springs City Council

More below the flip…

The following is a partial list of more of Steve Pougnet’s endorsments for Mayor of Palm Springs:

  • The Palm Springs Fire Safety Unit Local 3601 
  • Palm Springs Police Officers’ Association
  • The Palm Springs Fire Management Association
  • Building Industry Association Desert Chapter
  • Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club
  • Palm Springs Democrats Democratic Club
  • Riverside County Democratic Central Committee
  • The Victory Fund

Remember to either deliver your Vote By Mail to your local voting precinct on Election Day, November 6, 2007, or vote in person at your precinct (it is now too late to snail mail your ballot in order to have it arrive in time to be counted on Election Day).

Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007: Tabling for Candidates and Voter Registration

The Palm Springs for Edwards Chapter of the One Corps is proud to join the Desert Stonewall Democrats (DSD) and other local progressive political groups at the Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007 Festival on November 3 & 4, 2007.

Seek me out at the DSD booth to discuss the local, state and National political scene.  DSD endorsed candidates include Steve Pougnet for Mayor of Palm SpringsPougnet has also been endorsed for Mayor by the Palm Springs Democratic Club, the only other club to endorse in the race, and by The Desert Sun.  DSD has also endorsed Rick Hutcheson for City Council of Palm SpringsHutcheson has also received the endorsements of the Palm Springs Democratic Club, the Democrats of the Desert Democratic Club, and The Desert Sun.  DSD also endorsed John Williams for City Council of Palm Springs who has also been endorsed by the Palm Springs Democratic Club.  Other candidates endorsed by DSD include Greg Ewing for Palm Springs Water Board and No on C.

Re full disclosure, BlueBeaumontBoyz is a supporter or the Pougnet, Hutcheson, and Williams’ campaigns for City Council of Palm Springs.

(Don’t forget to either mail in your Vote By Mail by Tuesday, November 6, 2007, postmarked November 6, 2007, drop off your Vote By Mail ballot at your local precinct, or vote on election day, November 6 at your precinct!)

I will be tabling at the Festival for the John Edwards for President Campaign and for the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter.  I’ll have campaign materials, position papers, bumper stickers, and buttons.

Headliners at the P.S. Pride 2007 Festival will include Ari Gold, Martha Wash (of Weather Girls fame!), and Brian Kent.

Armistead Maupin (author of “Tales of the City”) will also appear at the Greater Palm Springs Pride 2007 Festival.

Palm Springs Village Fest – Thursday – October 18, 2007

October 18, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).

Cool desert nights and progressive Democrats.  What more could a boy (or for that matter, a girl) want as a prelude to a fifteenth anniversary weekend in Pasadena for Heritage Weekend (actually, a non-anniversary weekend as, thanks to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, we cannot have a legal anniversary.)?  Large crowds of locals and visitors and voters surrounded the tables.  One highlight was the posse of Marines from 29 Palms who came by, especially the one who wanted one of my John Edwards’ bumper stickers that read “Support the Troops/End the War.”  (Is it wrong to flirt with War Heroes?  Isn’t that part of supporting the troops?).

The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to George Z, President, Randy, Jim R, and Jim’s partner.  The Democrats of the Desert and the Palm Springs Democrats staffed another table as well.

Steve Pougnet, Candidate for Mayor of Palm Springs, spent two fun hours at the Democratic Club tables in order to raise awareness about his plans regarding revitalization of the Palm Springs Downtown corridor, crime and safety, energy conservation, and community involvement.  His visit came close on the heels of the vote by Palm Springs City Council to endorse the Wessman development projects (Pougnet and Ginny Foat were in the minority in opposing this Chino Cone/hillside development).  Pougnet has been endorsed for Mayor of Palm Springs by both the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club and the Palm Springs Demoratic Club, the only local Democratic Clubs to make an endorsement for mayor, as well as The Desert SunPougnet has been active as City Councilman since 2003 and currently serves as Mayor Pro-Tem.  He is also serves on numerous boads and committees, including President of the Mizell Senior Center, chairman of the Coachella Valley Association of Government’s Energy Conservation subcommittee, board member of the Valley Action Group, and a member of the Palm Springs Unified School District Advisory Committee.  He was also co-chair of the Citizens Task Force for Mountain and Foothill Preservation and Planning.

Hopefully, we will see more visits from Pougnet, Greg Pettis, Candidate for CA 80th Assembly District, John Williams, Candidate for City Council of Palm Springs, Rick Hutcheson, Candidate for City Council of Palm Springs, and Bob Mahlowitz, Candidate for City Council of Palm Springs.

More exciting details below the flip…

We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, i.e., yours truly, captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter and Tiffany from the Coachella Valley John Edwards for President One Corps Chapter.  Tiffani and I distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, and solicited voters to register to vote.  In just the past week alone, John Edwards received endorsements from dozens of local, state, and federal elected officials in Oklahoma, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Maine.  Senator Edwards has also recently been endorsed by more than 3 million union members from all across the country including more than 1 million SEIU members from the following 11 SEIU State Councils: Iowa, California, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Minnesota, Michigan, West Virginia, Ohio, Oregon, and Massachusetts. 

John Edwards also earned the endorsement last month of the Transport Workers Union of America (200,000 active and retired members), the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (520,000 active members), the United Steelworkers (1.2 million active members and retirees), and the United Mine Workers of America (105,000 active members and retirees).  The Iowa Postal Workers Union also endorsed Senator Edwards this past week as well.

John Edwards’ pollster, Harrison Hickman, has prepared a new polling memo which proves, once again, that John Edwards is the strongest and most electable candidate. You can view this memo by clicking here: http://johnedwards.c….

Back to Village Fest.  Wayne and the boys from the fab Sen. Hillary Clinton campaign had twinking lights and gave away free Hillary balloons to the young and to the young at heart.

Ed spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table with Richard and Kurt’s assistance.  The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers.  Bob M. of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Nobel Prize Winner Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot.

We also registered 16 voters last night, including two at the Unofficial Drinking Liberally (UODL) after-party at Bongo Johnny’s!  Keep turning the Coachella Valley blue!

I had the opportunity to begin the UODL a tad early as I had to leave Village Fest to begin my un-anniversary celebration (remember, Gov. Schwarzenegger will not allow Marriage Equality in CA or as a result, anniversaries either).  Anyway, I hopped over to Hunter’s Video Bar, and who did I see?  None other than Udo Kier, former Andy Warhol star and actor in such movies as ‘Blade,’ ‘Halloween,’ and Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Grindhouse.’  Yes, after an internal debate and a call to my un-husband, I decided to be the typical stareffer and bought Udo a bottle of water and schmoozed.

You never know what will happen when you are active in your community and working to Take Back California and America.  See you next Thursday night?!?!?!

Palm Springs Village Fest – October 11, 2007

October 12, 2007 – Palm Springs Village Fest Voter Registration and Candidate Information Tabling at Palm Canyon & Arenas, Palm Springs, CA, Thursday nights from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.  (Adult beverages enjoyed thereafter at the local pubs).  The atmosphere was as crystal clear as the country’s need for a change.  Locals mixed with visitors and the tables were once again crowded with eager and expectant crowd.

The Democratic clubs were well represented as usual with Desert Stonewall Democrats staffing one table thanks to Bob S, Treasurer, Randy, and Bill G.  The Democrats of the Desert staffed another table thanks to Eleanor who was the voter registrar extraordinaire!  In addition, representatives of the Palm Springs Democrats were there as well.

John Williams, Candidate for Palm Springs City Council, made an exciting visit to the Democratic Club tables in order to raise awareness about his plan to create jobs and expand existing businesses, to keep Palm Springs safe, to manage growth, and to support our senior citizens.  He has been endorsed for Palm Springs City Council by both the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club and the Palm Springs Demoratic Club.  John has been active in the community and currently serves as President of Small Hotels of Palm Springs, is a member of the Police Advisory Board, is a boardmember of the Mizell Senior Center, is a current member and former chair of the Historic Site Preservation Board for the City of Palm Springs, is secretary for the Warm Sands Neighborhood Organization, is treasurer of the Desert Business Association, and is a boardmember and co-chair of the fundraising committee of the Desert Women for Equality.

George Zander, President of the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, made a brief visit in order to schmooze and to raise the spirits of the crowds even further.  As usual, George was bedecked with buttons and stickers showing support for the candidacies of Steve Pougnet for Mayor of the City of Palm Springs, Williams for Palm Springs City Council, and Rick Hutcheson for Palm Springs City Council.

Paul Clay, declared Candidate for the 45th Congressional District also made a surprise visit with his wife.  Clay easily made connections with the politicians and volunteers who were surrounding the tables.

Hopefully, we will see more visits from Greg Pettis, Candidate for CA 80th Assembly District, Pougnet, Hutcheson, and Bob Mahlowitz, Candidate for Palm Springs City Council.

More exciting details below the flippity flopper…

We had representation at the tables from the Sen. John Edwards campaign, the consensus leader in most Iowa polls (represented by yours truly, captain of the Palm Springs for Edwards One Corps Chapter and Tiffany from the Coachella Valley John Edwards for President One Corps Chapter).  We distributed position papers from the John Edwards for President campaign, provided campaign buttons and bumper stickers, and solicited voters to register to vote.  Village Fest strollers were especially interested in the position papers on Education, the Transportation Workers’ Union endorsement of John Edwards for President, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and GLBT issues.  The bumper sticker reading “Support the Troops/End the War” was a big eye-catcher at the tables.

Wayne and the boys from the fab Sen. Hillary Clinton campaign had twinking lights and gave away free Hillary balloons to the young and to the young at heart.  Many visitors took the opportunity to get their picture taken with ‘Hillary.’

Ed spearheaded the Sen. Barack Obama table with Charlotte and the enthusiastic Doug and Ben.  The Obama people were active in collecting information from potential volunteers.

Bob M. and newcomer, Robert, of the Draft Al Gore campaign circulated petitions to get Gore on the 2008 California Democratic Primary ballot).

We also registered 21 voters last night!  This apparently bests the unofficial record this election cycle.  Way to go Desert Stonewall Democrats, Democrats of the Desert, and Palm Springs Democrats!  Keep making the Coachella Valley blue!

We had our weekly unofficial Drinking Liberally party (UODL)at Bongo Johnny’s (thanks to the generous two-for-one drink tickets).  Kudos as usual to bartender Douglas for the interesting libations!  Joining yours truly for a time of relaxation were Bob S. and Bill G. from the Desert Stonewall Democratic Club, Tracy from the Vets for Peace, etc., Bob M. from the Draft Al Gore Campaign, Charlotte from the Obama Campaign.

We UODLers, sans Bob S. then staggered over to Hunter’s Video Bar to entertain and to be entertained by equally enthusiastic dancers and registered voters from all corners of the planet.  Thanks especially to the dancer who made us all laugh and enjoy the scenery.

See you next Thursday night?!?!?!