PPIC Poll: Obama up, 98, Arnold’s Budget Down

PPIC released a new poll today, with their typical plethora of data. What else can I say but “Oooooh, fun!” The news is good for Obama, but not so much for Schwarzenegger or Howard Jarvis' corpse. Arnold's proposal to privatize the lottery and his budget overall are getting terrible numbers.

But, before we get to Arnold, if McSame ever planned on doing anything other than picking up checks in California, which he is doing today, perhaps he will reconsider after these numbers:

If the general election were held today, likely voters would favor Obama over McCain by 17 points (54% to 37%); likely voters also favor Clinton over McCain by 12 points (51% to 39%).

The fact that Obama has a larger lead than Clinton largely speaks to the fact that Obama is perceived to be the nominee. However, it does blow out of the water the “big states” argument that Clinton was using a few weeks back.

On Props 98 and 99  (I do some work for No 98/Yes 99), both 98 and 99 are under the 50% mark that usually indicates a tough slog to passage at this point.  With less than two weeks to go, Prop 98 is looking badly at 30% Yes, 48% No.  Prop 99 still has its head above water at 44% Yes, 36% No. That being said, the turnout model on this election is anybody's guess, so the pressure is on progressive organizations to turn out voters for the June 3 election. The Calitics Ed. Board has endorsed No on 98, Yes on 99. More on this and the budget over the flip.

Much of the problem with Prop 98 seems to stem from its elimination of rent control. Ignoring the state constitutional question of whether Prop 98 addresses more than one issue, the authors of Prop 98 once again overreached. You see, rent control is pretty popular here:

Attitudes toward rent control are favorable among both homeowners (51%) and renters (63%).  A majority of Democrats (66%) and half of independents (51%) favor rent control, while a majority of Republicans (53%) say it is a bad thing.

Those are pretty strong numbers overral in support of rent control, and this smarmy attack on rent control isn't likely to help the apartment owners.

Now, looking to the budget, Arnold's big plan to change Sacramento is now being seen for what it really is: the worst possible combination of pandering  and failed “solutions.” And it hits him where it hurts, Arnold's approval rating has slid to 41%, from 53% in December. Of course, the legislature's 26% approval is even more of a stinker.

The plan to sell or lease the lottery has been something of a disaster, as has Arnold's overall May revise:

Solid majorities of residents (58%) and likely voters (62%) oppose the governor’s plan to raise revenue by borrowing from future lottery earnings, but majorities of residents (54%) and likely voters (57%) favor a temporary increase in the state sales tax if the lottery plan fails.

Just 35 percent of residents and likely voters say they are satisfied with the budget plan proposed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger earlier this month. Majorities of residents (56%) and likely voters (57%) are dissatisfied with it. 

The support for a sales tax increase is interesting. From a progressive standpoint, would hope that if we are going to increase taxes, it is not a regressive tax like the sales tax. That being said, it is really quite heartening to see the idea of increased taxes not being reflexively dismissed.

PPIC included some polling on the 30th Anniversary of Prop 13, and it's really all over the place.  I think prop 13 as a principle just stands for low taxes or something like that, but the details still seem murky when the specifics get involved. See if you can decode these numbers:

As the 30th anniversary of the passage of Proposition 13 approaches next month, a solid majority (59%) of residents feel positive about the measure that limits property tax rates to 1 percent of assessed value at the time of purchase, restricts property tax increases to 2 percent a year, and requires a two-thirds majority vote to pass local special taxes.  Californians are more divided in their views of the measure’s effect on local government services (27% good effect, 28% bad effect, 29% no effect) and the fairness of the provision that requires homeowners who recently purchased a home to pay higher property taxes than longtime owners (41% favor this provision, 51% are opposed). 

See, the weird thing here is that these numbers conflict each other. Specifically how can you support the first part of the question without favoring the fact that recent homeowners have to pay more taxes? Of course, PPIC's pop quiz they included on their survey provides much of the answer to why these numbers are crazy: people don't understand the budget.  Only 20% of Californians knew that K12 was our largest expenditure, and just slightly under a third knew that the income tax is our greatest source of revenue.

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) May 24 Fundraiser for Progressive Pettis for CA 80th Assembly District

XPosted 5/9/2008 2:53 PM PDT on MyDesert.com

Andy Linsky

HRC Board of Directors*

and co-hosts

Palm Springs Mayor Steve Pougnet

Palm Springs City Councilmember Ginny Foat

Palm Springs City Councilmember Rick Hutcheson

Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund

Equality California

The Bottom Line Magazine

Palm Springs Democratic Club

Desert Stonewall Democratic Club

Invite you to meet

U.S. Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA)

and to join him in supporting

Greg Pettis

For California State Assembly (80th AD)

Saturday May 24, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.

Location for the Cocktail Reception at the home of Andy Linsky will be provided with a confirmed reservation

Suggested minimum contribution: $100 per person

Sponsor: $500 ~ Co-Host: $1000

Computer Generated; Labor Donated. © 2008 | Pettis for Assembly 2008 | P.O. Box 2692 Cathedral City, CA 92235-2692 | FPPC ID# 1285158

Contributions are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Limits to this campaign are $3600 per person, company or PAC

Reservations: [email protected] or (760) 841-3189

For more information, or to contribute online:


An interesting take on wind energy in CA

this comes from DailyKos blogger davidwalters.  It’s a diary on the ISO’s “Operations Preparedness Assessment” report.  It’s an interesting take on the limitations on the viability of wind energy to power our state–essentially concluding that wind energy does not have the ability to power all of our electrical needs, and advocates for nuclear energy.

Is it time to try to combat global warming by going nuclear?  Might seem so if 100% renewables can’t quite cut the infrastructure mustard just yet.

A Killer Data Point In the Latest California PPIC poll

The latest PPIC poll, a pretty decent one in California, has Barack Obama leading John McCain by 17 points, 54-37.  It’s a large sample size including 2003 Californians and 1086 likely voters, so it’s a fairly robust poll amongst age groups and ethnicities.  And if this data point is correct, Barack Obama looks VERY strong for November.

According to the poll, Obama leads McCain among Hispanics 69-20.

That’s a “game over” type of number if it holds.

Cast your memory back to the February primaries, and you may remember that Obama’s problem area was not white working-class voters, as they have been so eloquently called, but Hispanics.  Much ink was spilled over how Obama couldn’t connect with them, how there was all this antipathy between the black and brown communities, and it did manifest itself in the voting, at least in California.  Hillary Clinton cleaned up in the heavily Hispanic areas in Southern California.  In fact, it made up very nearly all of her delegate and popular vote win in the state.  She had the backing of the Latino establishment and worked them extremely hard to get out the vote, which they did in big numbers.

I don’t think anybody expected Obama to rebound among these voters this strongly, this soon.  But his favorables among Hispanics are right in line with his share of the vote over McCain, at 69%.

It’s one poll and it’s one data point.  But extrapolate it out.  The legendary figure is that Hispanics voted 44% for Bush in 2004.  That’s probably not true – it was probably around 39%.  However, that’s substantially larger than 20% – and remember that Bush only won by 3 points, and Hispanic voters may be a slightly higher share of the electorate this year.

Again, it’s one point in one poll, but if California’s Hispanics voted at similar rates to the rest of the country’s, then Colorado would be done, New Mexico would be done, Nevada would be close to done, Arizona would be in play, Texas would be in play, North Carolina and Georgia (with growing Hispanic regions) would be in play… you get the picture.  Rove’s “permanent Republican majority” relied on chipping away at a chunk of Hispanic voters while maintaining the white vote and building the coalition.  The fearmongering and demagoguery over immigration reform, even though McCain nominally supported it (until the primary), has tarnished the Republican brand significantly among this subgroup.  There’s no other explanation for these numbers.

If John McCain gets 20-25% of the Hispanic vote he can’t win the election.  The highest that Kerry ever polled among Hispanics was 59-31.  This is ten points below what Obama’s polling in California.  This is a bigger lead than Democrats had in 2006 among Hispanics.

I think it’s kind of a big deal.

(CA 80th AD) Manuel Perez’ Campaign Fights ‘Dirty Little War’ Against Frontrunner Greg Pettis

XPosted 5/21/2008 8:50 PM PDT on MyDesert.com in Blog by BluePalmSpringsBoyz

Well, well, well.  The character of a man is demonstrated when under pressure.  Seems that the leadership of Victor Manuel Perez, Democratic Candidate for the 80th Assembly District fails in more ways than one in the closing weeks of the campaign.

As suggested in the last electronic filing period, Greg Pettis has outraised and outspent his Democratic rivals combined.  Not just outraising Perez, but Perez, Gonzales, and Gutierrez combined!  The Desert Sun, in its editorial endorsement in the Democratic primary, echoed the endorsements of Lt. Gov. John Garamendi, former-Controller Steve Westly, State Controller John Chiang, State Board of Equalization Member Judy Chu, State Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, and State Assembly Speaker Pro Tem Sally Lieber in noting Pettis’ exceptional experience and accomplishments during more than 14 years as Cathedral City Councilmember and Cathedral City Mayor Pro-Tem.  The Desert Sun also noted that Pettis was sure to continue to be a presence in the Coachella Valley following election, in this writer’s opinion, much unlike U.S. Rep. Mary Bono Baxely Mack and State Assemblymember Bonnie Garcia.  Garamendi stated,

“I’m getting behind Greg Pettis because he has a long record of results that matter to families throughout the Coachella and Imperial Valleys, and the experience to deliver on the promise of creating a healthier California,” Garamendi said.

“We need to put this seat in the hands of someone who will be ready from the first day in office to make our health care system more affordable and accessible, to improve our economy by reducing the achievement gap in our schools and keeping college affordable for more students and to take the lead in combating global climate change,” Garamendi added.

More below the flip…

Now, with Pettis leading in the last Binder Poll by at least 7 percent, outraising and outspending his Democratic opponents, and garnering the endorsements on the State, County, and Municipal level of most progressive Democrats and all of the local Democratic Clubs which have thus far endorsed, Perez and his out-of-district cronies have launched a dirty little war against Pettis.

As noted in earlier blogging, Perez has vacilated and equivocated on Marriage Equality.  In Democratic Candidates’ forums in the West Valley and East Valley, when questioned directly on how he would vote on Marriage Equality in the State Assembly, Perez stated that he supported equal rights but avoided answering whether or not he would vote ‘yea’ on Marriage Equality in the Assembly.

Now, in blogging posts, his cronies employed by the AFL-CIO-labeled rogue union suggest that Perez is in favor of Marriage Equality.  Interesting.  My sources from elected Republican and Democratic sides of the aisle indicated that while Perez avows support for Marriage Equality in the West Valley before gay-dominated audiences, in the East Valley and Imperial Valley, he is highlighting Pettis ongoing and continual support for Marriage Equality in a Rovian manner.  We call that homphobia and gay-baiting.

Combine this information with the widely witnessed Perez statement before the Sun City Democratic Club in his opening remarks that he is not a member of ‘an Alternative Lifestyle,’ we get the picture.  The audience at Sun City recognized Perez’ statement for what it was – mudslinging at its repulsive worst.

Bloggers in the Perez camp pit the West Valley versus the East Valley in blogs, pit Latinos against the LGBT community, and pit the have-nots against the haves in blogs on mydesert.com and elsewhere.  I thought this beyond the pale.  I thought the Democratic Party the party of inclusion, not one that is divisive.  Apparently not for the Rovians in the Perez camp.

In addition, the ‘rogue union’ has begun a shadow campaign in conjunction with the Perez Rovians to sling mud of the slimiest sort.  Tens of thousands of dollars spent on long-discredited mud and slime.  All the while, the Rovians portray themselves as victims.

For anyone interested in a discussion of Democratic values and issues, the Perez tug is against the current and in the other direction.  Not surprising since it has not the issues: governmental and legislative experience, women’s issues and freedom of choice, LGBT issues and Marriage Equality, realistic plans to avoid budget cuts to our children’s schools and education, environmental and green issues, and a plan for universal healthcare for all children and adolescents.

Pettis has served with distinction on the Cathedral City Council for more than 13 years, advocating for the less advantaged, the uninsured, and the disenfranchised.  Hence, his strong support for universal healthcare for all children in the Coachella Valley, for improved educational opportunities for all children and school administrations that are accountable to the parents, teachers, faculty and staff and that actually serve the needs of the children, and for strengthened legislation that protects the environment.

California – National Organization for Women endorsed Pettis as the best candidate to preserve women’s rights and freedom of choice in the 80th Assembly District.  Perez had an opportunity for a dual endorsement, but could not articulate a position on freedom of choice.  Jeez Louise!  This is 2008.  A Democratic candidate unable to articulate a progressive position of reproductive choice has no business in the business of politics!

Equality California (EQCA) could not even consider Perez for endorsement because of his equivocation on Marriage Equality.  Now with his hypocracy, praising Marriage Equality in the West Valley and whispering about Pettis’ support for Marriage Equality in the East and Imperial Valleys, Perez could not even gain an audience with EQCA.

Pettis delivered a plan to protect our children and our schools from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s budget cuts.  On the other hand, Perez nearly bankrupted the Coachella Valley Unified School District, turning to monies from the State that resulted in the State of California placing the CVUSD into trusteeship.  Man, three of his colleagues on the CVUSD could not tolerate his devastating leadership there, opting for another Democratic candidate, Rick Gonzales.

We thought that we were done with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove after seven devastating years of lies and deception.  Seems that Rove is alive and well in the Coachella Valley.

Who Speaks for Calitics

Occasionally people want to use the name Calitics for promotional purposes. As in “Calitics said X about Candidate Y.” That’s ok, but we only if Calitics did actually say that.  “Calitics says” can only be attributed to 6 people, our editorial board.  To be specific, the following 6 people are allowed to speak for Calitics:

Robert (from Monterrey) Cruickshank

David Dayen

Brian Leubitz

Lucas O’Connor

Julia Rosen

Jeremy Woodburn

If one of those 6 people did not write it, then please make it specifically clear that Calitics did not say whichever statement you are intending to credit, rather say “a diarist JohnDoe wrote at Calitics” or something equivalent.

Al Gore on California Education Funding

(full disclosure: I work for Courage)

Vice President Al Gore recorded a video and wrote an email to Courage Campaign members about the importance of investing in education even during a time of economic crisis.

In it Al Gore asks for people to respond back to him directly on Current.com with either a video response or text.  They have a pretty nifty tool that will detect a webcam on your computer and let you respond right there, just scroll down to the bottom.

On Monday, I went to the capitol and filmed 18 different Assemblymembers responding to Al Gore.  Dave has been cutting them into individual videos and uploading them.  Below the fold is the rest of the email from Gore.  I had hoped to be able to embed those videos from the Assemblymembers here, but the code from Current is not playing nicely, so you will have to click the link to see.

Assemblyman Anthony Portantino AD-44, Assemblywoman Betty Karnette AD-54, Assemblyman Dave Jones, AD-09, Assemblyman Kevin DeLeon AD-45, Assemblyman Ed Hernandez AD-57, Assemblyman Hector De La Torre AD-50, Assemblyman John Laird AD-27, Assemblyman Lloyd Levine AD-40, Assemblyman Lori Saldana AD-76, Assemblyman Sandré Swanson AD-16 and there are a few more coming including Speaker Karen Bass.

Dear Julia,

I don’t write emails like this often.

But, with Californians facing a massive budget crisis and potentially devastating cuts to education, I feel compelled to speak out. As members of the Courage Campaign community, I hope you will speak out as well.

I recorded this one-minute video for the Courage Campaign on Current.com. Please watch it and let me know what you think by recording a short video or written response of your own.

Jann Wenner, the publisher of Rolling Stone magazine, asked me an interesting question in an interview a few months ago:

“How do we engineer the sweeping social and political and industrial change that we need in a short period of time, from top to bottom?”

My answer is that we must create a shift in consciousness — and, education is the catalyst for this shift.

That’s why I recorded this video for the Courage Campaign. Please watch it on Current.com and, if you feel so inspired, respond with a webcam video or text response of your own.

Education is not a partisan issue. It is a crucial building block toward creating a more informed democracy. We can solve the climate crisis, and every other problem facing our nation, if we begin by transforming America’s priorities on education.

As parents, teachers and students speak out about these proposed cuts, they need your support, now more than ever. Please forward this message to your friends who care about the future of California and our country as much as you do.

I hope you will take a moment today to record a short webcam video or write a response to my video. Your voice, and the voices of your friends, can change the conversation in California.

Thank you,

Al Gore

Lots of thanks to Steve Maviglio for help getting the legislators to come give their responses to Gore.

CA-04…Been There, Done That, Gotten a Few Holes In His T-Shirt (Special Message from Max Cleland)


Earlier this month, I campaigned with my friend and brother, Retired USAF Lt. Col. Charlie Brown.  I was proud to be with him as he unveiled his first TV ad of the 2008 campaign.  

The room that morning was a story unto itself.  Veterans young and old, standing shoulder to shoulder to support a man who understands what it’s like to put your life on the line for our country—a leader who understands what it means to make and keep a promise.  

Charlie’s campaign has always been different.  That’s why he’s donating 5% of every dollar he raises to help veteran service providers throughout the area.  But he’s not just giving back, he’s giving hope to all who are looking for a higher standard of leadership in Washington.  

We need Charlie in Congress.  He’s been there for our country.  Now I’m asking you to join me in being there for him.

Please take a moment and contribute to Charlie right now.

I put together a short web video during my visit so I can tell you personally, what this race and this candidate means to our country.

Visit Charlie’s website to check out my short web video, or you can watch it here on YouTube or here below:

Charlie’s opponents are career politicians who have spent millions of dollars attacking one another.  They’ve even attacked Charlie’s historic Veterans Charity Challenge program.  Every dollar they spend on petty squabbling and empty sound bites is a reminder of why Washington is broken and why we need new leadership in Congress.  

Take a minute right now, view Charlie’s new TV commercial and make a donation to his campaign.  Make a commitment to creating a different kind of politics.  

“Patriotism before Partisanship” is not just the mission of Charlie’s campaign-but the clear choice that confronts the people of District 4 in this election.

That’s why the nation’s largest organization for Independents, as well as the largest political group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have both endorsed Charlie’s candidacy.

And it’s why I am asking you to help today-to help Charlie raise the $100,000 he needs to spread his positive message across the 17,000 square miles of District Four before June 3rd.

I’ll be back to campaign with Charlie again.  And when I do, with your help, I’ll be seeing this great TV commercial on the air.  

Please Contribute Now.

Thanks in advance for your continued support.



U.S. Senator Max Cleland

Captain, U.S. Army, Retired

P.S.   Please stand strong with Charlie Brown right now, so he can stand strong for us in Washington.   Contribute what you can to help keep Charlie’s ad on the air today.

SD Mayor – Steve Francis Runs Against George Bush

So today, I received the latest volley of Steve Francis mailers (it’s been an average of two a day for the last two weeks).  Today, there was the regular Francis stuff, but also another one that would seem to be clearly targeted at people who think (for a change).  This one only mentions Steve Francis in the return address.

It has a big picture of Mayor Jerry Sanders standing next to George H.W. Bush, with the caption “Why has the Republican Party endorsed Jerry Sanders for Mayor?”  It goe on to answer with statements such as “Because Sanders has no plan to protect the environment . . . Because Sanders gives favors to fat cat developers . . .” and so on.

This is really funny to me, because as I understand it, Francis is a Republican too (we do have a rather pathetic set of options this time – but I can’t blame anyone for not wanting the job anyway).  You really would think the Democratic Party, or a labor union made up this mailer.

At this point, I am inclined to think that Steve Francis really does not have any ambition beyond Mayor, because I can’t think that clowns like Ron Nehring will ever forgive him for something like this.

In any case, it is the first time I’ve actually seen proof of a Republican (and yes, I know that it’s a nonpartisan office – LOL) actively running against GWB in this way.  I frankly have been skeptical that any Republican would actually violate St. Ronnie’s commandment about speaking ill of another GOPer, but there it is.

Is it really a trend?  Has anyone else seen something like this?  This really is a remarkable election year.